Chapter 12


By Julie


A few minutes after Kevin had left, Brian rubbed his bloodshot eyes and stood up.  “Bye, Frack,” he said, giving Nick’s hand a final squeeze before he left the room.   Once in the hall, he wandered down to the waiting room, where the other three guys sat.  Kevin’s face was buried in his hands, and Howie was gently stroking his back.  AJ glanced up at Brian solemnly when he approached them.


“Hey, Rok,” he muttered.  “We’ve decided that some of us should be at the hospital at all times, so how about you and Kev go on home and get some sleep and then come back later, so Howie and I can go home and sleep?”


Brian nodded.  “Sure, Bone,” he said tonelessly.  “What time should we come back?”  AJ glanced at his watch.


“It’s about ten now,” he said.  “Why don’t you guys come back around six or seven in the morning?” he suggested. 


“Really?  Gosh, Aje, that’s a long time to stay awake,” Brian said.


AJ shrugged.  “We’ll drink some coffee, and we’ll be fine.  You and Kevin need sleep.   You’ve already been in this hospital as a patient twice today.  We don’t want you to pass out again.”  He offered Brian a grin.


Brian smiled sheepishly.  “Okay, we’ll go home and be back at six,” he said.  He didn’t want to leave Nick, but he had to admit, he was exhausted.  And Kevin looked like he needed to get away from the hospital as well.  Brian walked over to where he was sitting and gently placed his hand on his cousin’s shoulder.  “Come on, Kev, we’re leaving now,” he said.  Kevin said nothing, just slowly climbed to his feet.   “See you guys tomorrow morning,” Brian said as he led Kevin down the hall to the elevator.  The two others nodded and solemnly waved as Brian and Kevin disappeared into the elevator. 


As Brian and Kevin walked out to the car, Kevin’s words played over and over again in Brian’s mind.  He felt horrible for Kevin.  He knew his poor cousin blamed himself for Nick’s injuries.


  Brian wasn’t sure what to think himself.   Had Nick actually tried to commit suicide?  Nick was usually so cheerful and happy, Brian would never think that he would ever consider that.   But lately, ever since they had arrived at the house, Nick hadn’t been himself.   Brian didn’t know what to believe about the whole ghost thing.  He had never believed in ghosts, and he knew Nick was infamous for his pranks, but if it was just a joke, Nick had been taking it too far.  Far enough that Kevin had reamed him out, more than once.  If it was just a joke, wouldn’t Nick have quit by now? 


Then another disturbing thought made it’s way into Brian’s mind.  What if Nick had gone crazy?  Maybe Nick really believed he was seeing ghosts.  Maybe that’s what drove him to throw himself off the balcony.  Or maybe it was all an accident.   Brian was extremely puzzled by the whole thing. 


Brian decided to drive them home because Kevin was clearly in no state to drive.  He hadn’t said a word to Brian, just stared straight ahead, his green eyes brimming with unshed tears.  Once they were home, Brian went upstairs and changed into a pair of boxers and a t-shirt.  Kevin disappeared into his room and locked the door.  Brian decided to leave him alone.  He knew Kevin needed some time to himself.  Brian walked out onto the balcony.   He looked all around for evidence as to what had happened to Nick.  There was nothing on the balcony.  Brian began to tremble as he saw where the railing had broken.  Maybe it was an accident.   Maybe Nick had just been leaning on the railing, and it broke.  Brian wasn’t sure, but he hoped that was the truth.  It would make things a little easier on all of them, especially Kevin, if Nick had fallen by accident.


Suddenly, a shiver ran down Brian’s spine.  He wrapped his arms around himself.  “Whew, it’s chilly out here,” he thought.  He looked down at his arms.  They were covered in goose bumps, and all the hairs were standing straight up.  Suddenly, he had a very strange feeling, like someone was behind him.   He spun around, but nothing was there.  Brian shook his head.  “All this ghost stuff has got me freaking out now too,” he thought.


 He turned back towards the railing… and screamed.  There, standing right in front of him, was a man.  It was not an ordinary man though.  This man was an old-fashioned looking man, wearing an old looking pair of overalls and a plaid shirt.   But that wasn’t the first thing Brian noticed when he looked at the man.  It was the fact that the man was nearly transparent.  


Brian stood there, as if he was frozen in place, gazing in fear at this being that stood before him.   The man reached out his hand to Brian.  Brian snapped back to his senses and ran into the house, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it. 


Then he ran to Kevin’s room.  He tried the doorknob, but the door was still locked.  “Kev!!” Brian screamed, nearly in tears.  He banged on Kevin’s door.  Kevin must have heard the anguish in Brian’s voice, for he opened the door right away.


“Brian?  What’s wrong?” he asked, seeing his cousin’s terrified expression. 


“I… I saw a… a ghost,” Brian said, his voice shaking as much as the rest of him was. 


“Brian, shut-up,” Kevin said, sounding annoyed.  “I don’t have time for this crap.  Don’t you understand that?  I can’t believe you would say such a thing after what happened tonight.”


Brian’s eyes filled with tears.  He wanted to tell Kevin about the ghost, maybe even show him.   But he knew that Kevin was not going to believe such a story.   Feeling dejected, he turned and headed to his room. 


“Wait, Brian!” Kevin called, but Brian ignored him.  He would talk to Kevin in the morning.  Right now, he needed to be alone to think.  Once alone in his room, he locked the door and flopped down on his bed.  He pondered what he had seen outside.  Could it be that he was just seeing things?  “I’m just tired,” Brian thought.  “Maybe I was just imagining it.  With all that has happened, I wouldn’t be surprised if my eyes were just playing tricks on me.”   He tried to convince himself of that while he lay in the dark, trying to get some sleep. 








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