Chapter 16

By Julie

Once inside the plane, I sat down in one of the seats, breathing hard. I felt very weak and dizzy, and I was still nauseous. Without warning, I began to cry. I buried my throbbing head in my hands and cried softly. I was so scared. Scared for my friends, and now, scared for myself. I didn't have to be a doctor to know that throwing up blood was not a good thing.

Suddenly, I stopped crying as I heard a noise. I looked up to see Nick, rolling around and mumbling. I wondered if he was having a bad dream. I eased myself onto the floor, moaning in pain, and sat beside Nick. I gently shook his shoulder.

"Nick!" I whispered. "Wake up, buddy. You're having a bad dream. Now wake up." I gently shook him, hoping he would wake up. Finally, his eyes opened. He stared at me and mumbled something that I couldn't make out. I didn't care. I was just happy to have him awake. "Nick?" I asked. "It's me, Brian. How are you feeling?"

"I'm so cold," Nick mumbled weakly. Nick already had three blankets on, but I grabbed the one I was using and covered him with it. He was still shivering.

"Nick, do you know where you are?" I asked. I wasn't sure if he was delirious or not. He didn't reply, just stared up at me. I bent over and felt his forehead. It was still burning hot. His skin was deathly pale, except for his cheeks, which were flushed with color, and the dark circles under his eyes. His eyes were pale and bloodshot.

Suddenly, he began to cough. His whole body shook with his large, racking coughs. When the coughing spasm ended, he was left gasping for breath. I could here him painfully wheezing. My heart reached out to him as tears came to his eyes.

"It hurts," he said, the tears running down his flushed cheeks. "I can't breathe."

"I know, Nicky," I said. I felt horrible for him. There was nothing I could do for him. He continued to wheeze. His eyelids began to droop. Suddenly, his eyes just rolled back in his head, and he began to go into convulsions. "NO!" I cried in horror, watching as his whole body shook with the seizure. "Kevin!" I screamed. Kevin jolted awake. His eyes widened in terror as he saw Nick, still having a seizure on the floor. He leapt up and scrambled over to Nick. He leaned his entire body over Nick's, trying to hold him down. The seizure only lasted a minute longer, but it felt like forever. Finally, Nick's body relaxed. His eyes closed and his breathing slowed down and became more steady. I heaved a sigh of relief. Kevin jumped up to get the first aid kit. I watched Nick carefully. His mouth dropped open as he slept. I gasped as blood began to run down the side of his mouth.

"Kev!" I yelled. "His mouth is bleeding!!" Kevin scurried over.

"He must have bitten his tongue," he said, looking at Nick's mouth. "We have to clean the blood out of his mouth so he doesn't choke on it. Get out some gauze," he said, handing me the first aid kit. Kevin turned Nick's head to the side, so the blood ran out of his mouth easier and dripped onto the floor. I pulled out some gauze and handed it to Kevin. Kevin put it in Nick's mouth, trying to clean out the blood. He blotted at his tongue, trying to stop the bleeding. Finally, the blood stopped dripping out of Nick's mouth, and Kevin was satisfied.

Next, Kevin took out the thermometer. He stuck it in Nick's mouth and waited for it to beep. Finally it did. Kevin pulled it out and looked at the number. His eyes widened. Wordlessly, he handed it to me. I looked at it in horror. The number read 106° . I gasped.

"We have to lower his temperature!" I cried. "Remember when I was in the hospital when I was five? I had a temperature of 107°, and the doctors said that was high enough to cause brain damage!"

Kevin nodded. He looked around the plane. Then he grabbed Nick's suitcase and pulled out a t-shirt. "I'll be right back," he said. He hurried out of the plane. I watched out the window as he scooped up snow and put it in the shirt. Then, he rolled the shirt up and brought it inside. He lay it on Nick's forehead. "This should help," he said. Nick shivered beneath the blankets, but Kevin held the shirt on his forehead until the snow started to melt. Then he got up. "Hold this on his head," he told me. Then he grabbed another shirt and made another ice pack. When he brought it in, I switched in with the melted one in Nick's head, while Kevin went out to get another one ready.

After awhile, we took his temperature again. It had gone down to 105 degrees. We both sighed in relief.

"That's a start," I said, feeling a little better. We spent the rest of that night putting ice packs on Nick until his fever had gone down to 103 degrees. Then we called it quits for the night and went to bed. Kevin went right to sleep. I could hear him snoring softly. But I lay awake in the dark plane, crying. Even though Nick's fever had gone down, he was still very sick. I knew I was in bad shape myself. And I had no idea how Howie and AJ were. As I worried, I wore myself out, and eventually, I cried myself to sleep.






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