Chapter 6

By Julie 

I don't know for sure how long I sat in that freezing cold cockpit, just watching Kevin and Nick sleep, but eventually, my teeth were chattering from the cold. Nick's head was still resting on my leg though, so I didn't want to move and wake him up.

After awhile, AJ peeked his head in. "Brian!" he hissed when he saw me. "What are you doing in here? How did you get all the way over here?" he asked.

"I sorta hopped in," I said, managing a smile.

"Man, it's freezing out here," AJ commented, watching his breath form little clouds. "Come on, you need to get back there where it's warmer," he said. He reached out his hand. "Come on, I'll help you," he said.

"What about Nick?" I asked. "I don't want to wake him up."

"Who cares? He can sleep again in the back of the plane. Besides, you both could get sick out here," AJ reasoned.

"I think Nick already is getting sick," I said. "I'm pretty sure he has a fever."

"Well, that's all the more reason to get back there!" AJ cried. He went over to Nick and nudged him.

"Come on, Nicky," he said. "Wake up." Nick moaned in his sleep and stirred a little. Then he slowly sat up.

"Where am I?" he asked, blinking up at AJ.

"You're in the cockpit of the plane. But you have to go to the back now. You'll freeze out here," AJ replied.

"Okay," Nick mumbled, staggering into the back and flopping down into one of the seats.

"Now, Brian, it's your turn. Come on," AJ said, extending his hand. I took it gratefully and groaned in pain as AJ helped hoist me up. I leaned heavily on his shoulder as he helped me hobble to the back and lie down on the ground. He wrapped a blanket around me. "There you go," he said, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks, Bone," I replied, smiling at him. He grinned back and went to check on Kevin.

Howie woke up a few minutes later. "Hey, Bri," he said, when he saw me lying on the floor. "How are you this morning?"

"In pain," I muttered.

"Let me see your leg," Howie said. He lifted up the blanket so he could see my leg. "Bri, I have to roll up your pant leg, okay?" he told me.

"Okay," I said, groaning. This would hurt. And sure enough, it did. "OW!" I howled.

"I'm sorry," Howie apologized. He studied my leg, then looked up gravely at me. "I think I'm going to need to cut your pant leg," he said. "It's swelling too much. I wonder if there's a first aid kit around here anywhere. I need to wrap it too."

I nodded and watched as he dug through piles of spilled bags and blankets. In the meantime, I was curious about my leg. I grabbed onto the seat next to me to help pull myself up into a sitting position. My ribs and stomach protested, but I managed to sit up anyway.

I gasped when I saw my leg. It was black and bluish and had swelled to nearly twice the size of my other leg. I didn't see any bones poking out, but it seemed to be bent at an odd angle. I was sure it was broken.

A few minutes later, Howie found the first aid kit. "You shouldn't be sitting up," he said when he saw me. He eased me back down. Then he took out a pair of scissors and carefully cut off my left pant leg around the thigh. Then came the painful part. All he had to wrap my leg with was an Ace bandage, not a real cast. He tried to be careful and gentle as he wrapped it, but it still hurt horribly. I winced and clenched my teeth, trying not to scream. My eyes filled with tears. A few minutes later, Howie had wrapped my leg tightly. I just lay back and tried to relax and get the pain off my mind.

"Hey, do you want some Tylenol?" Howie asked. "I found some in this first aid kit."

I wanted some, but if Nick was getting sick, I thought maybe I should save it for him. Or maybe for Kevin, when he woke up. If he woke up. I tried to push that thought out of my mind.

"No," I replied. "I'll be fine."

"You sure, man?" Howie asked, studying my face. "You look like you're in a lot of pain."

"Trust me, I'll be fine," I said adamantly.

"Okay," Howie said with a shrug. He put the Tylenol back in the case. "I'm going to go see how Kevin's doing, okay?" he asked.

I nodded and closed my eyes as he headed to the front. I wasn't really tired, but sleeping seemed to be the only way I could get rid of my pain for awhile. Plus, when I was asleep, I could forget this horrible situation we were in.






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