Chapter 13


When the movie was done, Angela was leaning up against Nick, her head resting on his shoulder, his arm draped around her shoulders.   Angela lifted her head and yawned.   “What time is it?” she asked.


Nick glanced at the wall clock.   “Going on eight,” he replied.


“I should probably head home soon,” she said with a sigh.  “My dad and Lynn were expecting me home hours ago.”


“Will they be mad at you?” Nick asked, worried he’d gotten her in trouble.


She shrugged.  “I don’t care if they are or not,” she said.   “Lynn’s not my mother, and she has no control over me.  And I don’t really care what my dad thinks.”


“Sounds like you don’t care much for them,” Nick observed.


She shrugged again.  “Well, my dad is my dad, and I love him.  He’s made some bad decisions in his life, but regardless, I love him.  As for Lynn… well, frankly, I can’t stand her.  I didn’t like her before Justin died, but ever since, she’s been even worse.”


“How come?” Nick asked.


“Her trying to be a mother to me.  I can’t stand her parenting me.  And even worse, when she’s not trying to be my mother, she’s trying to be my ‘friend’.   She always wants to talk to me, give me advice, but it’s all stupid and pointless.  And then she tries to bribe me into liking her by buying me all this crap, just cause she’s got money.  Which I might add, belongs to Justin.  Speaking of him again, when he was alive, he was her pride and joy, but now that he’s gone, she wants another kid to dote on, and I’m stuck being that kid.  And believe me, it’s no picnic.  I can’t imagine how Justin put up with her.”  She rolled her eyes.


Nick shrugged.  “Well, this might sound rude, but I couldn’t imagine how anyone put up with Justin.  It must be something in their genes.”


Angela laughed.  “I agree,” she said.  “Justin was friendly enough, but I noticed he stared more at my chest than my face whenever he talked to me.”


Nick rolled his eyes and put his arm protectively around Angela.  “Well, don’t you worry.  As much as Justin and I used to be compared, we’re nothing alike.”


“I already know that,” Angela replied, smiling.  She stood up.  “I don’t want to leave yet… but I know I have to.”


“I understand,” Nick said, standing up as well.  He put his arm around her waist and walked her to the door.  He helped her with her jacket and led her out onto the front porch, where they had shared their first kiss only hours before.


“Goodnight, Angela,” Nick said.  “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”


“Okay,” Angela said.  “Thanks, Nick.  For everything.”


“No problem,” Nick replied.  He leaned closer to her and kissed her tenderly on the lips.  “Goodnight.”


Angela smiled, forced herself to turn away from him, and walked to her father’s car, which she had borrowed for the day.  She waved to him, climbed in, and pulled slowly out of the driveway.


Nick waved and stood on the front porch, watching until her car disappeared into the cool night.







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