Chapter 23


When Brian, Ashalyn, Nick, and Jenna got inside the restaurant where they would be meeting the others, they found AJ, Howie, Serena, and Elyssa already there.  Kevin was nowhere in sight.


“Hey, guys,” Howie greeted, when he saw the foursome approaching the large table where they sat.


“Hey,” Brian said, taking a seat across from Howie.  Ashalyn sat down next to him, across from Serena.


Jenna sat down next to Ashalyn, across from AJ, and Nick sat next to her, across from Elyssa.  There was one empty seat left at the end of the table for Kevin.


Kevin walked in just then.  “Hey, guys,” he said, sitting down in the last seat.  “Am I late?”


“No, you’re fine,” Brian said.  “We just got here.”


“Okay,” Kevin said. 


A waitress came, bringing them menus and taking their drink orders.  Then she left to let them decide what they wanted to eat.


Awhile later, their orders had been taken, their food had been served, and they were eating, talking between bites.


Halfway through the meal, Nick glanced next to him to see Jenna picking at the salad she had ordered.  “Something wrong?” he asked.


She looked up.  “What?” she asked.


“You’re not eating much.  Is everything okay?” he asked, concerned.


“Oh… yeah, everything’s fine,” she said.  “The lettuce is a little dry, and I’m not really that hungry anyway.”


Nick looked at her skeptically.  “How could you not be hungry?  I was starved.”


She shrugged.  “I dunno.  I’ve never had a very big appetite.”


“You sure you don’t want anything else?  I mean, if there’s something wrong with the salad, I could order you-“ Nick started, but she cut him off.


“Nothing’s wrong,” she said quickly.  “The salad’s fine.  I told you, I’m just not that hungry.  You don’t have to keep questioning me.”


“Sorry,” Nick said, turning back to his own plate.  He didn’t say a word to Jenna the rest of lunch.




“Well, you wanna do some more shopping, Ash?” Jenna asked eagerly, once they had paid for their lunch.


“Sure,” Ashalyn said.


“Mind if I still tag along?” Nick asked.


“Of course not,” Ashalyn said.  “You’re welcome to.”


“Thanks,” Nick said.  He turned to Brian.  “You coming too, Rok?”


“Sure,” Brian agreed.  “Wanna come, Kev?”


“Sure, Bri,” Kevin said.  He turned back to the four others.  “Are you guys going off on your own, or are you coming with us?”


“I was gonna take Rena down to this cool place with all kinds of Latin stuff,” Howie said.


“Lyssa and I are gonna do some shopping and stuff by ourselves,” AJ said.


“Okay,” Kevin replied. 


With that, the large group split into three smaller ones and went in opposite directions.







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