Chapter 13


At four-thirty, a nurse came into the waiting room, where Jane, Kevin, Howie, AJ, and Brian sat anxiously. 


“Nick’s been prepped for surgery and taken up to the surgical holding area,” she informed them.  “Dr. Madden’s running a little behind schedule, so it could be a little longer before he actually goes into the OR.  Would you like to see him before the surgery?”


Jane nodded.  “Yes, that would be great,” she said.


“Okay,” the nurse said, smiling pleasantly.  “I’ll take you all downstairs to the surgical floor then.”


“Thank you,” Jane said.


The nurse nodded, and started out of the room, motioning for them to follow her.


The five of them took the elevator to the surgical floor, and once there, the nurse led them down the hall to an area with many patients in it, each separated by a curtain.  She led them to one of the corners, where they saw Nick lying on a gurney.  “Go ahead and spend some time with him.  We’ll be back to take him to surgery in a little bit.”


“Okay,” Jane said.  “Thanks.”


“No problem,” the nurse replied, walking away.


When she had gone, Jane approached the gurney on which her son lay, just as still as ever.  “Hi, baby,” she murmured, giving his hand a tender squeeze.  “It’s Mom.  I’m here, and so are the guys.”


“Hey, Frack,” Brian spoke up, his voice catching in his throat.  He would never get used to seeing Nick like that, so inert and lifeless.  He studied Nick, struggling to hold back his tears as he did so.  Nick’s face was colorless, except for the purplish bruises that dotted his forehead and temples.  The bandages around his head had been removed, and he could see stitched-up cuts running across his forehead, embellishing an arc-shaped bruise that had obviously come from his head crashing into the steering wheel.


“Hey, Nick,” the others mumbled. 


They spent the next twenty minutes making small talk to Nick’s still form, not even sure if he could hear them or not.  Then, finally, the nurse from before came back with some other nurses and attendants. 


“It’s time to take him to the OR,” the nurse explained to Jane.


Jane nodded nervously, grasping tightly to Nick’s limp hand.  She bent and gave it a tender kiss, then forced herself to step away.  “We’ll see you later, baby,” she whispered.  “Be strong.”


Unable to speak, the four guys stepped back from their friend as well, reluctantly following Jane from the room.




An hour later, they sat in a waiting room on the surgical floor, nervously awaiting news on Nick. 


They all looked up at once when the door opened.  Brian’s heart began to pound rapidly when he saw Dr. Madden walk into the room.  His expression was unreadable.


“Nick made it through the surgery just fine,” the doctor said.  “He’s in Recovery right now and will be there for the next couple hours, just so we can monitor him.”


Jane nodded.  “So, you drained the fluid?” she asked.


Dr. Madden nodded.  “Yes,” he said.  “The pressure and swelling of his brain should go down now.  Then we just have to wait.”


“What are his odds?”  They all turned to look at AJ, who had asked the question.


Dr. Madden cleared his throats.  “I’m going to be honest with you,” he started, and they knew right away it was not good.  “Even with the pressure being released from his brain, the odds aren’t very good.  I’d say his chance of surviving is 30-70.”  Brian’s heart sank.  Those weren’t good odds at all.  “And while I’m talking to you about this kind of thing, I just want you to be prepared.  Even if Nick does pull through, there’s a good chance he’ll never be normal again.  He could have severe brain damage and be impaired for the rest of his life.”


Jane began to cry right then.  “Oh, my God,” she murmured, her voice shaking with tears.


“I’m sorry to tell you that, Mrs. Carter,” Dr. Madden said, looking down on her sympathetically, “but I think you should know the truth.  It’s not a sure thing; I just want you to be prepared for the worst.”


Jane was unable to say anything with the flood of tears that spilled from within her. 


“Thank you, Dr. Madden,” Kevin said bitterly. 


Dr. Madden gave a quick nod and left the room, leaving them to be alone in their grief at the discouraging news they had just been given.




A week after the crash, Marissa was still having nightmares every night.  She had not gone to school all week and didn’t know when she would ever go back.  She was in no emotional state to be there, she knew that much.  Just the thought of it made her wince.


She had thought that as time passed, things would get better.  But they had not.  She was not even near getting over the crash.   She didn’t talk to Kaelyn very much, but when she did, Kaelyn always seemed depressed and emotional, sounding on the verge of tears nearly all the time.  Marissa worried about her greatly.  She herself had been emotionally scarred by what had happened that night, but she knew Kaelyn was even worse off than she was, for Kaelyn had lost Luke, her boyfriend, the boy she loved with all her heart.  Could she ever get over the pain of that loss?  Marissa wasn’t sure. 


As worries about her best friend flooded Marissa’s mind, worries over someone else flowed through her as well.  That someone was Nick.  Marissa hadn’t heard anything on his condition since Monday’s TRL.  She was partly uneasy by this, yet partly relieved.  She had hoped to hear that he was getting better and would make a full recovery, and hearing nothing disappointed her.  Yet, in some ways, it was a good thing, for she knew that if he had died, MTV would be the first to find out, and she’d hear about it right away.   And that was definitely something she didn’t want to hear.  She wasn’t sure she could handle Nick dying, with Luke already being dead.  What would happen if Nick died too?  Not only would she be hit with double the grief, but millions of girls worldwide would literally hate her.  Just thinking about it brought tears to Marissa’s eyes.


 Why had this happened to her?  Just a week ago, she had been a normal teenage girl, having fun with her friends at a party, with not a care in the world.  And then, because of one stupid mistake, one wrong decision, she had been jolted into this horrible world of pain and guilt.  She wanted to ask what she had done to deserve it, but she knew that was a stupid question.  She had been drinking, and so had Shawn, and she had let him drive her home.  If she had been responsible, none of it would have happened.  She would probably be going to another party that very night.  Luke would be alive, Nick would be fine, and they would all be happy.  If only they could be happy like that again.  If only…







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