Chapter 5

After he got off the phone with Denise, Brian decided to call Nick. Nick answered on the fourth ring.

"Hi, Nick," Brian said. "It's me."

"Hey, Frick! What's up?" Nick asked, glad to hear from his best friend.

"I've got something to tell you," Brian said, taking a deep breath. He was determined not to lose it in front of Nick.

"What?" Nick asked.

Brian decided to get it over quickly. "I have cancer, Nick," he said softly.

"What?!" Nick cried. "No way! Stop it, Bri. That's not funny."

"It's not supposed to be."

"What?" Nick gasped in disbelief. "You're serious!?"

"Uh-huh," Brian said.

"Oh God," Nick murmured. "How could this have happened? You were fine just a couple weeks ago when I last saw you."

"I don't know. I've been having symptoms for a few weeks now, but it never seemed too serious. I went to my doctor a few days ago, and I just found out this morning."

"Oh my God," Nick said again. "Where are you? In Orlando still?"

"Yeah," Brian replied. "I'm at Orlando General."

"Look, I'm in Tampa right now. I can be there in a few hours."

"Okay," Brian said.

"Hang in there, man. I'll be there as soon as I can," Nick said.

"Alright, Frack. I'll see ya later." They hung up, and Brian picked up the phone one last time to call Leighanne.

She, too, was shocked when he told her and began sobbing over the phone, just like his mother had. She wanted to grab the next flight to Orlando, but Brian knew she would be in big trouble with her director if she just walked off the movie set, so he insisted that he was fine, and that she should stay in L.A. They argued about it, but Brian finally won.

They talked for a while longer, just happy to hear each other's voices, but finally, Leighanne had to go. She felt horrible about not being able to be with Brian, but he told her that he knew it was her dream to be a great actress, and that she needed this job. Leighanne knew this also, and she knew that her director would never let her leave and go to him. He'd fire her if she did.






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