Chapter 12

Alexa arrived at the hospital with her mother early the next morning. She didn't want to be there, didn't want to have to face seeing Elisa like that, so pale and still. But she knew she had to go, or she would never forgive herself. She braced herself as they rode in the elevator up to the ICU floor. "Maybe she'll be better today," she told herself hopefully. But when they reached her room, Elisa looked no better.

"I'm going to go find Dr. Trenton," Mrs. Morgan said. "You can stay here or go out to the waiting room." Alexa nodded and wandered out into the waiting room. There were a few people sitting in the room, but Alexa barely even glanced at them. They didn't seem to notice her either. She took a seat in one of the other empty corners of the room. Her gaze began to wander slowly around the room. She glanced at the people in the room. Her eyes widened as she recognized Jackie Littrell, sitting in the far corner of the room. She got up and approached Brian's mother hesitantly.

"Mrs. Littrell?"

Jackie looked up, startled.

"Alexa? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"My... my sister was in a car accident," she replied.

"Oh, my. Is she going to be alright?" Jackie asked, concerned.

Alexa just shrugged, not wanting to explain the whole situation.

"Why are you here?" she asked, changing the subject.

"It's Brian," Jackie said, a pained expression coming over her face. "He had a heart attack last night."

"Oh my God," Alexa gasped, her hand covering her mouth. "Is he okay?"

"He is for now, but not for long," she replied sadly. "He can't make it much longer without a new heart."

"Can I see him?" Alexa asked.

"His father is in with him now. But you can go in after he comes out," Jackie said.

Just then, Mr. Littrell appeared in the waiting room.

"How is he?" Jackie asked Brian's father, Harold.

"He's asleep," he said. Then he noticed Alexa. "Oh, hello, Alexa," he said politely.

"Hi," she said, offering him a kind smile.

"You can go in now, Alexa," Jackie said. "It's room 305."

Alexa nodded and started down the hall. She found the room and walked slowly into it. There were two beds, like in Elisa's room, but Brian had no roommate to occupy the second bed. She went closer and her eyes filled with tears when she saw him. He lay motionless on the bed, hooked up to various machines and tubes. He was very pale and fragile looking. She pulled a chair up to his bed and sat down. She took one of his hands and held it, stroking it gently. He did not respond. Then, Alexa began to cry softly. She was losing not only one but two people she cared for very much. First Elisa, now Brian. Alexa didn't know how much she could take. She squeezed his hand. "Brian?... Can you hear me?" she asked. She reached over and smoothed his curly hair over his forehead, like a mother would do to a small child. Suddenly, his eyelids fluttered. "Brian?" she called softly. His eyes opened.

"Lex?" he mumbled hoarsely.

"I'm right here, Bri," she said, squeezing his hand. He smiled up at her.

"I love you, Alexa," he said, softly.

"You do?" she asked, surprised. He nodded slowly. Her eyes filled with tears as she took his hand once again and said, "I love you too." And she knew it was true.






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