Chapter 14


We may have been happy, but there were others who were not.  Many miles away, in a prison just outside of Orlando, four men were definitely not happy. 


“I can’t believe we ever went through with that,” JC moaned, burying his face in his hands.


“Don’t fret, JC,” said Lance, patting JC’s back.


“Get off me, Lance!” JC yelled, shaking Lance’s hand off of him. 


“Sorry,” Lance said, sighing. 


“JC, dude, this is all your fault,” Chris said, glaring at JC.  “You blew our cover!  Without you, those damn Backstreet Boys would be dead now!”


“Well, sorry!  But hey, look who has less jail time than you three,” JC taunted.  The other three huffed angrily and crossed their arms across their chests.  “I can’t believe we did this anyway, though,” JC continued.  “And why?  Because we were jealous of their success?”


“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” Joey said. “It’s not fair that they tried to come back in the music business.  What would happen if we tried to do that?  Nothing. Our fans dissed us, dude.  We couldn’t let them all become Bsb fans now too.”


“That’s no reason to try and kill anyone,” JC muttered.  “You guys are all psycho.”


“Uh… no, we’re the ones that were proved to be mentally stable,” Chris said.  “Unlike a certain someone.”


“I wonder what the Master’s up to now,” Lance said thoughtfully




In a mental asylum only miles away…


“Lyin’ in your arms, so close together, didn’t know just what I had.  Now I toss and turn, cause I’m without you.  How I’m missin’ you so bad,” Justin sang softly, rocking back and forth in his straight jacket, his back banging against the padded wall.  “Stupid Backstreeters.  Die!  Die!”  He cackled psychotically.  Then he stopped cackling and continued his song.  “Where was my head?  Where was my heart?  Now I cry alone in the dark.  I lie awake.  I drive myself crazy, drive myself crazy…”







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