Chapter 48


Nick’s happiness was short lived.  Tests ran on Sammy later that morning showed that her heart and lungs were still too weak for surgery, and Dr. Kilbourne warned Nick and Megan that she wouldn’t last much longer.


Depressed, Nick spent the day in Sammy’s room, refusing to leave to eat or sleep.   Sammy drifted in and out of consciousness, and sometimes, when she was awake, she was so doped up with morphine that she didn’t seem coherent anyway.


But around two that afternoon, Sammy woke up and looked Nick right in the eye.  She squeezed his hand, then weakly lifted hers to her throat.  Nick knew she wanted that breathing tube out of her throat.


“Baby, I know,” he said.  “I know you want it out, but I don’t think Dr. Kilbourne will allow it.”


Sammy seemed desperate to communicate with him.  Nick sighed, but then he brightened, thinking of something.  “Hey, Sammy, do you think you could write?” he asked.


Sammy’s eyes lit up, and she managed a weak nod.


“Okay then.  I’ll be right back,” Nick said, jumping up.  He ran down to the nurses’ station and asked for a pad of paper and a pen.  Then he brought the supplies back to Sammy’s room.  “Okay, honey, here you go,” he said, placing them in her hands. 


Using all the strength she could muster, Sammy struggled to write a message, while lying down and tethered to IV’s. 


When she was done, Nick took it from her.  Her writing was lopsided and scribbly, but he could make out the message.


Please, get me off this thing!


He sighed unhappily.  “I’ll go ask your doctor,” he said finally, willing to do anything to make her happy. 


Her eyes brightened again, and she seemed to relax a bit.  Nick smiled, kissed her gently on the cheek, and left the room to track down Dr. Kilbourne.


He had Dr. Kilbourne paged, and luckily, the doctor wasn’t busy and came right to see him.


“Dr. Kilbourne, Sammy’s begging to be taken off the respirator,” Nick said.  “Is there any way you could take her off it?”


Dr. Kilbourne sighed.  “Nick, her lungs and heart are weak, and I think she could breathe without the respirator, but it will be hard and painful for her.”


“Please, do it, at least for awhile.  It’s what she wants,” Nick pleaded.


“All right,” Dr. Kilbourne agreed.  “But first I need to ask you something.”


“What?” Nick asked.


“Well, if she should go into respiratory failure, and we would need to put her back on it, do you want us to?” he asked.  “Because if you don’t, you’ll need to sign a ‘do not resuscitate order’.”


Nick felt sick to his stomach as he realized what the doctor was saying.  “Are you saying that if we take her off the respirator, she’ll die?” he asked.


“No, no,” Dr. Kilbourne said quickly.  “But it’s clear that Samantha doesn’t want to be on the respirator.  All I’m asking is, if she would need to be put back on it to keep her alive, would she want that?”


“I can’t make this decision now,” Nick said.  “Look, just take her off it, and I can ask her to her face once she’s off it and can talk to me.  She seems to be pretty with it right now, and I know she’ll tell me what she wants.  If it was my choice, I’d do anything to keep her alive, but I don’t want to go against her wishes.”


Dr. Kilbourne nodded.  “Okay, Mr. Carter,” he said.  “I’ll take her off it now, if you’d like.”


“Please,” Nick said, and they walked back to Sammy’s room.


“Dr. Kilbourne is here to take you off the respirator, Sammy,” Nick said, once they were in her room.


Sammy’s eyes brightened happily. 


“All right, Samantha, I’d like you to take a deep breath for me and pretend like you’re blowing out birthday candles while I pull out the tube,” Dr. Kilbourne instructed.  “Ready?”  Sammy nodded weakly, but eagerly.  “Okay, now!”


Sammy took a painful breath, and Dr. Kilbourne pulled the tube out of her throat as she blew out.  Once the tube was out, Sammy gasped painfully for air.


Nick watched in wide-eyed horror.  “Don’t worry,” Dr. Kilbourne said.  “Give her a minute.”


That minute seemed to last an eternity, but when it was over, Sammy had relaxed a bit and was breathing a little easier.


“I need to go now.  Call if you need anything,” Dr. Kilbourne said.  “I’ll be back to see you later, Samantha.”


“Thanks,” Sammy said, but her voice was weak and quite hoarse.


“Are you okay?” Nick asked, concerned. 


“Yeah,” Sammy said.  “Thanks, honey.”


“No problem, baby,” Nick said.  “I’d do anything for you.  I love you, Sammy.”


“I love you too, Nicky,” Sammy said, taking his hand in hers.  Nick was startled to see a film of tears cover her eyes.


“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Nick asked, alarmed.


“Nick, I don’t know if I’m going to make it through this,” Sammy said, pausing to take in a wheezy breath. 


“Don’t say that-“ Nick started, but Sammy interrupted him.


“Don’t worry, I’m not giving up.  But I want to be prepared, just in case,” Sammy said.  “And I don’t want to die leaving unfinished business behind.”


“Like what?” Nick asked.


“Like this,” Sammy said, and she held out her left hand, showing him her sparkling engagement ring, the one he had given her in the hospital when he had proposed, not long after his surgery.  “Nick, I want to get married.”


“We will, baby,” Nick said.  “I can’t wait.”


“You don’t have to,” Sammy said.  “I want to get married here, now.”


“Huh?  Now?  Here?  At the hospital?” Nick cried.


“Nicky, I know it’s not very romantic, but I want to marry you before I die.  It’s all I want.”  Sammy was near tears.


“Baby, shhh, don’t cry,” Nick soothed.  “If you want to get married now, then that’s what I want to.”


Sammy brightened, then frowned.  “But who will marry us?” she asked.


Nick thought quickly.  “Kevin’s brother Tim can!” he cried suddenly.  “He’s a minister!”


Sammy’s eyes lit up.  “Can you get him up here soon?” she asked.


“Sure,” he said.  “If he’s not here right now, he’s probably back at the hotel.  I’ll get a hold of him right now.”


Sammy nodded.  “Thanks,” she said.  “And could you bring Megan in too?  I want to talk to her.”


“Sure,” Nick said.  “I’ll be right back.”  Then he raced out of the room, hoping they could do this before time ran out.




An hour later, we were all gathered around in Sammy’s cramped ICU room.  Many of her monitors had been removed for the time being, making the room a little more appropriate for a wedding.


Sammy had requested that only Nick’s family and her close friends be there.  That meant along with her, Nick, and Megan, stood Bob, Jane, BJ, Leslie, Angel, Aaron, Brian, Leighanne (Hope was with Brian’s parents), AJ, Amanda, Howie, Kevin, Kristin, Josh, and I.  And of course, Tim was there.  He had even managed to get a hold of a long, white robe to wear, making it look more official.  He held a bible in his hands. 


“Are you ready to do this?” Tim asked, glancing from Sammy to Nick.  Sammy looked weak and pale in the bed, but her face was illuminated with happiness as she took Nick’s hand and nodded.  Nick, standing tall and proud beside her, nodded as well.  “Okay then,” Tim said.  He cleared his throat, and began.  “We are gathered here this day to unite these two people in holy matrimony…”


As Tim continued through the service, tears dripped slowly down my cheeks.  I cried at weddings anyway, but this one was different.  Usually weddings were happy events, and this one was too.  But it was sad in a way too, for none of us knew if Sammy would live to grow old as Nick’s wife.


Finally, the vows came.  Nickolas,” Tim asked, “Do you take Samantha in the holy state of matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"


“I do,” Nick said, his solemn voice nearly a whisper.


“And Samantha,” Tim continued, “Do you take Nickolas in the holy state of matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"


“I do,” Sammy whispered, her breath short.  I watched as she took in a painful, raspy breath, and I felt suddenly sick, wondering how much longer Sammy could hold on.


“By the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife,” Tim said.  “You may now kiss the bride.”


Tears had come to Sammy’s eyes, as well as Nick’s.  My tears streamed even faster, as I watched Nick and Sammy share their first… and last… kiss as husband and wife.


By the time Nick pulled back, Samantha Carter was gone.







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