

Nick squinted in the bright sunlight.  As his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw a car, lying in a deep ditch off the side of the narrow, deserted road.  It had sunk down slightly in the muddy ground, and it looked like it would be impossible to get it out without a strong tow truck to help. 


Nick then noticed a girl sitting in the backseat.  He could see her through the rolled down window, just sitting there, her head down.   Nick approached her slowly and realized she was crying.  Sobbing. 


Nick came closer, hoping he could help her.   But suddenly, she disappeared from the window, as if she had suddenly ducked down in her seat.  Confused, Nick hurried down the steep ditch and towards the car.  He came up to it, ignoring the feel of his shoes sinking into the mud, and peered into the backseat.  He gasped at what he saw.


The girl was now lying in the backseat, leaned up against a man, who was leaned against the back door on the other side.  Both of them were motionless, their eyes closed, fast asleep.  Nick studied them a moment.  The girl was a pretty one, though her face was smudged with dirt and tears, and her blonde hair was dirty and tangled.  The man, however, Nick could not see clearly.  His face was somehow blurry, and Nick was unable to make out his features.   Nick stared harder, his eyes narrowing as he watched them.  And suddenly, he felt a wave of nausea as he realized the sick truth.  They were not sleeping.  They were both dead…


Nick jerked up abruptly, breathing hard from his dream.   He looked around in confusion, then realized he was still in his hospital room, where he had been for the last few weeks.  He let himself calm down a bit, and then he fell into a dreamless sleep.







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