Chapter 8

By Julie

When I opened my eyes, I found three anxious pairs of eyes staring down at me.

"Brian?" Nick asked. "What happened?"

I tried to clear my thoughts and remember what had happened. Then, as another sharp pain sliced through my stomach, I remembered. I waited for the pain to dull before speaking. "My stomach hurt really bad," I moaned.

They all exchanged concerned glances.

"Let me look at it, Bri," Howie said. I nodded, letting him pull the blanket down and lift up my shirt. "It's a little bruised," he observed.

I shook my head. "That can't be it," I said. "It's more than a bruise. I mean, come on, it hurt so bad I passed out, didn't I?"

Howie nodded. "I don't want to scare you, Rok, but you might have some internal bleeding. That might be what is causing all the pain."

I opened my eyes wide in alarm. "Internal bleeding? Can you die from that?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Howie shrugged. "I'm not sure. But that won't happen, anyway. Don't you worry, we'll get out of here safely. All of us." I wasn't so sure, but I didn't say anything. Then, I remembered Kevin.

"Did Kev wake up?" I asked, turning my head towards him. He was asleep.

"No, not yet," AJ replied. "You were only out for a few minutes, Bri. But still, his moaning is a good sign. That probably means he's going to wake up soon."

I nodded. I sure hoped so.


Later that day, AJ became hungry again. He and Howie nibbled on some of the crackers.

"Here, Bri, have some," AJ said, handing me a couple crackers. I shook my head. My stomach had been aching all day, and I had no appetite. "Nick?" AJ asked, offering him the crackers. But he, too, shook his head.

"I'm not hungry," he said. I felt sorry for him. He looked sick and feverish.

"Do we have a plan of how to get out of here yet?" I asked Howie.

He shrugged. "Not really, Bri," he said. "Nothing works in here, and it's freezing outside. But don't worry, we'll think of something."


The next morning, we did think of something. Well, at least, Howie and AJ did. By the time I awoke, they were already planning.

 "What's up guys?" I asked.

Howie smiled down at me. "Morning, Rok," he said.

"Morning," I replied. "What are you talking about?"

"D and I are going to get help," AJ said.

"What?!" I cried. "You're leaving us?!"

"We have to, " Howie said. "No one's going to find us way out here in the mountains. We have to find some help ourselves. We're running out of food, and you three need doctors."

I nodded, looking at Kevin, who was still unconscious, and Nick, who was sleeping, his face flushed with fever.

"So, when are you leaving?" I asked.

"This morning," AJ replied.

I sighed. Part of me didn't want them to go and part did. I knew it was dangerous out there, and I didn't want my two friends to risk their lives. But, I also knew that we desperately needed help, or we would all die.


An hour later, Nick and Kevin were still sleeping. I was the only one around to say goodbye to AJ and Howie. They were all bundled up in layers of their winter clothes. But I knew, that might not be enough.

"Be careful, guys," I said. They both bent down and hugged me as tight as they could without hurting my broken ribs. I hugged them back.

"We will," AJ replied.

"You guys take care," Howie said. "I don't want to leave you three alone, but I don't really have a choice. Make sure you eat, okay? And keep warm."

I nodded. "Same for you," I replied. They nodded and started towards the door of the plane. When the reached it, they turned and waved.

Then Howie stopped. "Brian, just in case something goes wrong, we love you and Nicky and Kevin . You know that, right?"

I nodded, tears forming in my eyes. "I know, Howie. I love you and AJ too. With all my heart. Please be safe."

He nodded, gave one final wave, and then left, following AJ out the door. I sighed as I watched him leave, a feeling of dread resting in my heart.






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