Broken  a picture book

by Julie Lewis

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“A Touching Story…”

My younger brother and I enjoyed reading "Broken" together.  It was such a touching story! Ms. Lewis is very creative to write a children's picture book dealing with cancer and barnyard animals.  My younger brother felt as though he could truly relate to poor Nick the baby chick and his struggles--he had broken his leg while playing soccer a few weeks before we read the book.  He asked me if he was going to lose his leg too, and if the other children would treat him differently, like the barnyard animals did.  I told him they probably wouldn't, but I hoped he would find his own cute little piglet also.  He promptly asked our mother for a potbelly pig.  In the end, though, we had a nice conversation about childhood illness and acceptance. Thank you, Ms. Lewis!  We look forward to your next book covering the very intriguing disease B.O.O.P!

- Minako from New York



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Ó 2008 by Julie Lewis