Spreading the Despair

By Christine and Marissa


Lance Bass sat on the examining table in shock. He couldn't believe what his doctor had just told him. Could he really have what Dr. Farmer had diagnosed. It was to horrible to even think about.

"I'm sorry to give you such bad news, Lance," Dr. Dick Farmer said sympathetically. "But, just remember, this disease can be treated. Here's a prescription for a drug that should help."

Lance took the slip of paper from Dr. Farmer and nodded.

"Thanks, Dr. Farmer," he said. He reached out to hug the doctor. The middle aged doctor looked at him oddly for a moment, then gingerly hugged Lance.

"Good-bye, Lance. Call me if you have any problems," he said, as Lance headed out the door.

"Oh, I'll be sure to," Lance said. He flashed Dr. Farmer a quick smile, then strolled down the hall.

As he got in his car and headed home, he grew worried. What was he going to tell the other guys? Especially JC. He and JC were very close. He knew JC was going to take this news hard.

He pushed the thought of telling the guys out of his mind and thought about the disease itself. Where had he gotten it? He was usually so careful. How could he have gotten such a horrible thing?

Lance needed to clear his mind. He turned on the radio. Shania Twain's "I Feel Like a Woman" was playing.

"I love this song!" Lance exclaimed happily. He began to get down and funky as he sang along. "Man! I feel like a woman," Lance sang.

By the time the song had ended, Lance was pulling into his driveway. He climbed out of the car, and slowly entered his house. He hoped JC wasn't there. But, as he entered the living room, his worst fears were confirmed when he saw JC lounging on the loveseat.

"Hey, Lance!" JC cried. "Where have you been?"

"Oh, nowhere," Lance lied. Come on, Lance! Face your fear! Tell him the truth! Lance thought. But he said nothing. Instead he turned his attention to the TV. Christopher Lowell was on. "Ooh, I love this show!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands. He sat down on the loveseat next to JC.

"Oh, I know. I love this show too," JC said. "Christopher Lowell is my absolute favorite interior decorator."

"Mine too," Lance agreed.

"You know, Lance, someday, when this 'N Sync thing is over, I think I might like to go into interior decorating," JC said thoughtfully.

"What a super idea!" Lance said brightly. "Oh, JC, you would make a magnificent interior decorator."

"Why thank you, Lance," JC said, pleased. "When I do become one, I'll decorate your house for free."

Lance grinned. "Oh, JC, you are so wonderful. I don't deserve you."

"Sure you do, Lance. We were meant for each other," JC assured him.

Just then, Justin walked in the door. "Yo, 'sup, homies?" he asked.

"Not much," JC said casually.

"Just chillin' in the crib, watchin' the tube?" Justin asked.

"Yeppers, that's about it," Lance said.

"Yo, isn't that Chris Lowell, g?" Justin asked Lance.

"It sure is," Lance said, his eyes gleaming.

"Yo, he be a phat dude," Justin said.

"Yeah, he is," JC said. "I just love him."

"Me too," Lance said.

"Word!" Justin cried. Lance and JC just stared at him.

"Hey, Justin, I think we need to talk," Lance said, remembering something.

"Yo, what about, g?" Justin asked.

"Come upstairs with me. It's kind of private," Lance said. JC shot them an odd look, but said nothing.

Lance led Justin upstairs to his bedroom. "Justin, I don't want to offend you, but I just got some bad news from my doctor, and there's something I need to ask you."

"Yo, just spill, g," Justin said.

Lance took a deep breath. "Justin, do you have genital herpes?"

Justin's eyes widened. "Who you talkin' to, g? Me? Herpes, yo?"

"So, you don't?" Lance asked, confused.

"Well, yeah, I guess I do, g," Justin admitted.

"So you do have herpes?" Lance questioned.

"Yeah, I do," Justin said.

"Where did you get them?" Lance asked. "How long have you had them?"

"Yo, g, chill! Yo, I had 'em fo 'while now, yo. And I gots 'em from my ho, Britney," Justin replied.

"Britney?! Who did she get them from?" Lance asked.

"Hells, how am I supposed to know dat?" Justin asked. "Britney gots herself so many partners, she don't even know who gave her da herpes. She be a slut, ya know what I'm sayin'!" Suddenly, he stopped and scratched his afro hairdo. "Yo, bitch, why you be axin about da herpes anyways?"

"Well," Lance said shyly, blushing. "I think I contracted them from you."

"What?! You gots da herpes from me?" Justin asked, incredulously. Lance nodded. "Yo, you sure, g?" Justin asked. Lance nodded again.

"The only sexual partners I've had are you and JC. JC and I have been doing it together for years. And I know he's faithful to me. I'm his only love. He couldn't have herpes. I had to have gotten them from you," Lance explained.

"Yo, that sux, g!" Justin said. "Whatcha gonna tell JC?"

"That's the problem," Lance said, hanging his head. "I don't know how to tell him. He'll want to know where I got them, and then I'd have to explain about you and I. I can't believe this. We only had sex that once, and I got an STD from you. What if JC doesn't love me anymore?" Lance asked, beginning to cry. Justin wrapped his arms around him.

"Yo, don't be cryin' now, g. You be my boy, and-" Justin was interrupted by Lance.

"Justin, stop! Come on know, you know I'm not really a boy. Can't you just be politically correct?" he exploded.

"Yo, I be sorry, g. I meants to say, you be my hermaphrodite," Justin corrected.

"Thanks," Lance said. He smiled at Justin and batted his eyelashes flirtily. "Thanks for comforting me."

"Yo, no prob, g," Justin replied. "Now, you better get yo fine booty down der and tell JC 'bout all a dis."

Lance sighed. "Ok, Justin, I will," he said. "Thanks again!"

"Yo, no prob, g," Justin said. "I gonna drive to Brit's crib now to see if she wanna get down wit me, yo."

"Okay, see you later, Justin. Toodles!" They both walked downstairs. Justin quickly said good-bye to JC and left, leaving Lance sitting awkwardly on the loveseat next to JC.

"Christopher Lowell just ended," JC said sadly.

"JC, we need to talk," Lance said solemnly.

"Sure, Lancie, anything for you," JC said, smiling at Lance. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, JC, I have a confession to make," Lance said, nervously.

"Lance, babe, I already know you are a hermaphrodite," JC said, before Lance could even begin.

"No!" Lance cried. "I mean, yes, I am, but that's not what I was going to tell you."

"Oh," JC said. "Well, what were you going to say? Spill, sweetcakes."

"Well," Lance said, "I. . . I. . ."

"Quit beating around the bush and tell me, hun," JC said eagerly. "What is it?"

"I have genital herpes," Lance blurted out. JC's eyes widened.

"Really?! How in the world would you get a thing like that? I mean, I know we never use condoms, but still, I know I don't have herpes, or any STD, for that matter. You are my one and only, Lancie," JC said.

"I know, JC," Lance said. "I know I didn't get them from you."

"Oh?" JC said, a questioning look in his eyes. "Well, where on Earth did you get them then?"

"From Justin," Lance admitted in a small voice.

"JUSTIN?!?!" JC cried. His eyes flashed angrily. "You mean you slept with Justin!?!?!"

Lance nodded meekly. "It was only once, JC. He pressured me into it. But I don't love him. I love you, I swear!!"

JC said nothing. He just stared bitterly at Lance. "You betrayed me, Lance. How could you do such a thing? You are such a meanie!"

Lance began to cry. How could JC say such horrific things to him? "But, JC-" he started, but was cut off.

"No buts, Lance! It's over!" JC cried, interrupting him.

"No butts?!" Lance cried, horrified. "But, JC, I thought we were going to have butt sex tonight!"

"I will never have butt sex with you again!" JC yelled. "Lance Bass, you are a cheater! I don't want any contact with you at all! Just stay out of my life!"

"But, JC, what about the group? How can we stay apart if we are in 'N Sync together?" Lance cried.

"I'll go solo!" JC cried. "I don't need to be in that retarded group that just copies off of the Backstreet Boys all of the time!"

"But JC, you won't make any money! You know the only reason we're successful is because of Justin! He's the only one who has actual fans!" Lance pointed out.

JC considered this for a moment. "You have a point there, Lance. Without Justin, we are all nobody's. None of us have any real talent anyways. I could never make any money going solo," he said.

"Right JC," said Lance, happy that his true love was going to stay in the group. It was true - Justin was the only one who could get the stupid little teenyboppers aroused. He was the only one who could make the teenyboppers buy ten copies each of their CDs in order to break the Backstreet Boys' record. Without him, 'N Sync would be lost. "So, you're still in the group?" Lance asked hopefully.

JC shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so," he said.

"Are you still mad at me?" Lance asked, his lower lip quivering.

JC was about to snap at him when he noticed tears filling Lance's eyes. "Oh, Lance, buttercup, don't cry. You know, I can't stay mad at you for long, even if you did have sex with another man and contact herpes."

"Aw, shucks, JC," Lance said, smiling slightly. JC held out his arms, and Lance eagerly threw himself into JC's embrace. "I love you so much!" he cried.

"Oh, Lancie, baby, I love you too!" JC replied, hugging Lance tightly.

"I promise I will never have sex with Justin again," Lance vowed. "he wasn't good in bed at all. In fact, the reason why we didn't use a condom was because Justin JR. wouldn't fit into one."

JC began to laugh. "I'm glad we're back together, Lanceton," he said happily.

"Oh, me too," Lance agreed. "Me too."

"Hey, what do you say we go get some ice cream and hit a movie afterwards?" JC suggested.

"Sounds super!" Lance exclaimed, joyfully. "What should we see?"

"How about Center Stage?" JC asked.

"Ooh, goody!" Lance cried.

"Yeah, you can relive your dream to become a ballerina," JC said.

"Yeah!" Lance said fondly, remembering the days when he would dance around his bedroom wearing a pink leotard and tutu.

So, a few minutes later, hand in hand, JC and Lance left their house and headed out on their date. Lance was relieved. The truth had been told, and JC still loved him. As long as none of the fans found out about them, things were perfect. They would go on with their lives, pretending to be straight males in a boyband that actually had talent and didn't copy off of other groups. But in their hearts, they were just JC and Lance, secret gay lovers with no talent in an ugly, pathetic boyband that copied off of the Backstreet Boys because they were to stupid to think of ideas on their own. Now that you know the truth, think twice before buying the next 'N Sync CD. You know the truth behind the members of this pathetic excuse for a music group.

The End


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