Chapter 72


One week later


“You ready to go see Mommy?” AJ cooed, as he carefully lifted baby Alexis out of her car seat.   A week had gone by, and Alexis had been home for the hospital for a few days.   Those few days had been some of the hardest of AJ’s life.   While Elyssa remained in a coma at the hospital, he was virtually a single father, trying to care for an infant all by himself.  


This would have been nearly impossible if it hadn’t been for his friends.   Howie and Serena had taken on the task of taking turns being at AJ’s house, helping to take care of Alexis, since they had the most experience out of the entire group.  Sometimes they stayed the night there just to feed Alexis when she woke up in the middle of the night so AJ could get some sleep.  During the day, they were often there by themselves, babysitting Alexis while AJ was at the hospital with Elyssa.


That day, however, AJ had decided to bring Alexis with him to the hospital.  Although he refused to admit it, he had begun to realize the possibility that Elyssa might die.  And if that was true, he wanted his daughter to spend as much time with her mother as possible, even if she would never remember that time later on.


As AJ carried Alexis in her infant seat down the hall of the ICU, where Elyssa had been moved, towards her room, his thoughts drifted to Jenna and Nick.   They had not been speaking all week, and Jenna had been staying with Howie and Serena so she wouldn’t have to be in the same house with Nick.  Both of them came up to the hospital nearly every day to see Elyssa, but they barely even looked at each other, let alone talk.  Nick refused to talk to AJ or Howie either.  He felt betrayed by AJ, and he was pissed at Howie for interfering.  Brian was the only one he talked to, since Brian had declared himself neutral.  AJ was not sure which side Serena and Ashalyn were on.   They acted neutral, but he suspected they were really siding with Jenna, for neither of them had much to say to Nick either.


When AJ entered Elyssa’s room, he saw with dismay that she looked the same as she had all week, still in a coma.   But as he set down Alexis’s infant seat and took Elyssa’s hand in his, he knew something was different.  At his tough, Elyssa gave his hand a week squeeze, and he could have sworn he saw her eyes flutter. 


He stared at her intently.  “Elyssa?” he whispered.  “Baby, it’s me, AJ.  Come on, honey, I know you can hear me.  Wake up now.  Alexis is here with me.  Don’t you want to see her?  Come on, now, Lyss, and open your eyes.”


He squeezed her hand again, and to his delight, her eyes fluttered once more and finally opened.   AJ nearly passed out from relief.   “Lyss,” he breathed happily.  “I knew you could do it, baby.  I love you so much.”


“I… love you too,” Elyssa replied breathily, smiling faintly up at AJ. 


AJ was relieved beyond words to hear her voice again, to see her blue eyes open.   Bending over, he scooped Alexis out of her seat.  “Ali, this is your Mommy,” he said, holding her close to Elyssa’s bed.


“Oh, my baby,” Elyssa whispered, her face growing radiant as she looked upon her baby daughter, whom she had only seen once.   “Hi, Alexis,” she cooed, reaching up weakly to touch the baby’s soft cheek.  “Mommy loves you so much.”


AJ thought he saw tears come into her eyes, but she blinked, and the tears disappeared.   A lump rose in his throat.  “You want to try and sit up and hold her?” he asked Elyssa.


Elyssa nodded eagerly, and AJ put Alexis back in her carrier long enough to raise the head of the bed so that Elyssa was propped up.  Then he carefully placed Alexis in her arms.


Elyssa smiled down at her daughter for a few minutes.  Then she looked up at AJ.     “You’re going to be a great father,” she commented.


“And you’re going to be a great mother,” he replied back.


She smiled sadly.  “Just remember, when things get tough, you aren’t alone.  I’ll always be with you, watching over you, got that?”


“Honey, don’t talk like that,” AJ pleaded.  “You’re not going to die anytime soon.  You’re going to get through this and get your transplant, and then we can go home and watch Ali grow up.”


“I will watch Ali grow up,” Elyssa said.  “But I can’t promise you it will be from on this Earth.”


AJ shook his head.  “Why are you being so negative about this?” he asked.  “You have to have hope.”


“I do have hope, AJ.  But I also have common sense, and I know that it’s unlikely I’ll live much longer.  I don’t want to die, AJ, but if that’s my destiny, then I have to accept that and make the best of it.  AJ, these past couple of years have been the best of my life.  Becoming a singer, falling in love with a wonderful man, having a child, all my dreams have come true.  If I die now, I’ll die happy.”


Tears had risen in AJ’s eyes, and another lump clogged his throat.  “But you’re not going to die.  You’re going to fight, right?” he asked, his voice wavery.


“Of course I’ll fight,” she said.  “But you can’t fight fate, and if this is my fate, there’s nothing I can do to change it.”  She shrugged, smiling sadly. 


“I love you, Elyssa,” he whispered passionately.


“I love you too, AJ,” she replied, her eyes growing bright and shiny.  “Always and forever.”


AJ nodded.  “Always and forever,” he echoed.




Later that afternoon, Jenna arrived at the hospital and eagerly hurried to ICU to see Elyssa.  AJ had called Howie’s house earlier to tell him, Serena, and Jenna that Elyssa had come out of her coma.  Jenna had been out, so Howie and Serena had gone themselves, leaving her a note telling her to come to the hospital when she got home.


When Jenna reached Elyssa’s room, she slowly opened the door and walked in.  No one was in the room except for Elyssa herself, and she was sleeping.   Jenna sighed and sat down in the chair beside Elyssa’s bed.   She yawned, exhausted.   She had not slept very well all week, not since her fight with Nick, and she was worn out.


Before Jenna knew it, her eyes were growing heavy, and she was drifting off to sleep.




“Jenna!  Jenna, wake up!”


Jenna groggily opened her eyes and looked around, confused.  She was in Elyssa’s hospital room.  She suddenly realized that she must have fallen asleep there.  Glancing at Elyssa, she saw that her friend was still sleeping.




Jenna jumped, and turned to see Ashalyn standing behind her.  She had been shaking her shoulder to get her to wake up.


“What?” Jenna asked, still out of it.  Focusing on her friend’s face, she noticed that Ashalyn had been crying.  “What’s wrong?” Jenna asked, becoming more alert.


“It’s Nick,” Ashalyn said, her blue eyes wide and teary.  “He’s just been brought into the ER.”







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