Chapter 27


“Brian, Leighanne, this is Dr. Miller.  He’s the ER physician taking care of Hope,” Kessler introduced a few minutes later.  Brian and Leighanne had begged to see their daughter, so he had brought them right down to the ER.  “Dr. Miller, meet Hope’s parents, Brian and Leighanne Littrell.”


“Nice to meet you,” Brian said politely, shaking Dr. Miller’s hand.


“You too,” the doctor replied kindly.  “Now, you can just follow me, and I’ll take you to see Hope.”


“Thanks,” Leighanne said, smiling.


Dr. Miller led them down the hall to one of the small rooms in the ER.  “Before you go in, let me just explain what has happened to your daughter.  First of all, she was extremely dehydrated when she got here, so we’re giving her fluids through an IV.  Also, she has a minor concussion from several blows to her head, but that’s not something too serious.  She has some bruising on her face from the same thing, but other than that, she’s fine.  She’s very lucky to have come out of something like this so well.”


“I know,” Brian said, remembering Sammy’s story.  He was so relieved that what had happened to Megan had not happened to his own daughter.  It was horrible enough that it had happened in the first place, but at least Hope was all right.  He could not imagine having to go the rest of his life not really knowing what had happened to her, like Sammy.


“Well then, go on in,” Dr. Miller said, motioning to the closed door.  “Take all the time you need to.”


“Thank you,” Leighanne said again. 


“No problem,” Dr. Miller replied and watched as they went in, then headed back down the hall to get to his other patients.




Meanwhile, in the waiting room, I noticed Sammy sitting in the corner of the room again, a spot she seemed to like.  Her head was down, her long brown hair falling over her face.  I got up and took a seat next to her.


“Sammy?” I asked, resting my hand lightly on her back.  She looked up, her face streaked with tears, but she said nothing.  “Look, I know you might not want to talk to anyone right now, but if you do, I’m here.  I understand what you’re going through because I went through the same thing just the other day with Josh.  Even now, he’s out of surgery, but I have no way of knowing if he’ll make it through or not.  So believe me, you and I are in the same boat here.  I’ll do anything I can to make this easier for you.”


Sammy nodded.  “I know, Jules,” she said, her voice hoarse.  “I’ll do the same for you too.  And thanks.”  She offered me a tiny smile.


I returned her smile.  “Do you need a hug?” I asked.


She nodded, looking like a lost child.  Feeling maternal towards her, even though I was actually a year younger than her, I opened my arms and offered her my comfort.  She immediately fell into my arms and hers drifted around me, as I held onto her.  We both cried then, for the pain we were both going through.  And when we let go of our embrace, I felt much better.  I could tell Sammy did too.  And suddenly, I felt as if she and I had a bond that hadn’t been there before, a bond between two people that were trying their best to get through a horrible tragedy.  It was a bond that had changed our friendship from that moment on.




“Hope,” Leighanne murmured as she stepped into her daughter’s room, her eyes once again filling with tears. 


Brian grinned tearfully as he caught sight of Hope, sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed that lay before him. 


He and Leighanne pulled up chairs on either side of Hope’s bed, just waiting for her to wake up.  Leighanne grabbed her daughter’s tiny hand, and as she did so, Hope stirred.  Her baby blue eyes opened slowly.  She looked up at them and broke into a grin.  “Mommy!  Daddy!” she cried happily.


Leighanne broke into joyous sobs and threw her arms around Hope, pulling the child’s small body to hers.  “Oh, Hopie,” she sobbed, stroking Hope’s silky blond hair.  “Baby, I’m so glad you’re back.”


“I missed you, Mommy,” Hope whimpered.


“God, sweetie, I missed you too,” Leighanne whispered, still clutching to Hope.  Reluctantly, she finally let go of Hope and stepped back so Brian could take his turn.


His own blue eyes, so like Hope’s, shone with tears, as he hugged his daughter as well.  “I love you so much, baby,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.


“I love you too, Daddy,” Hope said, smiling sweetly up at him.  Just seeing her beautiful smile made him want to cry harder, for he realized once again how close he had come to losing her. 


Finally, Brian let go of Hope as well, and settled her back against the pillows.  Leighanne tenderly fingered Hope’s cheek, which was badly bruised. 


“The bad man hit me, Mommy,” Hope said solemnly. 


“Justin?” Brian asked.


Hope nodded.  “I think that’s his name,” she said.  “The lady’s name was Britney.”


Brian nodded.  “Well, baby, don’t worry about them now.  They can’t hurt you anymore.  You’re safe.”


“They were real meanies,” Hope said, looking ready to cry as she thought back to her experience. 


“I know, sweetie,” Leighanne said sympathetically, her eyes filled with pain as she studied her battered daughter.  She couldn’t understand how anyone could abuse a four year old child the way Justin and Britney had.  But she had to stop thinking about that.  The important thing was that Hope was alive, and that was all that mattered right then.  Thinking about how lucky she and Brian were to have their daughter back safe and sound made Leighanne feel even worse for poor Sammy.  She couldn’t imagine having to live not knowing what had ever really happened to her daughter.  Sammy was strong, that was for sure.  Leighanne wondered if she could have been that strong if the outcome of Hope’s kidnapping had turned out differently.  She didn’t want to find out.




Meanwhile, the wait went on.  Sammy and I sat together, barely speaking, but providing each other comfort still.  Brian and Leighanne had not yet returned from seeing Hope, but AJ was there.  He sat rigidly, looking pale and exhausted, and worried as well.  


“Hey, AJ, did anyone call Nick’s parents yet?” I asked suddenly.


His eyes widened.  “No, I don’t think so,” he said.  He looked to Sammy.  “Did you call them?”


She shook her head.  “No,” she said, regretfully.  “I was so upset, I forgot all about them.”


“I’ll call if you want me to,” AJ offered.


“Thanks, Aje,” Sammy said gratefully, not sure if she could make that kind of call without breaking down. 


“No problem,” AJ said, digging out his cell phone.  He punched in the digits of Nick’s parents’ number in California, where they lived.  “Hi, Jane?” he asked.  “Oh, BJ, hi… yup, it’s me… actually, not too good… no, not me.  It’s Nick… yeah… well, I don’t want to go into too much detail with you here, but he’s been hurt, and he’s having surgery right now…yeah… ok… Hi, Jane… yeah… no, we haven’t heard anything yet… yeah… yeah, you better… ok….ok… we’ll be waiting for you… ok… take care… bye.” 


Finally, AJ hung up, sighing.  “They were upset,” he said, his eyes looking a little misty.  “Of course, Jane insisted they fly down here right now.  Luckily the whole family’s home now, so they’re all coming here to see Nick.”


“That’s good,” Sammy said. 


“Hey, that reminds me.  I need to call Sonny’s parents!”  Heidi suddenly interjected, after being lost in thought for some time.  “They have no idea this even happened!”


“Yeah, you need to call them,” I agreed.  I thought of Josh’s family.  They had gone to stay the night at a local hotel and probably wouldn’t be back until morning. 


Heidi pulled out her cell phone.  “I’ll call his mom first.  His parents are divorced,” she explained.  She dialed the number and waited.  “Damn,” she muttered after awhile.  “She’s not there.  I’ll try his dad.”  She dialed another number and waited again.  “Damn!” she cried again.  She sighed.  “Sonny’s dad’s never home.  He’s a senator, so he’s always busy.”


“A senator?  That’s cool,” AJ remarked.


“Yeah,” Heidi agreed.  “Oh well, I guess I’ll try again later.”  She sighed again and sunk back into her seat.  Moments later she sat up again.  “I can’t stand just sitting here anymore.  I’m going to go see Sonny now, ok?”


We nodded and watched her head off to Sonny’s room.  Then we sat back, restlessly waiting some more.




Sonny was sound asleep when Heidi got to his room.  She sighed and sat down beside his bed.  She took his hand in hers, but he didn’t stir.  “I love you, Sonny,” she whispered, touching her lips to his pale cheek.  When he still didn’t awaken, she just sat back and watched him sleep.




A few minutes later, Brian came back into the waiting room.  “How’s Hope?” I asked anxiously.


He grinned.  “She’s gonna be fine,” he said.  “She’s pretty bruised up and dehydrated, but her doctor said she’ll probably be discharged sometime tomorrow.”


“Oh, Bri, that’s great,” I said, jumping up to hug him.  AJ and Sammy both hugged him as well.


“Have you heard anything on Nick yet?” Brian asked, his happy expression turning solemn. 


“No, not yet,” I said glumly. 


AJ glanced at his watch.  “It’s almost midnight,” he announced.  “Nick’s been in there for more than two hours.  Shouldn’t he be about done by now?”  He looked to me, for I was the doctor.


“Well, I’m not a surgeon or anything, but that sounds about right, for something like that.  He should be out pretty soon,” I replied.


“Ok,” AJ said, sighing restlessly.   We were all rather jumpy.  All this waiting was getting to us, especially to Sammy.  She didn’t say much, but she kept glancing at the clock on the wall and fidgeting, and every now and then, a tear would escape from her eye.


I prayed that Nick would come out of it okay, for all of our sakes, but mostly for Sammy.  I could tell how much she loved him, and I knew she could not bear to lose another loved one, like she had lost Megan. 




Another half hour passed, and finally, we were all back in the waiting room together.  Leighanne had returned from Hope’s room, and Heidi had come back from Sonny’s room.  We all sat together, just waiting for Dr. Coleman to tell us that Nick was out of surgery. 


As I looked around the room, our group seemed so much smaller than it had at Brian’s house Halloween night, before all of this had happened.  That’s because our group was smaller.  Four members of the group were here in this hospital, and three were in critical conditions.  Two, actually.  From what I had heard on Sonny, he seemed to be doing much better, while Josh and Nick were not doing so well.  I prayed that things would get better for both of them.  I know Sammy was praying the same thing.


Suddenly, I looked up to see Dr. Coleman entering the room.  I took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for the news, bad or good. 


“H- how is Nick?” Sammy stammered.  She looked deathly pale suddenly, and I feared she might pass out from her anxiety.


Dr. Coleman noticed this as well.  He smiled, calming Sammy’s nerves a little, and said, “Nick pulled through just fine and is in Recovery.  We got the bullet out and corrected the damage done to his heart.  His heart is weak right now, and he’s not out of the woods yet, but I’m hopeful that he will make a full recovery.”


Sammy let out her breath on one long whoosh, and the color returned to her face.  Tears of relief filled her eyes.  “Oh, thank you so much,” she said, her voice filled with gratitude.


Dr. Coleman smiled, surprised at her outburst of emotion.  “You’re welcome,” he said, patting her shoulder.  “Give him a couple more hours, and then he’ll be moved to his own room in ICU.  You can see him then.”


“Okay.  Thank you,” Sammy said again.


Dr. Coleman nodded in appreciation.  “I’m going to go check on some of my other patients now.  I’ll be back later.”  He left the room.


I turned to Sammy and wrapped her in a hug, so relieved that Nick had made it through so well.  Nick was a fighter, I knew that.  I had a feeling he was going to be just fine.







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