Chapter 1


“Hey, Riss, you okay?” asked a voice.


Marissa blinked, finding herself looking up into the eyes of her boyfriend, Shawn Roberts.


“Uh… yeah,” she mumbled, struggling to sit up.  He offered her his hand and helped her up. 


Marissa looked around the room and realized she was in one of the bedrooms of the house she had been partying in.  “What happened?” she asked.


“You passed out.  Too much to drink, I guess.  Luke and I carried you in here,” Shawn replied.


“How long have I been out?” she asked.


“Just about ten minutes,” he said.  “You ready to go home now?”


“Yeah,” she said.  She looked up at him.  “You driving?”


“Of course,” he said.


She studied him.  “How much did you drink?”


Shawn eyed her defensively.  “Not enough to pass out,” he said.  Her face reddened, and he continued in a kinder tone, “Don’t worry, I can drive.”


“Well… okay,” Marissa said, shrugging.  She knew he was drunk too and shouldn’t be driving, but what was her other alternative?  Call her parents to come get her?  Yeah right.  They would kill her!


“Luke and Kaelyn are waiting for us,” Shawn said, taking Marissa’s hand and leading her out of the room, through the large rec room, where people still partied, and to the front door, where Marissa’s best friend, Kaelyn Ross, and her boyfriend Luke Milton, who was Shawn’s best friend, stood.


“Hey, Marissa, are you all right?” Kaelyn asked, her now glassy, baby blue eyes filling with concern.


“I’m fine,” Marissa replied, tucking a lock of her cropped, dark hair behind her ear.   “Let’s go.”




Nick Carter bounced around on the sofa in Brian Littrell’s living room, feeling euphoric.   He and the rest of his group, the Backstreet Boys, had just finished their concert in Atlanta, Georgia.  The concert had gone perfectly, and now that it was done, they had two days off before their next concert in Philadelphia.  


The only thing they had to do was perform at the Superbowl the next evening, but he was looking forward to that.   Plus, not only was it Superbowl day tomorrow, it was his twenty-first birthday as well, something he had been looking forward to for months. 


 The Boys didn’t have to leave for Tampa, where the Superbowl was being held, until mid-morning the next day, so for that night, they were to stay in Atlanta.  Since Brian happened to live just outside Atlanta, with his new wife, Leighanne, he had invited his four bandmates to stay with him, rather than paying to stay in a hotel.


“Jeez, Nick, calm down,” Kevin Richardson said, chuckling as he watched his younger friend. 


“Sorry, I’m just in a great mood,” Nick said, bouncing once more and then settling down on the couch.  “So, what are we going to do?”


Brian glanced at his watch.  “It’s already almost midnight.  What is there to do at this time of night?”


“I dunno, but we gotta do something,” Nick whined. 


“We could go clubbing,” AJ McLean suggested.  AJ loved to hit the clubs.


“Naw, Bone, I don’t wanna tonight.  I’m tired.  Maybe tomorrow,” Howie Dorough said.


“Okay,” AJ said with a shrug.  “I guess I’m kinda tired too.”


“I’m not!” Nick said.  “Come on, guys, let’s do something.”


Brian yawned.  “You’re really not tired, Frack?” he asked incredulously.  “I know I am.”


“No,” Nick said, shaking his head vigorously.  “I’m wide awake.  And bored.”


“That’s cause you have such a short attention span,” Kevin said.  The rest of the guys chuckled, knowing how true that was.


Nick ignored them.  He was used to them picking on him, just because he was the youngest.  “Hey, we could watch a movie,” he suggested.


“Okay,” they said half-heartedly. 


“Whatcha got, Bri?” Nick asked Brian, scooting onto the floor to poke through Brian’s shelves of movies.   He pawed through them all for a few minutes and announced, “I don’t wanna watch any of these.  Can we go rent some?”


“Aw, Nick, I don’t really wanna go out again,” Brian said. 


“You don’t have to.  I’ll go,” Nick replied.


“Well… I dunno, Nick.  You don’t really know the area well,” Brian said.


“I’m not stupid.  I can find a video store,” Nick whined.  “Where’s the closest one?”


Brian sighed, then realizing Nick wasn’t going to back down, he gave Nick directions for the closest store.


“Anyone coming with me?” Nick asked, glancing at the other three.   AJ and Howie shook their heads.


“Will you be okay going by yourself, Nick?” Kevin asked.  He didn’t want to go either, but he wasn’t sure he liked the idea of Nick going all by himself.


Nick rolled his eyes.  “Kev, I’m not a kid anymore, okay?  I’ll be fine.”


“Okay, sorry,” Kevin said. 


“Here, you can take my car,” Brian said, handing the keys to his sporty little BMW to Nick. 


“Thanks, Frick,” Nick replied, taking the keys from his hand.


“Wear your jacket.  It’s freezing out,” Kevin warned, as Nick started for the door in only his sweater.  “And grab your cell too.”


Nick rolled his eyes again, but put on his long coat, dropping his cell phone into one of the pockets.  “See you guys later,” he said, and headed out the door.


“Drive care-“ Kevin started to call, but the slam of the door cut him off.  


Brian watched his cousin with an amused expression on his face.  “Dude, you’ve got to lay off the concerned mother routine,” he said, chuckling.


Kevin cracked a smile, rolling his eyes.  Just as Nick was used to being picked on for being the youngest one, Kevin was used to being teased for being the oldest one and the most concerned.   But he couldn’t help it.  Over the years, he had unofficially become their leader, and he felt it was his job to watch over the rest of them.   Even if it did get annoying to them.







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