Bittersweet Revenge


Part 2


Brian sighed as he sat down on the edge of his bed. Today was a day he had been looking forward to since he landed back into the hospital after Marcus tried to do him in, but it lacked the happiness that he should be feeling.


Walking over to the window, Brian leaned his head against the frame, staring down at the large crowd that stood on the front lawn. It had almost a month since Nick’s "funeral" and the fans were still out in force showing support. He had a hard time trying to convince himself that Nick wasn’t gone, just away on a small vacation until the coast was clear. This was the longest Brian had ever been away without some sort of contact from Nick since they met back in late 1992. That was years ago but it seemed like only yesterday.


"Hey you ready to leave this hole?" AJ exclaimed as he burst through the door.


Brian smiled slightly. "Since you put it so delicately, I guess now’s a good time."


"Good. Dumbass and Howie will be up in a minute and we’re taking the service entrance out," AJ laid out the plans.


"Did you remember to tell the nurses that all this goes to other rooms?" Brian asked as he looked at the large assortment of flowers, balloons and plants. "All but this, I have to take this with me."


AJ watched Brian walk over to a balloon assortment, some of the balloons were already hanging low towards the floor, the helium depleted.


"What’s so special about that one?" AJ asked casually.


"It was from Nick," Brian replied quietly.


The silence that followed the statement was uncomfortable. AJ still didn’t know that Nick was still alive and only two floors away. He shifted his weight back and forth and made nonsense whistling noises to ease the obvious tension in the room.


"Brian, you ready to walk out?" Kevin cheerfully asked as he and Howie entered the room.


"Yes." Brian coughed to clear his throat up, silently praying that he wouldn’t break down and lose it on his way out the door.


"Well, we get to walk out instead of the wheelchair business since we’re gonna duck out and avoid the press," Kevin advised.


"Good idea," Brian replied.






"Jack, the car is in the circle drive so I guess I’m ready if you are," Lizz said cheerfully, trying to practice using the alias.


"Okay, ready in a second," I called out from the bathroom.


When I entered the room, Liz’s jaw dropped. When she left me the other night my hair was getting back to it’s normal color, which I hadn’t seen in years, with dark roots that were growing out. My hair had grown past my ears and I usually wound up swearing at the length every time I had to tuck some of it behind my ears whenever I looked down.


Standing before her now was a man that had short light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and unshaven face and a neatly trimmed brown moustache. This wasn’t Nick Carter at all, I was practically reborn.


"Omigod," Lizz gasped.


"Do you think this will work?" I questioned. My voice was still hoarse, but it was getting stronger everyday. It actually added to the new identity.


"I can’t believe it’s you!" Lizz stated as she walked around me. "You don’t look anything like you!"


"I guess the challenge will be when I go out in public," I remarked with a grin.


An elderly woman knocked on the open door, pushing a wheelchair. "Transportation," she creaked.


Stifling back a laugh, I obediently sat down in the wheelchair.


"All set," I said, folding my hands into my lap.


Lizz couldn’t help but snicker as she looked at the new Nick setting in the wheelchair his knees looked like they could reach his ears because of the length of his legs while he sat in the chair. The quick dirty look that I shot at her caused her to stiffen up and force the smile from her mouth.


"Okay, let’s do it," I stated calmly. It probably sounded calm, but the butterflies in my stomach were a million times more than what I ever felt at the beginning of a show.


The woman guided the chair down the hall to a staff elevator. It jerked to a stop on the floor above that Brian was on. I briefly thought about wishing to tell the old woman to stop on the next floor and take me down the hall to his room as a few hospital employees got on the elevator with us.


As the elevator stopped on Brian’s floor, the old woman quietly commented on how busy the elevator was this morning. To my surprise the door opened up and there stood Brian, Howie, Kevin and AJ waiting to get on. I looked up at them wanted to say something but was stopped in doing so when I felt Liz’s hand clamp down on my shoulder. This would definitely be the test to see if our disguises worked.


All but one hospital employee exited the elevator and Brian and the guys got on. Kevin pushed a button and the door closed. None of us spoke a word. Suddenly AJ whispered something to Kevin. I strained to hear but it wasn’t clear and I couldn’t even take a guess.


I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to say something, anything to see if I could pass inspection.


"Hey, are you guys Backstreet Boys?"


God, my voice sounded horrible, almost like I was a 23 hour a day smoker or something.


"Yeah," AJ replied bluntly.


"My little sister likes you guys," I stated with a grin.


"Thanks." Brian replied quietly.


The elevator stopped and the guys filed off. Only Howie glanced back at Lizz and I and gave us a quick "thumbs up" and told us to take care.


When the door closed I started to laugh a little. Lizz lightly smacked me on the shoulder but didn’t say anything since there was still a hospital employee in the elevator with us.


It was really weird. For the first time in years I was able to leave through a front entrance without all the paparazzi and press directing questions at me. They were out there, but they ignored us as I was guided up to the rental car.


I opened the passenger side door for Nick as the transport lady set the wheelchair wheels into lock and lifted up the foot rests. All the people around made me nervous, but no one spared us a second glance. It was weird.



"What? I wanna drive!" Nick frowned at me as he got up out of the chair.



"Tough shit. You don’t know where you’re going." I smirked, walking around to the other side of the Jeep.



He thanked the lady politely and then turned to me as I put my seatbelt on. "Okay then, O Smart One, where are we going?"



"Well, for the past few days I have been apartment hunting. I found a few, but I didn’t want to just make a decision without you." I explained.



His eyes widened considerably. "We’re living in an apartment?! Together?!"



I laughed. "I know. I can think of a few people who would have a heart attack at the idea, but what other choice do we have? We can’t stay in a hotel room and we are going to be staying here for awhile. You are still going to be getting your speech therapy and Brian will be getting his physical therapy too. Hm, I wonder if you guys are ever gonna run into each other. Anyway...Marcus is going to be hanging around in town and Terri and Agnes are here too and if we are going to do some digging and stuff, we need to stay here for awhile yet. A motel won’t work cause we need to look like normal people that live here, not visitors. We’re going to blend right in with the rest of the world. Getting two apartments would cost too much and that would look kinda funny too. Besides, I don’t think I could live alone right now." I added quietly, my mind flashing back to the horrific words on my bathroom mirror. I shuddered.



"I know, to tell you the truth, that idea doesn’t sound too appealing to me either. Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you, right?" He nodded smugly, turning everything I said over in his head



. "Oh god, that’s like the blind leading the blind!" I snickered.



"But god, an apartment? Just how big are these apartments you have been looking at?" He asked warily.



I laughed again. I could just picture his mind going from his rather large house to the shoeboxes I have been looking into. He was going to freak. I guess he took me laugh as an answer and sighed. We fell into silence as I drove down the main road.



"That was weird." Nick spoke softly after a few minutes.



"What?" I glanced at him, before switching lanes to pass yet another pokey driver. The elevator scene flashed in my mind for the umpteenth time. As soon as those doors opened and they stepped on, I felt my heart rate start beating a mile a minute. I guessed it was a combination of both mine and Nick’s nerves. I didn’t know what he was going to do so I clamped my hand down on his shoulder, warning him to behave. I should have known better because he said something anyway. As soon as he started to talk, I was sure the guys were going to figure it out. At least Brian.



Nothing. They barely even looked at us. Brian didn’t at all, keeping his head trained to the floor. At one point I saw him look up just a little, but he wasn’t facing us. His eyes were still red-rimmed and he looked sad. Like he had lost his best friend, and in a sense he had. My heart ached for him and the rest of the guys and it took all my willpower to not blurt out the truth right then and there. I was relieved when we got off the elevator because anymore time on there and I would have cracked.



"Seeing them. I can’t believe they didn’t recognize me. Or you. I mean, we look different, but still..." Nick’s voice sounded faraway and I knew he was playing the scene over in his head too.



"That’s why I didn’t talk. I sound the same at least and I didn’t want to risk it. Plus I was afraid of what I was gonna say." I added.



"They looked like crap. I figured they would have been over it by now."



I turned and glared at him, smacking him hard in the arm. I hated when he made comments like that. Saying people would get over it really fast if he were ever gone, as in if something ever happened to him. "Well, there’s your proof dumbass!" I informed him.



He looked slightly taken aback at my reaction, rubbing his arm.



"I’m sorry hun. I just hate to hear you say stuff like that. Losing someone you care about takes a long long time to get over and you never really do. You know that as well as I do. And you’ve got a lot of people that care a lot about you. Brian has told me a million times he’d be lost without you. Now he has to go who knows how long without you? So no more of that talk, got me?" I said seriously.



He nodded. "I got you." He looked kind of down and it made me feel bad for snapping at him like that. Then I remembered one of the last conversations I had with Brian before I became Katie Allen. I knew this would cheer Nick up.



"I almost forgot to tell you. We got a little code. No one knows cept you, Brian and I. It’s nothing major. We just thought it would help a little bit." A smile played on my lips as I Nick looked at me curiously. I pulled my new cell phone out of my purse and handed it to him. "Page Brian and spell out a message to him." I instructed.



"Huh? How..." Nick started.



I grinned. "Well we can’t keep in contact any other way, but this is actually pretty safe. No one is going to know or be able to trace this and we’ll erase the pages as soon as we figure them out so no one can find them. It’s at least a way to let the other one know they are being thought about."



"Cool." His face lit up and I smiled too. Anything at all to make this a little easier on everyone. He dialed the number and then punched out some numbers. Then he clicked the phone shut and handed it back to me. "I put that all was okay and that we miss him."



I smiled. "Sounds good. Did you remember to put the spaces between the words?" I teased.



"Shuddup." He laughed, remembering when I had given him a hard time for that awhile back.



I reached my hand back and rifled through one of the side pockets of the duffel bag until I found the black pager. When I found it I pulled it out and tossed it at Nick. "Here’s your new pager Jack. If Bri manages to figure out what you put, you might get a message back."






"Okay, here we go. Apartment complex number one. Remember to keep an open mine hmm?" I pulled into an empty parking space and shut off the engine. I couldn’t help but laugh softly at the look on Nick’s face as his brown eyes scanned the small apartments.





Brian rested his head back on the seat of the hotel courtesy van, closing his eyes and ignoring the bantering of the guys. They made it out of the hospital without any troubles or fans detecting them. Although he was now away from the hospital, his thoughts and heart was still there as long as Nick was still there.


His pager started vibrating and at first Brian decided he would check it later but something was gnawing in the pit of his stomach so he pulled the small dark blue device from his belt.


At first when he read the message on the pager, he couldn’t make it out.




It took a few moments when he suddenly realized who it was from. His heart skipped a beat.




"Bri, you okay?" Kevin asked as he noticed Brian was acting funny.


"Huh? Oh yeah, I’m okay," Brian replied as he quickly erased the message Nick had sent him. Thinking for a moment, Brian keyed in a return message to Nick’s new pager number.


"Thank God, I miss you too. I just got out."


Brian smiled as he hit send. This was going to be his lifeline for the next few weeks and he was grateful that Lizz came up with this idea. To be apart from Nick and not knowing what was happening literally tore him up. Looking out over the scenery, he felt a mixture of happiness and sadness as the van pulled into the hotel entrance.


"Home sweet home," AJ said in a monotoned voice.






"Vinnie, I’m glad you could help me out, man," Marcus stated as he popped open the bottle of beer.


"Hey, no prob, anything for a friend of a friend," the short, stocky man replied. He picked up the remote control and started surfing through the ten snowy channels his television set picked up. "I used ta have cable but they shut me down when I got behind on the payments."


"Assholes. Ya know that’s the problem with the system, they pick on all the little people," Marcus observed after taking a huge gulp from the brown bottle.


"I hear ya," Vinnie replied, stopping on a soap channel. "So how’s your sister doing?"


Marcus’s gaze turned hard. "She’s alive but it ain’t much of a life. Carter did her over good." He suddenly smiled. "But I ended up getting Carter in the end."


"Ain’t he the one that just died?"




"So you got your revenge, so everything is done, right?


"Maybe it is, maybe it ain’t. I just don’t feel closure on this yet, ya know?" Marcus replied and then belched.






"I’m not gonna even consider living in a dump like that, you have got to be kidding me," I sputtered as I bounded down the steps of the complex back to the safety and security of the rental jeep.


"Hey whoa, slow down Jack," Lizz called out. "And I’m driving mister!"


Slamming the driver side door closed and I walked around the front of the vehicle and literally threw my body into the passenger seat. I set my focus towards the front, folding my arms across my chest.


"Are you having a bit of a temper tantrum?" Lizz teased.


"No I’m not having a TEMPER TANTRUM!" I defended.


"Okay, cause I could have sworn you were," Lizz remarked as she turned the key in the ignition. "Okay let’s analyze this apartment situation here. Number one, we can’t afford to live in a high rent district, number two like it or not, we’re gonna have to live on a budget--"


I narrowed my eyes at Lizz. "A budget?!"


"Hey we’re supposed to be low key, low profile, how would you explain to someone that we can live on a small income but yet still have tons of side extravagances?"


"Well um, we could um."


"My point exactly. Okay, so I’m guessing that this place is a dump, but I specifically wanted to start out here so you would appreciate the place I really think we should stay at. My plan was to work our way gradually up to it."


"Let’s not dick around, just take me to the place you think would be good, I’m sure anything’s better than this rat infested apartment complex," I snapped back.


Suddenly, my new pager played out a snippet of the beginning of Disney’s Little Mermaid theme, signaling a message had been received. Raising an eyebrow at the sound, I pulled the black pager from my belt.


"I couldn’t resist, I’m a sucker for Disney themes, and Brian contributed to the pager so I figured what the hell," Lizz apologized.


"Ha ha," I replied dryly. "Hey, Brian said he misses me too and that he just got out. Gimme your cell."


"Nick you can’t call him!"


"I’m not that dumb, I’m just gonna reply to his reply and I will remember the spaces this time," I replied as I punched out my message to him.


"I know you did, I saw you leave."


Happy with what I punched out, I hit send and closed the cell phone up and handed it back to Lizz.


Lizz could see the smirk on my face. "Okay, what did you do?"




"Bull, you can’t lie to me Carter."


"Okay, okay, I just told him that I knew he was out of the hospital, that’s all."


"Yeah, sure I believe you. Okay, here we are, Oakridge Apartments."


I looked wearily at the narrow three story brown bricked building. In my opinion, it looked like a tenement from Chicago. "This looks like the projects or something!"


"Jack, this is pretty much our last choice, come on," Lizz coaxed as she got out of the car.


"Coming dear Katie," I teased as I opened my door.






Brian stared at his pager, jaw dropped. How could he have seen me? Surely I would have seen him then... He thought to himself. His next guess was that Nick had somehow messed up the page, but there were even the correct spaces in it.




Brian looked up to see Kevin looking at him curiously. He hurriedly erased the page and stuck it back on his belt. The other guys had already gotten out of the van and were carrying the few things they had left up in Brian’s room and also all Brian’s stuff.


"Oh, sorry, I’m coming." Thankfully they had managed to keep it a secret that Brian was being discharged today so their wasn’t a huge mob at the hotel. They ended up switching hotels just to be on the safe side, but to them it was six of one, half a dozen of another. They started to look alike after awhile.


Brian got out of the van slowly, putting more attention into dialing a message back to Nick. "How."






"C’mon, you have to admit this place doesn’t look that bad." My eyes took in the surroundings as we walked up the sidewalk towards the main office. It wasn’t nearly as menacing as some of the other places I had looked at. This place was actually pretty decent and I was pretty proud of myself. It was clean and there were even some flowers planted here and there. Yeah, the brown brick wasn’t all that attractive, but you can’t have everything.


"I miss my house." Nick muttered.


I sighed. "Don’t get me started."


Nick looked at me in mild surprise. Okay so there was more of an edge in my voice than I had meant to come out. I was just nervous and I wanted Nick to be at least somewhat happy with this place.


"Sorry, it’s not that bad. I’m just getting used to this." He said quietly.


"It’s all good." I smiled reassuringly at him. He returned the smile and then his attention was drawn to the Little Mermaid again. I narrowed my eyes at the grin that appeared on his face. "You better not be messing around on there!"


He gave me that all too familiar innocent look that made most girls melt. "Nice try Carter. Doesn’t work on me." Unfortunately my voice didn’t come out as mean sounding as I was aiming for though. I just shook my head in resignation.


He gave me a look of mock horror. "Who’s Carter? My name is Jack Carpenter."


My eyes widened at my mistake. "Whoops..."


"Yeah, whoops is right, gimme your cell phone. And by the way, why do you get one and I don’t?" He stuck his lower lip and and I snickered.


"Yours is coming, you brat. Amy didn’t have time to reconfigure two of them so they can’t be traced or picked up on. We have a PO box that it is going to be delivered to within the next couple days." I explained handing him my cell. "What did he say?"


""How?"" Nick grinned again as he typed out another message.


""How" what?" I countered, but he ignored me. Right before we went into the small office I stopped cold.


"What’s wrong?" Nick flipped the phone shut and stuck it in his pocket.


I chose to ignore that for now. "When I came in here the first time I filled out an application in our names just in case because they always do a credit check and they would check our rental history and stuff. What if it comes up blank? We are so screwed!" I fretted.


"Whoa, take it easy. We won’t know until we find out." Nick rested a hand on my shoulder.


I groaned. "Go figure, you’ve never had to mess with this shit before."


He laughed. "Thank God."


I just shook my head and we walked inside. A middle-aged man sat at the desk and offered a pleasant greeting.


"Hi, my name is Katie Allen, I was in here the other day and filled out an application. This is uh..."


"I’m Jack Carpenter." Nick stuck his hand out, giving me a look out of the corner of his eye.


"Oh, that’s right. Let me check." The man turned around and rifled through a file cabinet.


"You’re going to have to do better than that, dumbass." Nick whispered.


"Shuddup." I hissed back kicking him.


"Ah, yes here it is. Well y’all’s have been approved. You both have excellent credit and your rental history has been spotless. Not one mark in the past three years you have been together. That’s pretty good. All I need you to do is fill this out and I need a $150 deposit and I can show you to y’all’s place." The man placed a piece of paper in front of us on the desk.


Three years of being together?! I looked at Nick and he looked like he was trying not to laugh. I just stood there like an idiot so he grabbed the pen out of my hand and started signing his new name in the various places.


Only a few minutes later the man escorted us around the side of the complex and up the stairs to apartment 237. He handed both of us or keys and told us to let him know if we needed anything or had any problems.


"Well here goes..." Nick stated as he unlocked the door and swung it open. I reached around him and flipped on the light.


It was moderately sized. It was actually about the same size as the apartment I had shared with Kyung. I felt a pang in my heart when I thought of that. I hadn’t talked to her since this all happened. Everything happened so fast that I didn’t even have time to call her. I wouldn’t be able to tell her anyway about what was really going on and I hated to lie. She had to be so devastated by now. I was going to have to page Brian to get a hold of her and let her know I was okay. I shook it off and put my attention back to the room.


"Well?" I looked at Nick anxiously.


"It’ll do. Ya know, that guy is gonna wonder why we have a two bedroom apartment if we are "together"." His voice carried from the tiny kitchen he had wandered too.


I walked into the hallway that had both rooms. They were right across from each other which was sort of odd since most apartments had the rooms on opposite sides. Then it dawned on me. "He probably thinks that is gonna be the baby’s room!" Nick’s head whipped around so fast I thought it would snap.


"Baby?!" He choked.


I about died laughing. Literally doubled over, holding the side of the wall, uncontrollable laughing. The look on his face was priceless. Between breaths I explained my theory about the location of the room. His eyes grew even wider and he shook his head.


"Okay," I said, composing myself. "We’ve got a lot to do. We need to get some cheap furniture, food, and we both need clothes. Where do you want to hit first? Mall or used furniture store?"


Nick’s eyes grew wide again. "How about I let you do that stuff and I will hide out here?" He asked hopefully.


"No dice Carpenter. Mall then?" I smirked at the look on his face. This was going to be so weird for him, going out and blending in with the rest of the world.


"How did I let you talk me into this?" He muttered as we headed back out the door.


"Could be worse. You could be all on your own about this." I giggled at the look of horror on his face.


"Okay okay, but at least I would be free of your ass keeping me in line." He grinned to show he was just playing around.


"Ha ha ha." I retorted dryly as I locked the door behind us. "Before we go anywhere we are stopping for food. I’m starving."


"Sounds good, but I am driving!" Before I could react, he grabbed the keys out of my hand and darted away as I lunged at him.


"You punk!" I hollered, tearing after him. Okay, between the two of us there was never going to be a dull moment.






"Boy, I’d forgotten how tired a trip home from the hospital can make a guy," Brian sighed as he laid back on the queen sized bed in the hotel room.


"You’re feeling okay other than that though, right?" Kevin asked anxiously.


Brian half heartedly waved his hand at his cousin. "Yeah, I’m feeling okay, just tired."


"Okay, well, you go ahead and get comfortable and crawl into bed and rest. I don’t want to see you getting a setback from overdoing it today," Kevin instructed in his usual "fatherly-like tone of voice." "I wrote down my room number just in case you need anything."


The vibrating of the pager snatched Brian’s concentration from Kevin for a moment.


"Thanks Kev, see you in a few then."


As soon as Kevin closed the door, Brian took the pager off his belt and smiled slightly. It was another page from Nick. He was answering Brian’s question about how he knew that he had been discharged from the hospital.


"staff elevator i was the guy in the wheelchair and i told you my sister likes the band."


Brian narrowed his eyes as he tried to recall what happened only a few hours ago. He remembered getting onto the elevator and there was hospital staff and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t recall the face of the man in the wheelchair. There was no way that could have been Nick. He would have known him instantly.


"Damnit," Brian softly mumbled as he re-read the message and then erased it. After a few moments he started to feel calmer. If he didn’t recognize Nick then surely Marcus wouldn’t be able to either. Then he remembered the voice - it very gravely, like when you have a good case of laryngitis. Brian hadn’t talked to Nick since he underwent the throat surgery so he definitely didn’t have any clue as to what type of a voice he had been left with.






"So where’s a BK or a Mickey D’s at around here?" I asked as I guided the jeep down a two lane road.


"Oh, sure, you drive and you have no idea where you’re going," Lizz replied in mock protest.


"Hey, don’t give me that, I just happened to have taken an unexpected stop in this city when the bus was going through here. Ohmygod, a Wendy’s!"


Lizz shook her head as I took the corner into the parking lot on two wheels.


"Hungry much?"


"Shuddup. Are we dining in or drive thru?"


"I doubt you’d be able to handle actually going into the place let alone staying in there," she challenged.


I pulled the car into the parking space and killed the engine. "Oh yeah, I accept your challenge."


Old habits die hard, I decided. I was feeling pretty cautious as we walked across the parking lot towards the building. I was waiting for an ambush of teenyboppers or something screaming and yelling and flashing cameras in my face. All I saw were some high school girls walking out of the restaurant and it sounded like they were talking about feminine hygiene products.


"Refreshing change, eh Jack?" Lizz winked at me.


"They could have spared me the douche topic," I mumbled as I held the door open for her.


Slipping into a booth with our trays, I was still waiting for someone to recognize me and bug us while we ate. Nothing happened. It was nice in a way but really weird in another. I guess I was liking the idea of having a normal lunch out in public but in a way I missed the fan interaction.


"Something wrong, Jack?"


"Huh?" I straightened up in the booth. Lizz must have detected my daydreaming. "Sorry, I’m fine."


"No deal, I know you too well and you know that. Besides, I can feel your stomach is in knots. Come clean and tell me what’s bugging you."


I repeatedly stabbed a fry into the pile of catsup on the burger wrapper.


"It’s okay, I’m fine," I lied.


"Bull, you’re playing in your food. You of all people don’t play with food. Come on Ni.. Jack, just talk to me," Lizz asked as she placed a soft hand on my forearm.


"I um, I miss the guys," I looked down at the table.




"Andimissthefans," I rushed the sentence.


"Ah, once a celeb, always a celeb," Lizz teased.


"Shuddup, of course I like having a normal lunch and all, but still..." He trailed off, stabbing at the poor fry again.


"Yeah, but this isn’t really normal to you either, is it? I mean, you are used to being mobbed since you were what, thirteen? And now suddenly you aren’t. Go figure, it’s going to be a little weird for you till you get at least somewhat used to it." I said gently. I didn’t know what to say about missing the guys because there wasn’t anything we could do about it. I had to admit, I did too. I missed Howie’s support and quiet compassion. I missed the feisty ribbing I would exchange with AJ whenever we got the chance. I even missed Kevin acting all "father-like." Of course I missed Brian probably the most. I had gotten used to spending about every breakfast in his room, plus the other random times during the day. He was way to easy to talk to and one of the few in my life that knew some of my secrets. Not to mention he helped me keep Nick in line. I had to smile at the last thought cause it did take both of us.




I was interrupted from my thoughts when I looked up from my own now-mushed fry that was in my hand. Nick was watching my expression.


"You just went from a really sad look so grinning all smugly. What’s that all about?" He asked.


I shook my head.


"Don’t give me that." He said warningly.


Now I laughed. "Okay fine, geez. Just cause I can badger you to death to tell me something doesn’t mean you can do it to me too." I teased. Then my smile faded a little. "I was just thinking about what you said, I guess. I miss em too." Geez, if I did, I couldn’t imagine how bad he must.


"We’ll get through this." Nick patted my hand.


"Damn straight. Ready for the furniture place?" I had to keep from smiling at the look on his face.


"Why there first? Are you sure I can’t just go back to the hotel?" He was almost whining.


"Okay, but don’t complain when I pick you out one of those girly daybeds with pink sheets and a lacy dust ruffle." I smirked when his jaw dropped.


"You wouldn’t!" He exclaimed.


"Try me hun." I gloated at him, then grabbed my tray and drink cup and walked calmly over to the trash bin.


He scooped up his stuff and followed behind me, grumbling all the way. I was greatly amused, and even managed to forget about the high level of stress we were under. The trip to the furniture store was an absolute blast and I was in seventh heaven. I loved furniture and furniture shopping. At first I was trying to get stuff that was the absolute cheapest, but Nick assured me I didn’t have to be looking at the shabbiest stuff in there. I think he was already frustrated that we were looking at used furniture, but there was no way we could come to our "new home" with a bunch of new fancy furniture. We each got a bed and a dresser, a small kitchen table with a few chairs, a comfy couch, coffee table and a TV table. The store was going to deliver it all the next day which meant we were going to get to spend our first night on the floor. Fun...


The mall was a madhouse. It seemed like all the teenagers in the city were there and as soon as we stepped in we both tensed up. I know I did and I was equally as sure that Nick did and it made me wonder if we were sort of bouncing off each other.


"You okay with this?" I whispered.


Nick nodded uncertainly.


"Okay then, we can just start walking and stop in any store that we see that we want to go into. None of my clothes fit anymore and I don’t even know what happened to them anyway and you can’t wear yours. That would look weird, your clothes suddenly all disappearing when you "aren’t with us anymore". Not to mention, if anyone is attentive enough to remember anything you ever wore..." I rambled.


""K." Nick said, his eyes scanning the people that passed by. Of course, no one paid us a second glance. It was weird.


Things were fine in the first couple stores. We decided we didn’t want to split up so we took turns going into whatever stores looked appealing. By the third store, a very crowded American Eagle, things got rough. I had wandered to the girls" side and was looking at some shirts when the tension hit me with a sudden fierceness. I turned quickly and looked around for Nick. When I saw him, my heart leapt into my throat.


"Nick, what’s wrong?" I blurted before thinking to use his alias. He was darting his eyes back and forth and breathing really fast.


" get...outta here..." He gasped, brushing by me.


"Shit!" I exclaimed softly, feeling his panic. A few heads turned our way as he rushed out of the store and I ran to catch up with him. Once we got outside of it, I pulled him to a bench off to the side and we both sank onto it. He leaned forward, putting his head in his hands, trying to breathe a little calmer. I didn’t say anything yet, just put my hand on his back and rubbed it softly.


"Sorry..." He finally said, barely audible.


"Don’t be. This was way too much. I should have known better than to try to come here at this time of day. I wasn’t really thinking." Okay, I felt really bad.


"I don’t even know what happened. One minute I was fine, getting clothes...Then all of a sudden this girl looked at me and I thought she recognized me and I panicked." He shook his head.


"Hun come on, a lot has happened in the past few days and you’ve got so much on you right now. It’s no wonder that this happened. Come on, we’ve already got some stuff and that will be enough for now. We can come back when it’s not so busy." I suggested.


"Okay, but we still need to go to Walmart. We need the basics." He said, sounding a lot calmer.


I nodded and we gathered our bags and headed to the car. Walmart was a breeze and even kinda entertaining. We got some "basics" like towels, kitchen stuff, some munchies, some pillows and blankets, a small stereo (for now) and two alarm clocks, toiletries, and some other odds and ends. We looked in the clothing area and found a few things like sweats and a couple tee shirts. For the hell of it we headed to the toy aisle and goofed around like a couple of ten year olds. Last, but not least, we went to the electronics area and got a television and a few CDs. I let Nick do all the check writing because I knew I would have a heart attack if I saw how much we had spent today.


Finally we were more than ready to go home. We were both ready to relax a little bit and watch some sitcoms on TV with a bowl of parmesan and popcorn. Neither one of us talked very much during the drive, each wrapped up in our own thoughts. Luckily when we got to the complex parking lot there was a space almost right in front of our apartment, making it easier to haul in all our stuff.


A half hour later we had arranged our blankets and pillows in front of the TV and had some popcorn in the microwave. "I’m changing." I announced as I walked into my bare bedroom. My bags were sitting in the middle of the floor since I didn’t even have any hangers yet to hang my stuff up on. I could smell the popcorn so I picked up the pace before Nick got to all of it without me. When I walked out back into the living room I felt 25 lbs lighter. It was great.


"Whoa." Nick glanced up from the bag of popcorn that he had just retrieved from the microwave.


I laughed. "Yeah that body suit makes quite the difference doesn’t it? I got pretty used to it, and now I feel weird like this. Almost like I could just start flying or something."


"Ha! You probably could, lightweight!" He snickered.


"Ha ha." I said dryly. "I can still take you."


He widened his eyes then laughed. I watched as he proceeded to dump the parmesan on the popcorn and I was almost drooling. It'd been forever since I had this. He caught my look and turned away, arms wrapped protectively around the popcorn.


"None for you, Kat." He said over his shoulder.


"Kat?" I asked, slowly advancing on the popcorn.


"Yeah..." He inched away.


I hissed at him and he cracked up. "You best share or I am gonna rip your arms off and beat you with them!" I threatened.<>


He laughed harder and darted into the living room, dropping in front of the TV. I followed suit and plopped down next to him. Before he could react I grabbed a huge handful and shoved it all in my mouth. He watched me in amusement and started to laugh all over again.


"Whfa sho hunnie?" I tried to ask.


"You pig." He shook his head at me.


I jumped up. "I’m going to go get a newspaper. They had one of those things by the mailboxes. Be right back okay?"


Nick looked worried. "It’s dark though."


"Nick come on, it’s not Lizz anymore remember?" I reminded him.


"You aren’t wearing your body suit." He countered.


"Yeah, but like you said, it’s dark, who’s gonna notice? And I am just getting a paper." I argued.


"Okay okay, but hurry back." He relented.


I grabbed a handful of the change that Nick had taken from his pocket set on the counter before breezing out the door. I heard him call out "hey!" before I shut it and snickered to myself. I felt kinda weird going out in public without the bodysuit on, like I was breaking a major rule or something. Actually I kind of was, but I was also wearing black sweat pants and a dark sweatshirt so you wouldn’t really be able to tell anyway. There was only one guy at his mailbox anyway and I ignored him as I walked over to the newspaper stand and fed some change into it. Only, when I went to pull up on the little door it got stuck.


"Damn it." I muttered. I jerked on the handle, but it wasn’t budging. Then I heard a deep laugh from behind me.


"Having some trouble there?"


My blood ran cold at that voice and I couldn’t even move. I was struck by paralyzing fear and all I could do was stand there helplessly.




He walked around the side of me, looking at the newspaper bin. I stared at him then looked all around, hoping to find someone else near. The area was poorly lit and there wasn’t a single person outside. I looked back to Marcus.


"Are you okay?" He gave me a funny look. Not a look of recognition, but a blank stare with a curious look to it.


He didn’t recognize me!!! My legs went weak with the sudden realization and only then did I realize I was trembling. "Uh, yeah, I just don’t feel very good I guess." I said softly.


"Yeah, you look a little pale, you oughta be inside getting some rest." He said almost nicely. It made me wonder what he meant by "being inside." Holy shit, what if he was trying to hit on me?! I staggered backwards.


"You’re right, I think I better be going now." I stepped back again and then turned around.


"Yeah, but aren’t you forgetting something?" He called.


I choked back a sob. Here it came, I was dead. The whole thing was ruined and I had just put Nick in danger. Again. I turned to face him, shaking like a leaf.


"You forgot your paper." He smiled at me, handing out the paper he had managed to dislodge from the bin.


"Uh, thanks." I took it with a shaking hand. I did manage to smile before I turned away and started walking. I purposely went in the opposite direction so he wouldn’t know where to find me. Besides I couldn’t go back inside just yet. I was an absolute wreck and I didn’t want to tell Nick about this just yet. He had already had a rough day and I didn’t want to freak him out any worse.


I was still shaking so bad I thought my legs would give out from under me. I’d managed to keep myself from crying at least. He lived here?! How could I have managed to pick the one apartment complex in the whole damn city that he lived in? And how did he even afford it here? He was still wanted by the FBI and everything. But, now that I thought of it, he looked kind of different too. I didn’t recognize him, it was his voice that clued me in. I was still shocked he didn’t recognize me, but I didn’t even look like myself anymore so I guess he shouldn’t have been able to. Hell, Nick and I were in the same elevator as the guys and they didn’t notice either one of us so Marcus shouldn’t have either. When I was convinced that he was gone, I headed back to the apartment.


"What the hell took you so long?!" Nick stared at me when I walked in the door.


"Uh, I wanted to look around a bit." I lied.


"Bullshit. What’s wrong Lizz, you look upset." He said a little more softly.


"Ah, its just I was thinking about everything." I tried to cover.


He didn’t look convinced, but let it drop for now. I dropped the paper on the counter and wrapped myself up in the blanket on the floor. Nick watched me for a minute, but didn’t say anything. Halfway through the next sitcom my eyes started to grow heavy and before I knew it, I was asleep.






I shot straight up in my covers and looked wildly around the room. What had woken me up? The TV had been turned off and the only light in the room was coming from the small sliver under the bathroom door that we had left on.


There it was again! It was at the door. I glanced at Nick, who was sleeping a couple feet away from me. I crawled over to him and shook his shoulder. "Nick, wake up!" I hissed.


The doorknob jiggled and I heard the familiar sound of the lock turning. I jumped to my feet unsure of what to do. We didn’t even have anything that could be used as a weapon. Hell, we didn’t even have any kitchen knives! Before I could move, the door flew open and Marcus stood there with a malicious grin on his face. I moved so I was standing between him and Nick. I wished he would wake up.


"You thought you could fool me with that cheapass disguise? Sorry Lizz, it didn’t work and now you are Carter are going to pay. Is that him behind you? Ha! Maybe I should kill him in his sleep. Or I could kill you first and let him watch helplessly. What do you think?" He sneered at me.


"You aren’t touching him you bastard." I said in a low voice. At least it was dark and he couldn’t see how bad I was shaking.


Then everything happened at once. Nick woke up. Marcus lunged at me. I screamed. Marcus had a hold of my arms and was trying to pull me away from where Nick was.


"What the hell?? Oh my god... Lizz!" He exclaimed as his expression went from confusion to shock to horror.


I struggled against Marcus as he pulled out a gun and aimed it at Nick. "Noooo!!!" I screamed as it fired.





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