Chapter 1


It was just one night, a night that would change his life forever.  


A.J. McLean had just had a fight with his girlfriend, Amanda Latona.   She had gotten so mad at him she had ran off, not even telling him where she was going.  He wasn't worried about her though.  He figured she had gone to one of her friends' house to stay the night and blow off some steam.  He needed to do the same. 


He should have gone over to a friend's house as well, maybe one of his bandmates' houses.  But, instead, he decided to go out to a local club and party. 


Within a few hours, AJ was on his third drink and was having a great time.  He had forgotten all about his fight with Amanda. 


As he sat at the bar, sipping his drink, a beautiful girl sat down beside him. 


"Hi, there," she said, smiling shyly at him.  He grinned back.


"Hello," he replied, checking her out.  She had long, blonde hair that was natural-looking, not bleached, and piercing blue eyes.  "I'm AJ," AJ said.  "But you can call me Bone."  He winked at her.  She smiled suggestively at him.


"Ok, Bone," she said.  "My name is Tara Tremont.  And by the way, I already know who you are."  She grinned again. 


"Just don't tell anyone I'm here, kay?" AJ asked.


"No problem," Tara replied.  "I wouldn't want to have to share you." 


The two of them began to talk more after that and lost track of time.  It was Tara who finally realized this.


"Hey, AJ, do you know what time it is?" she asked.   AJ glanced down at his watch.  The numbers blurred before his eyes when he tried to focus on them. 


"I think I need glasses or something," he said, laughing.  "I can't even read the numbers on my own watch."  Tara burst out laughing. 


"It's probably kind of late," she said.  "I should go to bed soon."  She grinned at him and winked.


"Yeah, I think I should too," replied AJ, winking back.  "Wanna spend the night at my place?"


"You bet!" Tara cried, giggling.  They hopped off the stools and staggered through the club and outside. 


"I don't have my car," Tara said, after glancing around the lot.  "I came with some of my friends.  You'll have to drive me back to your place."


"Fine with me," AJ said.  He led her out to his car and helped her into the passenger seat.  Then he climbed into the driver's seat and fished through his pocket for his keys.  He pulled them out and stuck them into the ignition.  The car started, and he pulled it out of the parking lot. 


They sped down the highway towards AJ's house, the radio cranked up.   Tara giggled the whole way there. 


Finally, by some miracle, AJ got them home safely, without having any accidents, even though he and Tara both were completely drunk. 


Once inside, he led Tara upstairs into his bedroom.  Luckily, Amanda was not there.  Tara ran into the room and leaped onto the bed, her short skirt flying up.  AJ jumped in next to her.   Tara immediately pulled him into her arms and began to kiss him passionately.  Not realizing what he was doing, AJ kissed back. 







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