Chapter 6


An hour later, Howie, Brian, Nick, and Kevin were seated around AJ’s living room.   After calling his mother and hearing her sob over the phone, he had decided he didn’t want to make four more phone calls like that.  Instead, he had called all the guys and asked them to come over to his house so he could tell them in person.  He hadn’t said what was so important, but they all had a feeling that something was wrong, just by the way his voice sounded. 


Now that they were all here, AJ knew he had to tell them.  He took a deep breath and removed his sunglasses, which he had put on before they had arrived to conceal eyes, which were red and puffy from crying. 


“Guys,” he began, “I have some bad news.”  His four best friends just stared at him, preparing themselves to hear the terrible news.  “You remember Tara?  The girl I…” AJ didn’t want to continue.  The others nodded solemnly.  “Well, she called me the other day and told me two things.  One was that she’s pregnant.”  They all gasped.  “The other,” AJ continued, trying desperately not to lose his composure, “was that she found out she is HIV positive.”  They all gasped again and stared, wide-eyed with concern, at AJ.


“Do…do you-“ Nick started to ask, but couldn’t finish.


“I went to get tested a few days ago, and I got the results this morning,” AJ said gravely.  “I’m positive.”


The four guys sat in shock for a moment.  Then Howie began to cry.  Nick put his arm around Brian, who looked like he was desperately trying to hold back his tears.  Kevin just sat, staring into space.  His green eyes were full of grief, and they looked bright with unshed tears. 


Finally, wiping away his tears, Howie stood and hurried across the room to AJ, who sat alone in a chair.  He threw his arms around him and hugged him tightly.  AJ could no longer hold back.  The floodgates opened, and he began to sob.  He held tightly onto his best friend, and they both cried onto each other’s shoulders. 




The next week was a hard one.  The guys talked to their management, who decided that they should hold a press conference right away, so their fans would know as soon as possible.  As much as AJ didn’t want to, he knew how much the fans loved him, and he knew they wouldn’t want him to keep it a secret from them. 


The press conference was very hard for AJ to sit through, but he managed, trying hard not to break down into tears when Howie told the media the horrible news.  AJ answered a few questions after that, but soon got too upset and left the room.   Kevin ended the conference shortly after that.


The day after the press conference, floods of cards, flowers, and gifts began arriving for AJ.  AJ was touched at how sweet and loving his fans were, but every get well card, every flower, just reminded him that he had contracted a deadly disease. 


But still, AJ felt fine, and he knew that people with HIV could live normal lives.  Dr. Thompson had told him that sometimes, symptoms don’t appear until years after a person is infected.  So, the guys continued to work on their new album and tried to forget about the horrible ailment that had struck one of their members. 







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