Bittersweet Revenge

Part 1

Even though I knew it was all an elbaborate ruse, I couldn’t tear myself away from how real it looked. The flatline, the long steady beep, the solemn faces. I knew Nick was breathing, but I had to reassure myself of it over and over. If I reacted this strong when it was a show, I’d hate to guess how it would be if, God forbid, it ever really happened.

Then Howie and AJ came in. They’re reactions, seeing them break down like that, was almost ovewhelming. I started to say something to them, but Brian put a hand on my arm. He shook his head slightly and I nodded in acknowledgement. He was the one with the plan.

I studied him closely and determined that he wasn’t having any easier of a time with this than I was. He was ghostly pale, shaking, and still crying. If there was one thing that made my heart ache, it was men that were crying. Now, I was in a surrounded by them with one of my closest friends on his way to the morgue. Yeah, I was definitely struggling with this.

Deizel left the room for a moment out of respect, along with the rest of the nurses and the doctor that were involved. I glanced nervously at Brian, then Kevin. If Howie and AJ saw Nick up close, they would know he was still alive. Who knew what would happen then? It could blow the whole thing. Howie would probably be able to be a little more discreet, but I could see AJ flipping out. I needn’t have worried about that though. AJ pulled himself to his feet and attempted to go over to Nick. He took one look, choked back a sob, and bolted from the room. Howie cast a pained glance towards Nick, then us, before running after AJ.

“Shit.” Murmured Kevin. He looked at Brian and I. “We should leave so they can take him when they get here.” He said, not wanting to say morgue.” Brian whispered. I frowned at Kevin, thinking Brian really needed to lay down. Kevin acknowledged me look and set his hand on Bri’s shoulder.

No!!” Brian insisted as forcefully as he could. I knew why too. With this scheme, who knew when he was going to be able to see Nick again anytime soon.

Kevin supported Brian over to Nick’s bedside. Brian reached a hand up and gently brushed Nick’s hair away from where it had fallen in his eyes. It was considerably longer than when I had first met him. But, then, mine was too. Brian didn’t say anything, but I could see his shoulders shaking. Then Deizel appeared in the doorway with a wheelchair. Kevin helped Brian into it. Behind Deizel were two men in white lab coats. They were there for Nick.

“No.” I whispered. I wasn’t ready. I needed to be with him to make sure he was going to be okay. I shakily went over to the side of the bed and wrapped my arms around him. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Come on, Lizz. It’s time.” Deizel said softly.

I took Nick’s hand and squeezed it tight. Before I pulled away, I whispered in his ear, “It’s going to be okay Nick. I know you can hear me in there. Keep fighting and dont be scared, you’re safe now. I’ll see you as soon as I can. Hang in there. Love you.”

Deizel led me out of the room over to Kevin and Brian. I rested my hand on the handle of Brian’s wheelchair, steadying myself. I wasn’t prepared to see the men wheel Nick’s bed out of his room, a sheet draped over it. Over him. It wasn’t the first time I had seen that and it was hard. I couldn’t help but break down once again. I shielded my eyes with my hand, trying to stifle the sobs. Brian reached his hand up and layed it over mine.

We’re...going to...get through...this...Lizz.” Brian’s words were strong, but I was still scared. It was all so real and so much was at stake. We didn’t know the extent of the damage Marcus inflicted on Nick and whether he, or his voice, would be okay. He had to be okay, I needed him to be. Who was going to keep me in line or get into trouble with me? Who else was going to be there for me like he was? I had to believe he was going to be okay, because frankly, I couldn’t take it any other way.

Marcus watched the scene from the tiny closet, barely able to contain his excitement. Only moments after entering Carter’s room, the tattooed one tore open the drapes and Marcus heard him cry out like an animal, falling to his knees. Seconds later he tore out of the room, followed by the other one. Next, a doctor walked out, face grim. Then a nurse, also visibly upset and shaken. Marcus felt his grin widen. Then it looked Brian and Lizz were saying their tearful goodbyes. “Boo-fucking-hoo.” He muttered under his breath. The best part came when two men pulled a sheet over Carter’s bed and wheeled his body out of the room. Marcus was elated. He discarded his previous thought to leave and “disappear” for awhile and decided to hang around and relish in everyone’s misery. Especially Brian and Lizz’s. “Finally they got what they deserved.” He smirked to himself.


No words were exchanged by the two male orderlies as they guided the cart carrying Nick down the halls towards the “staff only” elevators. They were told the prioriety of the situation and that they were under strict orders to do only as told to do. If they complied, they would be benefited with payment of a bonus.

The elevator car stopped. There was already a patient cart on board, a body that was also draped with a plain white sheet. When the doors closed, the orderlies switched places and the ones that were taking Nick were now in charge of a newly deceased patient.

As instructed, one of the men punched the button to take them up to the 10th floor. When the elevator stopped on 10, the new orderly took the cart carrying Nick and pushed it off the elevator and down the hall towards the nurse’s station desk.


As soon as Marcus witnessed Nick’s friends as well as his sheet covered body leave the ICU room, he quickly left the security of the closet where he had been hiding and took the stairs to the basement floor, towards the morgue.

He could feel the rush of adrenaline when he saw the elevator doors open and then the two orderlies pushing the cart down the hall into the cold and dimly lit morgue. A sick smile played across his lips. His plan was coming into place, his mother would be proud of the revenge he had finally delivered.


The remainder of the group gathered in Brian’s room. No one spoke as Deizel helped Brian out of the wheelchair back into his bed.

“Has anyone called Bob and Jane?” Howie asked, his voice thick with emotion.

“I’ll be taking care of that,” Kevin quickly replied as he helped Brian straighten the blankets out on the bed.

“It’s all too real, this is a sick dream,” Lizz said softly, tears still slipping down her cheeks.

“The FBI aren’t doing a damn thing about any of this Marcus bullshit from day one. I’m taking the matter into my hands now! I’ll cap the asshole,” AJ sputtered through his tears.

Brian shot a look at AJ which was intercepted by Howie.

“AJ, calm down, this isn’t the time or place man,” Howie quietly reprimanded.

AJ jumped up from his seat and immediately started to pace the floor. “This isn’t right, my god, can’t you guys see this? He killed....him,” AJ stammered, not willing to say the name ‘Nick’ “and now, as far as I’m concerned, the asshole needs to pay and I’m gonna make sure he pays out quickly.”

The phone ringing stopped AJ during his rambling. Kevin scooped the phone off the hook.

“Yeah,” he grunted into the phone.

“I see Carter didn’t make it,” Marcus began.

Kevin felt chills go down his spine as he listened to Marcus’s voice on the receiver.

“I don’t trust any of you asses, so here’s what I need now. I need proof that he’s dead.”

Kevin’s eyes narrowed as he listened to the madman’s ravings. “Proof? How do you suggest I go about that?”

“I want to see the body at the funeral home, in his box,” Marcus replied.

Kevin immediately felt sick to his stomach. “Don’t you think it would be a little difficult since this will no doubt be a private viewing!”

“Just do it or I start making some selections on my next victim,” Marcus replied sweetly. “I will be calling tomorrow to get the details on the funeral home. Remember, no funny stuff or I take a fan or two out.”

Kevin didn’t bother saying goodbye, he quickly slammed the receiver back down on the cradle. Brian looked up at his older cousin questionably.

Before Kevin could tell anyone what the phone call was about, the phone rang again.

“Yeah,” Kevin stated crisply into the phone.

“Why? How did this happen?” a voice sobbed on the other end of the phone.

It took Kevin a few minutes to soothe one of the PR managers for the group. They ended the call with setting up a time for a mini conference to address the details about Nick’s death and to make sure it was handled well in the media.

“Conference thursday afternoon at 4,” Kevin said as he gently hung the phone up.


Nurse Georgia Shell immediately grew nervous when she saw the cart coming down the hall. She knew that this was that patient that she had received a call about and that she was totally in charge of keeping the identity secret and that she would be compensated for her actions.

“Room 430 please,” she requested as she gathered up the materials she would need to make the changes for Nick, switching his identity in the hospital from Carter, Nickolas G to Carpenter, Jack A.

The orderlies quickly took Nick down the the room and lowered the side rails and moved the patient from the cart to his new assigned bed. Wordlessly, Nurse Shell pulled out her scissors and snipped off the pale green hospital ID bracelet and quickly slipped the new one on Nick’s wrist. She placed some other identifying information into a heavy brown folder and handed over to one of the men.

“Incenerate this immediately.”

Hooking up all the machines to the patient and stepping back to recheck every lead, every wire, Nurse Shell decided that everything was now in order. The patient was breathing at 94% with oxygen. He looked stable for the moment.


The day continued on in pretty much the same nightmarish fashion. I wanted to know who had called a few moments after we had reached Kevin’s room. There were two phone calls that had come in a row, but the first one seemed to really shake Kevin up. Not to mention he looked pissed. I had my suspicions, but I didn’t want to bring it up though until I was totally aware of how this plan was going to work. And I didn’t want to ask while Howie and AJ were still in the room since they didn’t know.

AJ had finally calmed down from his raging. He had finally lowered himself into a chair, defeated. He put his hands over his face and stayed that way for a long time. Howie had sort of stared off into space and he seemed to be in a state of shock. Kevin had spent most of the rest of the day on the phone and temporarily disappearing from the room.

Brian worried me the most. He looked so lost. Granted, he knew that his best friend hadn’t really died, but there were still a lot of unknowns and Nick wasn’t out of the woods yet. Nick’s sats had dropped and just having surgery where his oxygen levels were messed with already, was precarious. Not to mention, he was under strict orders to be kept totally quiet at the risk of his voice being permanently ruined. I was scared to death he was going to wake up alone and be scared to death. He wouldn’t be in a familiar room and there wouldn’t be any familiar faces to reassure him. Last, we were playing with fire anyway with this plan. One little slip and Marcus would strike. An innocent fan? One of us?

When Kevin had returned to the room once, he suggested that Howie, AJ and I go back to the hotel. They both argued and I flat refused. Obviously Kevin didn’t know me well enough yet to know that I wasn’t leaving Brian or Nick. Howie relented first, seeing that is was the best plan. AJ was a little slower to agree, but after much convincing, he did reluctantly. I still flat out refused and with a long sigh, Kevin gave up.

I glanced at the clock on the wall. 10:53. Normally I would be wide awake, but now I was exhausted. The pain in my ribs lessened to a dull throbbing, but my headache remained. Brian fared worse. His color never really returned and he had barely uttered two words since this afternoon. We were now waiting for Kevin to get back in here. He had gone to walk Howie and AJ to the elevators.

“Need anything?” I asked softly to Brian.

Nick.” Came the soft reply.

“I know.” I said, hoping my voice didn’t betray the emotion I felt. “He’s going to be okay.”

Brian nodded and offered a smile more for my benefit.

“Lizz, I really wish you would have gone with them.” Kevin admonished as he strolled back into the room. “You need to take care of yourself.”

I shook my head. I was the least of my concerns right now. “Why haven’t we heard anything about how he is?”

“Haven’t you ever heard, ‘no news is good news’? Communication about that is incredibly risky. I’m sure they would have told us if something had gone wrong.” Kevin assured.

“Why didn’t you tell AJ and Howie the truth? That’s cruel.” I tried to keep the accusing tone out of my voice, but I couldn’t help it. If it were me on the other side, I would have freaked.

“I hate it as much as you do, but what choice do we have? AJ can’t keep a secret worth anything. If we told them the truth, their reaction might have ruined the plan. Nick and who knows who else’s lives are at stake. You want to risk that?” Kevin reasoned.

I hung my head. “I know, of course I don’t. I just...I mean, doesn’t this scare you? We are playing with fire!” I looked up, staring Kevin in the eyes.

“Hell yes it scares me, but what choice do we have?” Kevin threw his hands out.

“I know, I know. We don’t really. We have to do whatever it takes.” I sighed.

Brian didn’t say a word through the whole exchange. He was the one who came up with this brilliant plan, but I knew he was frustrated at not being able to do more. He was always there for Nick and now he couldn’t be. Not as much as he wanted to be.

The more I thought about Nick being alone up there, the more I decided that that wasn’t going to work. I couldn’t help but play out in my mind what could happen when he would wake up and no one familiar would be there. I made up my might, I wasn’t going to let that happen. If he had woken up already, we were screwed. What was important now was that he stayed calm to protect his voice.

It was another hour before Brian finally let himself fall asleep. Well, I don’t think he really let himself because he was fighting it, but his overtired body won out. Kevin feel asleep a little later with his book still in his hands. I made myself wait another half hour to make sure they were asleep. It passed agonizingly slow, but when it came, I was ready. I slipped out of the room and took the elevator to the first floor. Then I followed the signs to the ER. I knew it was usually hectic enough in there that I would be virtually unnoticed. I was right. No one gave me a second glance as I ducked into a supply room and grabbed a pair of blue scrubs. I grabbed a mask and surgical hat too. I shoved it all under my shirt, making me look slightly pregnant, and went across the hall into a bathroom. I changed quickly, ditching my jeans and teeshirt. I was wearing the green sweatshirt Nick had gotten for me for the press conference and I knew I couldn’t leave that behind so I tied it around my waist. The mirror revealed the dark bruise under my eye and the cheekbone underneath. The bandage covering the nice hole in my head that Marcus gave me when he clocked me with his gun was easily covered by the hat. Now I looked like a med student.

The only thing I knew was that Nick was on the seventh floor now. Getting to him might be tough. Again, no one gave me a second look as I nonchalantly headed to the elevators and to the seventh floor. This was sort of the overflow floor. Normally not used much, but during winter seasons when there was a lot more illness this floor tended to be a little more occupied. It was pretty slow now. I hesitated when I got closer to the rooms. This was top secret, how did I think I would get in? And how did I think I was going to find out where he was? I couldn’t just ask! I finally decided to wander and try to peak in the rooms. At least I looked legit. I went all down one hall with no luck. I made it to the end of the second hall the same way, starting to feel discouraged. When I started to push open one door, someone materialized at my side.

“Excuse me, can I help you?” The nurse looked at me critically. Her name tag read Georgia Shell.

“Ah, yeah I am looking for a patient.” I said, trying to sound confident.


“ name is uh-” I started to stammer.

“The patient’s name.” Georgia cut me off. She looked determined, but nervous.

I thought hard. Why was she nervous? Had I found Nick? “Actually I was a close friend of a patient that died today. I was very concerned about a friend of his who is also admitted here. I don’t really want him to be alone when he wakes up.” I said carefully.

Her eyes widened somewhat. “I-I recognize you. You’re...”

I nodded. “Shhh. Can you help me? My friend shouldn’t be alone.” I let the desperation sneak into my voice.

She nodded and motioned for me to follow her into the room that I had tried to go into. “Should I expect anyone else?” She whispered.

“No!” I whispered back, almost too harshly. “I’m sorry. No one else, though. And I wasn’t here either.”

She nodded. “He hasn’t woken up yet, but he’s been trying to. I am glad you are here, actually.” She gave me a small smile before disappearing again.

The room was dark and I walked slowly over to the bed. Nick lay there, oxygen canula on, shifting around slightly. I looked at all the monitors that were on and was relieved to see that all the levels were normal. I sank down into a chair and took his hand into mine. I let out a long shaky breath, relieved and scared at the same time. Relieved that I was here with him, scared by everything else. I desperately hoped he would be okay when he woke. Kevin was going to absolutely ream my ass when he found out about this. Yes, there was a risk, but being here for Nick overrided that. I started to formulate a plan. I knew it was going to be impossible to sneak back and forth. Way too risky. I had two options. One being I would have to keep my distance from Nick. There was no way that was going to happen though. That left one other option.

Go into hiding too.

I could get plane tickets and fly somewhere to make it look like I disappeared. Like I just had to get away. Then, come back under an alias and stay with Nick. I had some friends that had just moved to Florida that I was sure would be able to help. The plan started to take shape and I finally started to feel a little relief. Now I just had to live through Kevin’s wrath when I got caught doing this now.

My thoughts were interrupted when Nick stirred again. I squeezed his hand gently and was rewarded with a weak squeeze back. I gingerly sat on the edge of his bed and waited for his eyes to open. I didn’t have to wait long.



My throat was searing like it was being stabbed repeatidly with thousands of knives. I sucked a breath in, which was a huge mistake and I wanted to scream out in agony but something inside of me prevented me from attempting it.

I slowly opened my eyes and waited for them to focus as I scanned the room. There was a figure sitting at the edge of the bed and I guessed it correctly that it was Lizz.

“Sh-h-h, don’t talk hon,” Lizz quietly directed.

I frowned at the request but then I suddenly remembered that I had chose the option of having my vocal cords repaired after drinking the tainted water that Marcus had provided for me. I also remembered that the doctor had told me that I would more than likely have to keep quiet until he had given me a “green light” to begin talking once again. I was anxious to find out if the surgery was successful, but again I was scared that it may have failed.

Damn, I was so tired, I never would have guessed that I would be completely whipped by this. There were so many questions I wanted to ask Lizz, Lucky for me, she had that “telepathic link.”

“You really need to rest up, Nick, you’ve been through some hell.”

She understood the look I shot at her.

“Brian is doing fine, he sends his love,” Lizz replied.

That wasn’t good enough for me. I could tell that she had been stressing herself over all of this and she looked like hell. I know that she hadn’t been eating, let alone sleeping through any of this. God, she looked awful for me just coming out of surgery.

My eyes caught a calendar that was hanging on the wall. The date made me do a double take. Okay, my surgery was done on Friday, the 19th. Why in God’s name did the calendar have Tuesday, the 23nd. Did they have me snowed under that long?

Lizz’s eyes followed mine to the calendar. She again read my thoughts.

“Drugs are great, aren’t they?” she lied.

I managed a weak smile back. I didn’t agree 100% that this was the truth, but I was too sleepy to fight it at the moment.

“That’s it Nick, rest, it’s what you need,” Lizz soothed as she held my hand in hers.


“Just where the hell did Lizz take off to?” Kevin demanded of Brian as he paced the room, stopping once to look out the window.

“Hopefully resting,” Brian replied. His voice was growing stronger each day and his prayers were answered when he woke up this morning and had his voice back almost to his full potential. His voice would waiver when he talked for extended periods, but at least it was coming back to him thankfully to the speech therapy he had been receiving.

“Somehow I don’t completely belive that,” Kevin sputtered. “Well, since AJ and Howie haven’t made it here yet, I’m going to fill you in on all of the details of what’s been set up for the conference and the other facts. I was hoping Lizz would have been in here to hear this.”

Brian nodded solemnly.

“Okay, I made funeral arrangements at Repath and Jennings Funeral Home in
Tampa. I paid them off to keep this high PR and not to leak any details out. They knew that there would be huge publicity from this stint so they are going to handle this with every instruction I dictated to the letter. The only hurdle I had in this was the fact that Marcus wanted proof that Nick was dead. That elimanted a chance of a “staged creamation” since he wanted a body to view.”

“How are you getting around that?” Brian asked.

“It’s all been taken care of,” Kevin replied, glancing at his watch.

“The best of the best in the world that does wax figures did a body image of Nick and I hate to say it, it looks so damned realistic, it’s spooky. You’re gonna swear it’s him in that casket.”

Brian swallowed nervously.

“Okay, the “funeral” has been set up for this Thursday at
one o’clock. Nick’s parents have been informed and told of the whys and hows of the whole thing.”

“Oh god, that must have been hard to do,” Brian replied.

“It was, Jane about lost it completely when I talked to her, but I managed to calm her down before she got hysterical. They backed you up with your plan Brian. They said it was the only way to protect Nick and anyone else from getting hurt.”

Brian nodded, relieved that his parents would see it that way as well. He was still worried about how Nick was coming out of all of this, if he was coming out of this.

A quiet tap on the door, stopped Kevin from continuing outlining the plans.

“Yeah, it’s open,” Kevin stated.

Lizz popped her head around the door, and slowly emerged, dressed in wrinkled hospital scrubs. “Hi,” she stated, her voice shaky from nerves.

Kevin immediately narrowed his eyes at her. “Where the hell have you been, dressed like that!?”

Lizz flinched as the booming of Kevin’s voice assualted her ears.

“Oh god, you didn’t” he added quickly when he detected her nervousness.

“Don’t be mad at me Kevin, it was something I had to do,” Lizz defended.

“I’ve gone out of my way buying people off, making plans and ironing out details and you go and do that just because you HAD TO?”

“No, Kevin, it’s okay, Nick’s nurse is cool with this,” Lizz replied, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

“Kev, back down, she’s only trying to help here,” Brian came to her defense.

“If anything goes belly up on this, it’s your fault,” Kevin growled.

Brian shot a dirty look at Kevin after the remark was made. “Don’t let him get to you, it’s been rough for all of us.”

Lizz nodded slightly.

“So, anyway, how is Nick?” Brian asked cautiously.

Lizz’s face brightened through her tears. “Pissed that he can’t talk!”

“Oh god, that’s the best news I’ve had all morning,” Brian softly chuckled. “No side effects from the carbon?”

“Nope, he’s ornery so he’s all good,” Lizz smiled.

“Okay, now I can fill you in on the press conference before Howie and AJ show up,” Kevin interrupted.


Nick’s family pulled into the parking lot of the funeral home, as Kevin pulled up behind them with AJ, Howie and Lizz. This was the plan that Kevin had set up for them just in case Marcus would be scoping out the funeral home. The actual arrangements were made from
Tampa, but “Nick” would be in Oklahoma until Marcus had his taste of this and then the casket with the fake Nick would be shipped out to Tampa and a closed casket would be viewed from that point on.

The sounds of the awful piped in music added to the dregery of the situation. Lizz could see out the corner of her eye a oak casket far away in a large room. As they neared the entrance, she felt her stomach turn in knots.

’This isn’t Nick,” Lizz kept repeating to herself mentally. From far away, her heart did a leap as she saw the wax mannequin dressed in a dark blue shirt and patterned tie laying in the casket. As they neared the body, she felt her heart catch in her throat. As much as she tried to convince herself that this wasn’t Nick, she couldn’t push it past that thought. This looked like a ringer for Nick....a dead ringer.

Nick’s parents had been told that this was all a staged death, Lizz wasn’t sure about his sisters and brother by their reactions. AJ and Howie weren’t any better.

After thirty minutes elapsed, the final test came into the room.


Kevin narrowed his eyes at the man that had caused all of this unwanted pain and suffering. Suprizingly, Marcus had managed to clean himself up halfway decently but his hair was still obviously greasy and combed back, the comb marks leaving a trail from his forehead all the way down towards the back of his dirty neck.

The true test came as Marcus approached the casket. No one in the room had thought to touch the mannequin and Marcus appeared to be checking all the details, the scars on Nick’s finger and his forehead, all recreated from photos Kevin provided.

Kevin’s breath caught as Marcus reached down and touched the hands and then sickly patted them.

“Farewell my friend,” Marcus softly said to “Nick.”

“Who the hell is that dude?” AJ whispered to Kevin.

“An old manager of Nick’s,” Kevin lied.

AJ bought the lie as he remained seated. Something about the man bothered AJ, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen him. He decided since he had been one of Nick’s manager’s, then that was probably where he had seen him before.

Marcus gave his respects to Nick’s parents and then quietly asked Kevin to step out of the room with him. They barely got out the front door when Marcus pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep drag from it.

“I really didn’t believe you at first, but now that I’ve seen it with my own two eyes, I can relax. Carter is dead, his debt has been paid off,” Marcus smirked.

Kevin could feel the bile rise in his throat. Marcus absolutely sickened him.

“But, I still want to see your conference this afternoon too. I am going to see if my momma can watch it in prision,” Marcus’s face soured.


I woke up alone and bored. I grabbed the remote for the TV and decided to do some channel surfing. I stopped at Mtv, decided that was better entertainment than any soap opera could ever provide.

I was so damn bored I was doing all the typical things you do laying in a hospital bed, counting the square tiles on the ceiling, 326 in this room, and staring at the door hoping someone would come in and visit to relieve the boredom.

I looked at the six IV bags that were hanging on the IV pole, wondering what each of them were for. Bored with that, I flipped my ID bracelet around.

Carpener, Jack A.

I rubbed my eyes and then read it a second and then a third time. What the heck was this about? Then an annoucement blasted over Mtv News:

”Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet Boys has set up a press conference this afternoon at four. Mtv will have live, exclusive coverage from the hospital.”

I immediately was wondering if something awful had happened to Brian, and I was feeling the panic rise in my chest, forgetting about the weird name on the ID bracelet. Then something was flashed on the screen that made my heart stop. I was a picture of me with my name centered at the bottom and 1980 - 2001.


Never again. Funerals were something I was accustomed to, but this, this was different. Of course, the major detail being that this wasn’t really Nick, it was still different. I kept having to tell myself over and over that it wasn’t him. Seeing his family and AJ and Howie react the way they did was heart-wrenching. There were other people that I didn’t recognize there and they were all in tears. I’m glad Brian wasn’t here.

Kevin sat one one side of me and AJ sat on the other. Kevin had informed me in not-so-nice terms that I was not to leave his sight. After his verbal lashing, I was not about to try anything...yet.

I don’t know what possessed me to look inside the casket. I never wanted to see the person’s body because I prefered to remember them as they were when they were alive. Maybe it was because I knew it wasn’t really Nick in that casket. Plus it was sort of a morbid curiosity. After seeing it though, I sorta wished I hadn’t. It scared the ever-loving shit outta me. Then I saw a familiar figure walk up to the casket and my whole body tensed. I glanced at Kevin out of the corner of my eye and saw that he was watching Marcus too. AJ leaned in front of me to ask Kevin who that was and I held my breath. Kevin told him that it was one of Nick’s managers and AJ leaned back in the pew, watching Marcus still. When Marcus leaned over to touch “Nick” I started to get up, my blood boiling. Kevin immediately put his hand on my knee, making me sit back down. He shook his head and gave me a look.

I watched after everyone filed out as Marcus pulled Kevin aside. I tried not to act interested, but I wanted to know what was going on now. Kevin walked back over to where AJ, Howie and I were standing. He looked mad, but I knew better than to say something at the moment.

“Okay, this is what’s going to happen. Lizz and I are going to go get Brian if you two want to check back in at the hotel and get your bearings. Be at the conference room at
3:15. Don’t be late. We’ll see you there.” Kevin explained. AJ and Howie looked relieved, as the funeral had shaken them up pretty bad. I was shaken up and I knew that Nick was really alive. I couldn’t even imagine how they felt.

Kevin didn’t say anything until we both got in the car. “He is going to watch the press conference.” He said, the irritation showing through his voice.

“God, hasn’t he had enough? He isn’t going to leave is he? This is going to go on until he is caught.” I shut my eyes and leaned my head against the headrest.

“Are you holding up okay?” He asked, his voice softer.

“Hell, I don’t know. It was awful. I knew it wasn’t really him in that...But I kept having to repeat it over and over again to myself. Remember back when he swallowed all those pills?” I rubbed my eyes. They had mascara rings under them anyway so I didn’t care much about what happened to the rest of it.


“When I was sitting on that computer with him, I was so terrified that he was going to go through with it and I was envisioning going to his funeral. Kevin, that would literally kill me. I was so desperate to stop him that I didn’t care about anything else. That’s why...I did what I did. And now sitting here, sort of brought all that back. What it would be like if he were gone. I couldn’t do it.” My eyes tried to fill up again and I stopped talking before I lost it completely.

“I know, Lizz. But just keep telling yourself that he is here now and he is going to be okay. Try to pull yourself together before we get to Brian’s room okay?” He said softly.

I nodded, thankful again that Brian didn’t have to see that. When we got to Brian’s room, Brian was already ready to go. He was wearing street clothes and other than looking a little tired, he looked totally normal. I knew him well enough by now to tell that he was stressed and very nervous. That made two of us. He looked up at us when we entered the room and I whistled at him. He blushed slightly as he always did when someone payed him a compliment.

“It feels weird to not be in sweats.” He laughed.

“How are you feeling?” Kevin asked.

Brian nodded. “Better. I haven’t heard anything about Nick so I guess that is a good thing. How long before we have to go downstairs?”

“About a half hour.” Kevin replied. I took a deep breath. It was do or die time.

“Um, I made a decision.” I said quietly.

Brian and Kevin turned their attention to me and Kevin narrowed his eyes. Okay die.

“I was thinking about this when I was in with Nick. He can’t stay alone like this. You both know as well as I do that he can’t. Between trying to recover phsically and emotionally too...Anyway, Iamgoingtogoundercoverwithhim.” I said the last part in a rush.

“Absolutely not. That is way too dangerous.” Kevin interrupted.

“It’s just as dangerous to have him go through this alone. You know as well as I do that we don’t have much of a choice here. I can make myself disappear. I know people that can help me do that. I can get a new name, change how I look, whatever it takes and I will stay with Nick. Make sure nothing happens and stuff.” I was almost pleading. The more I thought about this, the more I realized the importance of this.

“Lizz, think about what you are saying here.” Brian said softly.

“Are you ready to put your life on hold for who knows how long?”

“Bri, come on. I flunked out of school already from missing so much class. I’ve pretty much cut off all my friends here in town because I don’t even know what to say to them. I can’t talk about this stuff and I didn’t want them to see me when I was such a wreck. I am sure I lost my job by now too. They can’t keep my position open forever. I can’t stay in this town anyway. It’s a small town and everyone knows everything about everyone else. I won’t be able to have a normal life here again.” I ticked the things off with my fingers.

“I’m sorry...” Brian’s voice grew even more quiet.

“Now don’t start that. I didn’t mean for it to sound that way. No one asked for any of this to happen, but it did and no one can change that. There isn’t any other place I would rather be right now than with you guys. And especially Nick. You know this needs to happen.” I stared both of them in the eyes.

Brian sighed in resignation first. I knew he would see where I was coming from here because this was usually his roll. He knew how bad things could get and now any good to be alone. I think he knew that I needed Nick too.

Kevin cast a glance to Brian. “Don’t tell me you are considering this.”

“We have to...”

Kevin still shook his head. “You know how risky this is?”

“I’ve already got it figured out. One of my best friends lives in Florida. I trust her with my life and I have several times over the years, as she has done with me. Anyway, she just moved there not too long ago with her husband and little girl. Her husband got into some shady stuff when he was younger. Car theft, stuff like that. Needless to say he, well both of them, are pretty street-wise. I can change my look, get a new id, learn some tips and come back someone different. Meanwhile we announce at the conference today that I am going to FL to stay with some friends to get away for awhile. Marcus can follow me to the damned airport if he wants too. He won’t go with me so he won’t know what is going on. This can work. It has to.” I layed it all out.

Kevin finally sighed and tipped his head back. “Geez you are as stubborn as Nick. Maybe worse.”

My eyes lit up. “So I can do it?”

“Like you said, what choice do we have?” Kevin reminded.

Brian gave me an encouraging smile. I could see the mixture of relief and worry in his eyes. I know my feelings mirrored his. Kevin’s echoed hung in my ears, “If anything goes belly up on this, it’s your fault.” This was a huge risk, but not doing it could be even a greater risk.

We talked for a few more minutes about it, laying out the plan before we went downstairs for the press conference. We were going to announce in the conference that I was going to Florida so it would be made perfectly clear for Marcus, in case he was watching. Kevin managed to pull some strings and get me on a flight departing at 7:00pm, almost four hours from now. After I got in Florida, I was supposed to call Kevin and tell him what name to arrange for a flight for me to return. I wanted to get back as soon as possible. I called my friend and as I had hoped, she was agreeable to everything. I wanted someone to get word to Nick to hold out till tomorrow morning. It bothered me that he was having to be alone and I knew he had a lot of questions. When I got there in the morning I would explain everything. Then to my total shock, Kevin gave me a huge wad of money. I didn’t even count it, but I knew it was a lot. “You’ll probably need it.” Was all he said.

We started down to the room that was going to hold the conference. The hospital graciously let us use one of their rooms again. I was as nervous as I was last time, actually probably more so. One, there was the whole issue about us playing with fire. Two, I knew it was going to be hard to see people’s reactions when Kevin told them Nick was dead. Three, Nick wasn’t here. Last time he stayed by me the whole time, knowing I was a bit of a wreck. This time I stuck by Brian. He rode down there in a wheelchair, but left it outside the conference room, choosing to walk in instead. Just before we went in, I stopped them.

“Wait, can I go to the bathroom first? Will you wait for me?” I looked at them both.

“Yeah, go ahead, we still have a couple minutes.” Kevin said with a smile. I bet he thought I was going in to puke. I snickered to myself. I hadn’t eaten in quite awhile so there wasn’t anything to throw up. I let myself into the restroom and went over to the sink, taking a paper towel and wetting it with cold water. I layed it over my face, hoping it would cool me off. Actually dunking my head under the sink would have been preferable, but I didn’t want to look like a drowned rat for the cameras. After I took off the paper towel I studied my face critically. The black eyes were almost gone. There was only a light bruise under my right eye. The huge bandage on my head was gone, replaced by a tiny little square. Much better. Last, but not least, I wiped under my eyes, hoping the dark rings were mascara instead of from being sleep-deprived. No such luck. Even makeup hadn’t been able to really make my eyes not look so dark.

When I rejoined Brian and Kevin, AJ and Howie were there also. Neither one of them looked much better than they did a little while ago. This was not going to be fun. The room was set up pretty much the same as it was before. The long table with the little place cards. There were reporters in the room too and started snapping pictures immediately. When we got closer to the table, I breathed a sigh of relief to see that they had put me next to Brian. Kevin was talking to someone, as was Howie. AJ, Brian and I all took our seats. I eyed my water bottle warily. Then, in a sudden impulse I jumped up and grabbed all five water bottles and dumped them in a trash can by the door. I wasn’t taking any chances. I got some strange looks for that little stunt and I was sure a few cameras went off as well. Kevin stopped mid-sentence and looked at me in surprise. Then he called one of their bodyguards over and said something to him. I sank back into my chair.

“I don’t care if I get into trouble for that. Who knows where those bottles came from. Look what happened last time!” I whispered harshly to Brian.

“It’s okay, Lizz.” He smiled back. I thought I saw a hint of amusement in his smile and I had to laugh.

“Okay so I probably looked like a freak just now.” I muttered.

AJ even cracked a smile.

The bodyguard came back a moment later with five new water bottles. “These pass inspection ma’am?” He grinned at me.

I blushed. “Well yeah, since I know where they came from now. Thank you.”

Then the rest of the room filled up and people started taking their seats. Or standing at their seats, rather. My stomach tensed up as the camera flashes got faster. I saw Carson again, but he wasn’t doing the asking this time. It was some lady in a dark blue suit that I didn’t recgonize. Just as she started to ask the first question, the tension in my stomach turned into an onslaught of uneasiness. My first thought was Nick. That something was wrong. I darted my eyes back and forth, trying to figure out what to do without causing a scene. I grabbed Brian’s hand under the table and he looked at me, surprised. The look on my face must have said it all because his eyes widened considerably. I was fighting the panic, determined not endanger the plan. But if something was wrong with Nick, what did any of this matter? I looked at Brian helplessly.


I stared at the tv screen, not completely understanding what was happening. This was all a bad dream and I desperately wanted it to end. Mtv was starting up the press conference and I was anxious to hear what Kevin or any of the other guys would have to say about this mixup. They were probably gonna clear up the rumor that was saying I was dead. This was some sick joke that had gone way too far.

The camera panned the long table where Howie, Kevin, AJ, Brian and Lizz were setting quietly. I did a double take when I saw Lizz. She looked awful, she had dark rings under her eyes and it looked like she was coming out of one hell of a crying jag. I could tell by her actions that she was feeling the panic attack I was fighting. I needed to calm down for her. Thank god Brian was sitting next to her to help her. Last time we had a conference, I was there for her.

I literally held my breath as the conference began.

Kevin cleared his throat. As always, he was the spokesperson for the group. Cameras were flashing continuously and video equipment was humming.

“Nick passed away on Monday due to complications from surgery. Private funeral services will be held tomorrow in
Florida,” Kevin stated, his voice was thick with emotion.

This had to be part of some sick joke, I thought to myself as I stared at the tv screen in disbelief. The camera angle widened and the whole table was shown once again. By the look on everyone’s face, it appeared that they believed what Kevin had read. The look on Brian’s face tore at my heart. He looked lost. I wanted to scream at the tv, get through to someone that I was alive and alright.

In a desperate move, I pulled the nurse call button out of the socket on the wall. Within seconds, a team of five nurses came bursting through the door. I was guessing once they saw that I wasn’t having a heart attack, all left but one.

“What do you need?” the nurse asked as she plugged the call button back into the wall outlet.

I stared at her for a moment. How was I going to relay what I needed to ask her? Frustrated, I pointed at the tv. She looked in the direction I was pointing and smiled and nodded.

“Yep, it’s Mtv.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. How could she even think I pulled a nurse button for something that stupid. To hell with doctor’s orders, what did it matter now if I kept quiet?

”They think I’m dead.”

I winced as I heard my voice. It sounded awful. I was shocked at how raspy it sounded. It was hard to describe. It was like AJ going on 4 days without sleep. I guess it would be like when you spent 3/4 of the night yelling and screaming at the top of your lungs.

“Sh-h-h, Jack, you’re not supposed to talk, doctor’s orders.”

My eyebrows furrowed, I was growing frustrated with this nurse.

”Not Jack, I’m Nick.”

“I think you need to talk with someone. Please, just lay back and rest and I will get someone to talk to you,” the nurse urged as she placed a hand on my shoulder trying to force me to lay back.

I shook my head, she wasn’t going to play this game with me. I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

”No, tell

“You need to calm down or I will have to sedate you,” the nurse replied, a slight annoyed tone set into her voice.

That was enough to keep me quiet for the time being. I hated being sedated, I needed to keep awake to find out answers.


updated: 03-14-01

The panicky feelings eased slightly, catching my somewhat off-guard. It didn’t totally go away so I knew he had to still be awake, but it wasn’t as persistent as it was when it hit me. Brian was watching me out of the corner of his eye and I gave him an uncertain smile, trying to convey that it was okay. He nodded barely and turned his attention back to the interview. I tried to pay attention, but my mind kept drifting back towards the viewing, the plans, and Nick.


I snapped back to attention. “Uh...yeah?” I stammered, flushing. The lady that was doing the asking now was facing me and cameras were flashing behind her.

“Kevin said that you were going to be taking a trip away from here to get a break from all this...” She stopped, hoping I would elaborate. Normally I would clam up, but this was just the opportunity I needed. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Yeah...losing Nick,’s hitting me pretty hard and I guess I really need to get away for awhile. I’ve got some friends in Florida that are expecting me. Being here, remembering everything...I guess it’s too much...” My voice caught and I let the stress and general fear of the whole situation show through. I hoped Marcus was watching this. Asshole.

Brian squeezed my hand on top of the table reassuringly. The lady nodded sympathetically and moved on.


Nick watched in horror as Lizz told everyone about her plans. She was leaving?! Why did everyone think he was dead? He could hardly barely stand watching her struggle to compose herself as she tried to talk. He had to do something to fix this. The camera moved on to Brian and Nick could only stare at the screen, his heart dropping, as his best friend tried to keep his emotions in check.


The rest of the press conference was a total blur. I couldn’t stay focused no matter what and I was anxious to get to my flight and to find out about Nick. I had to get word to him that I would be there soon and to hang on. Brian and I waited outside the room while the other three guys were still inside with last minute stuff.

“Think it worked?” I asked softly.

Brian shook his head. “I almost believed it was all real. That is not something I ever want to go through again. What about you? Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I just feel really uneasy. It’s sort of coming and going. Like getting strong, then easing up. I wish I could talk to him.”

“We can’t take that risk. Your flight leaves pretty soon anyway doesn’t it?” Brian whispered back.

I nodded again. “A couple of the body guards are taking me to the airport as soon as the rest of the guys get out here, I guess.”

“You sure you are okay with this?” Brian studied me critically.

“I’m scared shitless, but I have to. You know as well as I do.” I sighed.

Just then Kevin came out, followed by AJ and Howie. My heart went out to them, they looked so torn up. It’s for the best, it’s for the best. I had to coach myself constantly that this was the right thing to do.

“Ready?” Kevin asked me.

“Yeah.” I whispered. I exchanged good-byes with everyone, promising to keep in touch, only Kevin and Brian knowing I would be coming right back again. Leaving in the car with the two guards was harder than I thought. I was afraid to leave the hospital, to leave Nick. After going back and forth with myself a few times, I made my mind up. I was going to call Nick’s floor when I got to the airport. Risky, yes, but that was me, the big risk-taker. Once at the airport I let one of the bodyguards take care of the details of getting the ticket and stuff. I told the other one I need to make a quick phone call. I went to a pay phone while he stayed close enough just in case, but far enough to let me have the privacy I needed.

My hands were shaking as I dialed the hospital operator. I asked for Nick’s floor and as soon as someone picked up my mind blanked! What name was he under?! Almost in a flash it came back to me. “I need to leave a message for a patient. Can you write this down and give it to him? It’s important.” I thought furiously on what to say to keep it secret, yet so he would understand.

“Sure, that’s no problem.” The lady said pleasantly.

“Okay, here goes: ‘Dear Jack Carpenter, I know you are probably a little lost, but trust me. It will all work out. Stay out of trouble and I will see you tomorrow. Love ya, your Shark.’” I tried to think of how to end it in a way that no one else would know it was me. I didn’t want to say anything having to do with shithouse coon because there were people that knew what that meant. No one knew about the shark thing and I knew he would get that.

“Is that it honey?” The lady affirmed.

“Yes ma’am. It’s really important that he gets it okay?” I tried to stress it in my voice.

“I will deliver it myself. Don’t you worry.” She assured me.

“Thank you so much.” I hung up and walked over to where the guard waited.

“Your flight is boarding in about 10 minutes.” He informed me. “Gate 25.”

The walk was short and the ten minutes flew by. The guards stayed with me until I walked onto the plane. Just before leaving one of them handed me an envelope. “Mr. Richardson wanted me to give this to you before boarding. Read it on the plane.” He said softly.

“Thank you both.” I said quietly. The butterflies were in full flight as I filed in line to get on the plane. I had Kevin’s money, now the envelope, my cell phone, and my purse. That was it. I found my window seat and was relieved that it wasn’t a very full flight. No one was sitting next to me. A middle-aged businessman sat on the aisle, giving me a polite nod before opening up his laptop. I stared at the laptop, it bringing back the memories of how this all started. Me signing on one day to find Nick on the other end, getting ready to end his life. From that point on it was almost a never-ending rollercoaster of events. Who knew how one incident would impact the rest of our lives. I shook my head as if to shake the thoughts from my mind. I had to focus on the task at hand. In only a few hours I would be someone completely different. I untied Nick’s sweatshirt from around my waist and rolled it up so it was a half pillow as I rested my head against the window, Kevin’s envelope clutched tightly in my hands. I watched everything below me shrink until it couldn’t be seen anymore. The last thought I had before I shut my eyes, was a prayer that Nick understood my note and everything would be okay till I got back.



update # 2: 3/14/01 The jarring of the plane landing on the tarmack woke Lizz up from her dreams. It took her a few moments to shake off the disorientation but then she quickly remembered where she was and what her mission was.

Looking down she noticed that the envelope that Kevin gave her had fallen to the floor. She scooped it up and tore it open.

This is very important that you contact me as soon as you have your new name chosen. I can make some arrangements for you on my end and get your return flight back here. I won’t be seeing you again until this matter is overwith.
I feel that since the funeral will be in Tampa tomorrow afternoon, it is important that you get out of there ASAP since Marcus will more than likely be watching the area. You can contact me on my cell phone at 407-396-6529 with the details.
Good Luck,

Lizz quickly folded the letter and stuffed it back into the envelope getting in line to file out of the plane.


This show wasn’t ending and now they were showing a “time capsule” of my life and accomplishments. Since there wasn’t any phones in ICU I couldn’t call my parents or anyone else for that matter. I could get dressed and get the hell out of here and go find Brian or someone and find out why they think I’m dead.

As I started to pull the covers off, a quick, sharp knock on the door stopped me. Alice, my daynurse came bustling in with a slip of paper in her hand.

“Mr. Carpenter, I have a note from someone that said it’s very important that you get it.”

Dear Jack Carpenter,
I know you are probably a little lost, but trust me. It will all work out. Stay out of trouble and I will see you tomorrow. Love ya, your Shark.’”

I read that note twice before it clicked in. ‘Love ya, your Shark’. That was Lizz! But wait a minute, how come Lizz was at that press conference and was crying because I was dead? This was all too confusing and I was starting to get a headache trying to sort it out.

“Is everything alright, Mr. Carpenter?”

I gave a slight nod. I mouthed the words “thanks” and laid my head back on the pillow praying that the headache would go away and that I would get answers quickly.


“Brian, I think the trip would be too much on you and it’s best that you stay here and stay healthy so you can be discharged by the end of this week.”

Brian stared at Kevin as he listed the reasons why he shouldn’t fly to Tampa for the funeral.

“But Marcus will be--”

“Marcus will be thinking you have to stay where you are because you’re not fit to travel,” Kevin interrupted in a stern voice. “Now, I’m waiting on a phone call from Lizz and then I have to set up her return flight. Once she sets up a bank account, I will make sure funds are deposited since she will be with Nick and he won’t have any access to his money.”

Brian watched as his cousin paced the room, running a hand through his dark hair occasionally. This was taking a toll on a normally quiet and passive man. He wanted to help but he was still dealing with limitations on his body as well as he was sure Nick was.


“Take me to 34560 Apopka Vineland Road,” Lizz requested to the foreign cab driver.

She stared out the window at the brownish colored grass along the highway. Florida had been going through a terrible drought and everything looked dead and dying. Just like the way her heart felt at the moment....dead and dying out. Her thoughts drifted back to Oklahoma and the hospital where Nick and Brian were at. She worried that Nick would be scared and confused at what was going on and she prayed that what she needed to get done would be done fast. She had called her contacts earlier before the press conference so they could get the preliminaries set up.

“There you are miss, that’s going to be $26.90,” the cabbie stated in broken English as he stopped the car in front of a small house.

Handing him $30 she mumbled a thank you and quickly exited the cab. After walking up the tiny sidewalk, Lizz stood for a moment staring at the once-white screen door. Within seconds of knocking at the door, she was greeted by a woman who introduced herself as Amy.

“I’m Lizz, I.. I um called you yesterday,” Lizz stammered.

The woman’s face brightened. “Oh yeah I remember you now. You needed a complete ID retool, right?”

Lizz nodded nervously as she silently wondered what the hell she had gotten herself into.

“Okay, come with me.”

Lizz followed the woman into a room that looked like a miniature beauty parlor. “Take a seat there.”

Lizz did as she was ordered and worried about what this woman was going to do with her.

“Okay, I talked with your partner and he told me that we had to do some drastic changes. If I could change the color of your skin I would but I will have to do the next best thing love.”

Talked with my partner? Lizz quickly surmized that she had talked to Kevin. Next she worried about what the hell he had planned for her.

“Okay, you might as well relax, cause this will take me a couple of hours,” Amy directed as she flipped on a television set.


Shifting nervously in the chair waiting for the flight to be called for boarding, Lizz glanced around the waiting area, wondering if Marcus was there stalking and waiting for the guys to arrive. She knew that they weren’t flying in until early morning, but Marcus didn’t know that.

“Flight 438, Oklahoma City, now boarding at gate 131.”

Standing up quickly, Lizz flung the carryon duffle bag over her shoulders. Glancing at her reflection in the window, she could have sworn she was looking at someone else. Amy had done an excellent job in changing her looks, her own mother wouldn’t have recognized her.

Besides dying her once light reddish colored hair into a golden blond and cropping it short, she was now wearing blue tinted contact lenses. An added effect to her looks was a body suit that she had to wear under her clothes that added an additional 25 pounds to her tiny frame. Because of that, she was no longer able to wear any of her own clothes and had to go shopping right after she left Amy’s. The suit wasn’t bulky, she just hated how she looked with the extra weight.

“Thank you Ms. Allen, enjoy your flight,” the stewardess said as she handed the ticket stub back to Lizz.

‘Ms. Allen, god that sounded weird,’ Lizz thought to herself as she eased herself into her seat. Her new name was Katie Allen, 23 years old from Portland Oregon. She prayed this would work. The test would be when she saw Nick.

I knew there would be no sleeping on this flight like there was last time. Pure exhaustion had given me the chance before, but now I was wired. My hand kept unconsciously traveling to the back of my head, through my new haircut. I needed to stop that because it attracted attention that I was obviously unfamiliar with this style and I wanted to blend in as much as possible. It was probably shorter than I had ever had it before, but I was used to going from long hair to short hair, seeing as how every time it got long, I chopped it all off. Just not this much. Nor had I ever dyed it except for when I was ten years old. I dyed it hot pink while in the hospital one time. About 20 straight washings and a very pissed off mother later, I swore I wouldn’t do it again. My new “body” was the weirdest. I felt bulky, but Amy insisted that I looked fine and I “needed some meat on my bones anyway.” According to one of her many books I was my ideal weight now for someone my age and height. I forced myself to sit still and not fidget while I reviewed everything in my head. When the plane arrived in OKC, my first stop was to a car rental agency. Kevin had already had it all set up, all I had to do was pick up the car and the envelope that I was told would be waiting for me at the desk. All of my personal stuff, my old clothes, purse, drivers license was destroyed and everything I carried now was new. Duffel bag, a pair of jeans, shirt and jacket stuffed inside, plus the black pants I was wearing with the dark green blouse. My new black purse contained my new license. My new face with Katie Allen and a fake address next to it. I also had a social security card and some other odds and ends to make my wallet look natural. Nick’s new license and S.S. card was in there too. Buried deep in the duffel was the sweatshirt Nick had given me before the first press conference. I refused to throw that away too, it bringing me an odd comfort through all this.

The flight was over too soon. As soon as I stepped off this plane I would have to play the greatest roll in my life. I smiled sardonically at how the acting I had done in high school was finally coming into use. I ran my hand through my hair again and filed in line with everyone else that was exiting the plane. My heart skipped a beat as I watched so many people around me get greeted by excited family and friends. I felt really alone all of a sudden. I could pretty much disappear off the face of the earth and I would be almost impossible to track down. Nice thought.

The rental place wasn’t very busy, so far so good. I had just barely made it in before closing time. I can’t believe how close we were cutting it time-wise. We wanted to get me back to Oklahoma as soon as possible so it was nonstop from the press conference all the way back here again. I stepped up to the counter and a guy looked up from some papers.

“Hey there, what can I do for ya?” He grinned at me. His name tag read Chris.

I swallowed nervously. “I’m uh Katie Allen, here to pick up a car I had reserved.”

He thumbed through a stack of papers then opened a small door in the wall that revealed tons of tagged keys hanging on tiny hooks. He selected two copies of the same hook and dropped them into my hands. “You boyfriend said you needed two sets and he had this dropped off for you.” The guy pulled a sealed manila envelope out from a drawer. My cheeks flushed when he said “boyfriend.” I almost said, “nope, not my type,” but thought better of it. I couldn’t keep from snickering at the thought of me almost saying it out loud. Poor Kevin, I’d drive him to the funny farm. That thought made it even worse and now I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from busting up. Thankfully Chris didn’t even notice.

“Follow me, I’ll take you to your car.” He grinned again and I followed behind him. My walk still felt funny, but I was starting to get used to the bodysuit. To my shock and delight he led me to a black 2001 Jeep Cherokee. I almost died on the spot. My dream car! Kevin was definitely on my good list now.

“Um, how long do I have it again?” I asked, unable to tear my eyes away from the shiny beauty in front of me.

“You’ve got it for the next two weeks. If you need it longer, swing on by and we will hook ya up.” Chris grinned again. “Have fun sight-seeing.”

I thanked him and climbed into the car, shaking my head. Sightseeing in Oklahoma. Riiight. I folded the manila envelope into my purse and followed the arrows that led to the main road. Once again I relished in being able to drive. Especially in this car. I pulled on my new dark sunglasses and checked myself in the rearview mirror. Different, but kinda cool I guess. The drive to the hospital was too short, but on the other hand I was anxious to get to Nick. I pulled into the parking lot, noticing immediately the crowd. It was the same as before, except maybe even bigger now. This time almost everyone held a lit candle. My eyes threatened to well up into tears, but I forced it back. I didn’t need mascara all over my face. Plus I had to play it cool.

I left the duffel on the back seat floor, knowing the tinted windows would keep it pretty much out of view. Slinging my purse over my shoulder I hastily walked inside. I guess I was still paranoid that someone would recognize me. No one gave me a second glance though. As I stepped onto the elevator I had an urge to push the button to Brian’s floor. I wanted to make sure everything was okay and maybe get a little encouragement, but there was no way. I went right on past and up to Nick’s floor. When I stepped off the elevator my stomach knotted up in nerves again. Was he okay? What would he say when he saw me? Was this all going to work? I ducked into the one room restroom and locked the door behind me. Leaning against the wall, I forced myself to take slow, deep breaths. I needed to look cool, calm and collected. Everything I wasn’t. I stole one more look in the mirror. Even my makeup was different. I usually wore only a little eye make-up and lipstick. Natural looking brown and my favorite lipstick. Now my eyebrows were dyed dark brown, I was wearing black liner, a shimmery silver colored eyeshadow, a touch of blush and a darker shade of lipstick. It looked kinda cool, but again, I had to get used to it. My eyes really stood out to me. I was used to seeing an almost turquoisey shade of green, but now they were blue as could be. I pulled my contact away from my eye and sure enough, the green was still there. I don’t know why, but it made me feel better. Maybe a reassurance that there was at least a little of me hidden away. still. Okay, enough stalling...

I left the small area that held the elevators and public restrooms and walked brusquely down the hall to the nurses station. I recognized the same nurse, Georgia Shell, that I talked to when I had snuck into to see Nick in the middle of the night. She looked up at me as I approached and my heart jumped.

“Can I help you?” She asked politely.

I let out the breath I was holding. She didn’t recognize me! “Uh yes, I am here to see Jack Carpenter. I’m expected.”

She nodded. “Room 430 to your left.”

I thanked her and headed towards the room. I knew she knew that it was really Nick, but my guess was that no one told her who I was. I paused at the door the pushed it open softly. There wasn’t any point in knocking since Nick wasn’t supposed to be talking. It was pretty late by now and technically visiting hours were over, but that was going to be the last thing to stop me.

The room was dim, but not completely dark. As soon as he heard movement, Nick turned his head towards me. Even in the poor light I could see, plain as day, the toll this had taken on him. He looked like a wreck. Dark, lost eyes. Guarded look on his face. Definitely shot nerves. I wanted to break down right there, but again, pushed it away. He didn’t say anything, just watched me warily.

I walked closer to the bed until I was right up next to him. Neither of us spoke and then he raised his eyebrows questioningly. Not trusting my voice, I whispered. “It’s me.”

He stared at me blankly, obvious frustration building. “I don’t know you.

I stifled a gasp at his voice. It sounded worse than mine after waking up in the morning. “You aren’t supposed to be talking.” I admonished automatically, still whispering.

He glared at me and started to respond to that, but I cut him off before he could. “Nick, it’s me, Lizz.”

His eyes widened at being called by his own name for the first time since he had woken up. I started to relax, thinking we were on the same level now. I didn’t expect his reaction.

No! What the hell is this?! I want to know what the fuck is going on and who the hell are you?!” His voice cracked and started to give out, but the emotion behind the words hit me full force.

“Nick, it’s me. Look close.” I raised my voice slightly. I knew if he could hear my voice, he would know it was me. My voice was really distinct, being sort of the female version of AJ’s voice. I held my breath as Nick studied me. Then his face broke out into a smile.

Oh my god...

I let the breath out with a whoosh and threw my arms around him, hugging him tight. “You scared me there for a second.” I dropped back to a whisper.

He pulled back and held me at arm’s length. “Whoa...” He looked me over, his eyes wide as saucers.

“Shhhh, you aren’t supposed to talk!” I reminded him again.

I can a little bit. Please explain!

I nodded. “This is going to take awhile so bear with me. As for the time being, Nick Carter is dead. According to the whole world, you died due to complications from the surgery. According to Marcus, he killed you.” I explained everything starting from where Marcus tampered with his oxygen supply and cornered Brian and I in with him. I explained how Brian said to let him die and how I almost flipped out. I told him about how AJ and Howie didn’t know the real truth and only his parents, Kevin, Brian, and the hospital staff involved knew. I tried to remember every detail about Marcus showing up at the viewing and his plans to continue the stalking at least for now.

I quieted a moment and let Nick digest everything. He looked a little overwhelmed by it all, but he was taking it pretty well. Then he screwed up his face and gestured to me. “But wait, that still doesn’t explain you.

I let out a sigh. “There was no way I was going to let you go through this on your own. You obviously can’t keep in contact with anyone and this is going to be really rough. There was no way you could be totally alone through this.”

He shook his head slowly. “But, you...your can’t just...” He stammered.

“I can and I did. Nick, we’ve gotten this far together, we gotta stay that way. What else was I going to do anyway? I am out of a job, flunked out of school, I am going to have to leave here anyway. Everyone knows now. Besides, I felt kinda lost.” I spoke the last part really soft. Since knowing him, we had rarely gone more than a couple days without talking each other’s ears off. We had only gotten into a few fights, but it was the same thing. I would feel totally lost until we fixed it. He had said the same before too. “This is going to stay like this until Marcus and anyone he is working with is caught. That could take days or it could take months. I don’t want to go that long without contact with you. The only way around it was to assume a new identity. So, basically, you are stuck with me.” I said quietly, hoping he was okay with this and suddenly afraid he wouldn’t be.

I needn’t have worried. He practically crushed me into a tight hug. “Thank you.

“Yeah, you say that now, wait till you are so sick of me in a few days that you are ready to ship me off to Siberia.” I joked.

He grinned. “Ditto. Okay, now how did you gain an extra 20 pounds cause I know you haven’t been eating.

“It’s a body suit under my clothes. I feel fat.” I almost laughed because those weren’t words I had ever said before. “Trust me, you don’t look fat. You need the weight.” Nick assured me. I rolled my eyes at that one. He was always on my case about being too skinny. “At least I have a butt now.” I joked. He laughed too. “Women...” “Now we gotta work on you. Mista Jack, we gotta make you look different now. According to your new license, you have brown hair, brown eyes and a mustache.” I grinned.

Nick’s eyes widened. “How...?

“I got a recent pic of you and the lady that fixed me up, did it. She doctored the picture, changed all the info, and fitted it all together on an Ohio license.. The hair oughta be easy enough and the contacts will be Fed Exed in a nondescript package here in the morning. She had to get ahold of your prescription so it took more time. By the time you are released you oughta have somewhat of a mustache right?” The shocked look on his face was hilarious. “Oh, we gotta cut your hair too.” I added as I pulled his new license out of my wallet.

Damn...“ He muttered as he looked it over.

“Oh, I about forgot about this!” I pulled Kevin’s second envelope from my purse and tore it open. I opened the note first, holding it so we could both read it.

Dear both of you,
Everything should be set now. If there are any problems, you will to figure it out yourselves. If there is an emergency, you know how to get ahold of me. There should be plenty of money in the account, but I will try to keep an eye on it so it doesn’t get too low. Hang in there and stay out of trouble. Both of you lay low and don’t get involved in anything. We won’t be able to talk again until this is all over, but we are thinking about you both. Brian sends his love and prayers. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Good luck!

Next was a blue checkbook. I opened it up and did a double take. Cute, Kevin. He had Nick’s alias on top with mine underneath. Then a fake address underneath. I didn’t even think to check if the addresses on our licenses were the same. We had some serious figuring out to do. This was going to be interesting.

How did he do that?“ Nick pointed to our names on the checks. Normally checks had to be sent away for and they took about a week to get made.

“The man’s been pulling strings like you wouldn’t believe.” I opened the register and my jaw hit the floor. “We’re loaded!” I exclaimed.

Nick snickered, not fazed by the zeros. “Dork.

“Shuddup. Um...about the laying low part...” I fidgeted, unsure of how to finish what I was aiming at.

Hell no, we’re going to have some fun with this!” Nick gave me that knowing look.

I returned the look. He had a mischievous glint in his eye and I am sure mine wasn’t any different. This was definitely going to be interesting...




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