Chapter 4


“Hey, what’s taking Nick so long?” Kevin asked, glancing at his watch.  “How far away is that video store?”


“Just about ten minutes away,” Brian said.  “But you know how picky Nick can be.”


“Yeah,” AJ said.  “He’s probably still trying to decide what movies to get.  Don’t worry, Kev, he’ll be back soon.”


Kevin nodded, settling back on the couch to wait, trying to ignore the strange feeling deep inside him, the feeling that something wasn’t right.




“Shit, here comes the police,” Shawn said to Marissa, his eyes widening as a squad car approached, its lights flashing brightly.   He scooted from his perch on the hood of his car as the police car stopped, and two officers climbed out.


“How many people are injured?” one of them asked, as they both hurried over to Shawn and Marissa. 


“Two,” Marissa replied.  “But one’s already dead.  Luke,” she said sadly, motioning to the backseat of the car, where Kaelyn still sat, sobbing and cradling her dead boyfriend’s body in her arms.


“And the other?” the officer asked.


Shawn nodded to the other car.  “The driver of that one’s hurt pretty bad, I think,” he said.  “W… we didn’t know what to do.”

The officer nodded and hurried off towards the other car.  The other officer remained behind with Shawn and Marissa. 


“My name’s Officer Kennel.  Can I get your names, please?” he asked.


“Shawn Roberts,” Shawn replied.


“And I’m Marissa Cohen,” Marissa said.


The officer nodded.   “Can you explain what happened?” he asked.


“We… uh… we were just driving along, and that car came out of nowhere.  I… I didn’t even see it until it was too late.  I tried to swerve out of the way, but it hit us,” Shawn stammered.


“Was it in the wrong lane?” Kennel asked.


“Um…”  Shawn looked to Marissa for help.


“No,” she said softly.  “We were in the wrong lane.”


He studied them for a moment, then asked, “Kids, have you been drinking tonight?”


Marissa felt her face grow red.  “Well…” 


“No, sir,” Shawn interrupted, his eyes focusing on the ground.


Marissa glanced at him quickly, surprised that he would just lie like that.  “Officer, I did have a few drinks,” she admitted, not wanting to get in even more trouble for lying to him, as Shawn had done.


He nodded.  “How old are you?” he asked.


“Eighteen,” she said, glancing down. 


“And do you know what the legal drinking age is?”


“Twenty one,” she replied, ashamed.  “I’m sorry.”


He nodded.  “I want you to go over by the police car over there for a little bit, okay?”


She nodded, hurrying over to the car.  There, she stood, watching as Kennel continued to talk to Shawn.


“So, sir, you’re telling me you haven’t had any alcohol to drink tonight?” Kennel asked.


“Yes, sir.  No alcohol,” Shawn confirmed.


“Okay.  I need you to do a few things for me then,” Kennel said.


“Okay…” Shawn replied slowly.


Kennel took him by the shoulder and led him to the side of the road.  As he did so, two ambulances pulled up, and some paramedics hopped out.  “Over there,” Kennel instructed one group, pointing to Nick’s car.  They nodded and hurried over, while the others went to Shawn’s car.


Kennel turned back to Shawn.  “Okay, sir, you see this line here?” he asked, pointing down to the white line marking the edge of the road.  Shawn nodded.  “I want you to walk straight down it, one foot in front of the other.”


“Sure,” Shawn said, relieved.  This would be easy.  He started down the line, surprised when he discovered it was a lot harder than he had expected to stay on the line.  He kept losing his balance and staggering.   “My balance has never been to good,” he said sheepishly to Officer Kennel when he reached the end, feeling the need to defend himself. 


Kennel said nothing.  He pulled a small flashlight out of his pocket and turned it on.  “I need to take a look at your eyes,” he said, holding the light up to Shawn’s eyes.  “Follow the light with your eyes, but don’t move your head.”  Shawn did so, wondering what the officer was looking for.


When that was done, Kennel pulled another piece of equipment out.  “This is a breathalyzer,” he said.  “I need you to breathe into this for me, okay?”


“Uh… sure,” Shawn said.  Shit, his mind screamed.  He knew this was a device for measuring his blood alcohol concentration.  His heart sank, knowing that once he had breathed into it, the officer would know how much he really had drunken that night.


But, knowing he couldn’t refuse to do the test, he breathed into the breathalyzer.  Kennel stared at it for a moment, waiting for the results to show up.  When they did, he looked up at Shawn, his eyes narrowing.  “Son, your BAC is at .13.  The legal limit for people of legal age is .08.  According to the Zero Tolerance law, the limit for minors is nothing.   You’re under arrest.”







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