Part 2
By Sammy
“Hey Brian!!!” Nick’s voice broke through Brian’s reverie.  Brian lazily rolled his head over to the side to
 look at his loud friend.
“Yes Nick?” he asked slowly.  Nick continued to bounce up and down excitedly, much like he did when he was fourteen.
“Aren’t you excited?” he gushed?  Brian closed his eyes.
“No, I’m tired,” he said.  Nick’s bouncing quickly came to a halt as he looked at his friend with wide eyes.
“What’s a matter B?” he asked his voice filled with concerned.  Brian realized that the tone of voice he
 had used was the wrong one.
“Nothing, I’m sorry Nick, it’s just I’m tired… hopefully I’ll be able to sleep on this plane ride,” he said.
  Nick nodded as he absorbed the information he had been given.
“I see,” he said.  “Well anyway… guess what!!!”  
He once again began to bounce, and the question of “How many Twinkies was Nick given this time?” crossed Brian’s thoughts.
“What, Nick?” he humored.
“I’m not freaked out!!!” Nick exclaimed.  Brian smiled with genuine happiness. Usually his best friend was
 gripping the seats the whole time, but this time was different.
“Why is that?” he asked, truly curious.  Nick shrugged.
“I don’t know.  Maybe it’s because I’ve become immune to it or something like th-“ he was interrupted
 when the large jet did a small, but sharp dip.  Brian’s stomach did a small leap, causing him to look down.
  When the plane righted itself Brian came back up.
“That wasn’t too bad,” he acknowledged aloud.  “Right Nick?  Nick?”  When he didn’t get a response he
 turned to look at Nick.
There was Nick, clutching the seat and his eyes shut tight.  Brian could have sworn he heard the Lord’s
 Prayer being said.  This was going to be an even longer plane ride then Brian expected.
