Chapter 87:


At the Hotel

Well this is just fucking great!

AJ threw his bags down in disgust, wondering where the hell everyone was. Nick had bailed out on him at the last moment, staying behind to talk to a creepy little stagehand, saying he would see him later at the hotel. Shaking his head, AJ had gone around the arena, searching for Kevin and Brian, unable to find either until his bodyguard informed him that they had left with Xavier. The hotel concierge was no help at all, shrugging his shoulders politely when asked about Howie's whereabouts. Irritated, AJ repeatedly phoned Howie's room only to have the answering machine pick up every time. Pounding on Howie's door had produced no results and so AJ resignedly returned to his room, ordered room service, and as he waited for his food to arrive, contemplated on what to do next.


Hands stuffed in his back pockets, Les shifted nervously from one foot to another, looking at Nick in disbelief. Taken aback when the young Backstreet Boy had approached him, Les was even more surprised by his request and by the fact that Nick knew exactly who to ask. "You sure?" Les questioned, scanning the area to see if anyone was eavesdropping.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Les perked up, interested. "It's not that easy to get, ya know."

Nick knew a scam artist when he saw one and leaned over to whisper. "Well, if that's the case, maybe I should just go ask someone else." He emphasized the last two words by shifting his eyes towards the other crew hands.

Les nodded, catching Nick's meaning. "Nah. You came to the right place. I can do it." A small smirk began to form. "It's gonna cost you."

Nick matched Les's smirk with one of his own. "Like I'm really worried about that. Just do it, okay?" Fishing out his wallet, he pulled several bills, shoving them into Les's hand. "And hurry."


Xavier slammed the car brutally into park, the car shuddering to a stop. Brian dozed on, oblivious that they had arrived and Kevin frowned inwardly, wondering for a moment what to do as Xavier exited the car and began to unloaded the trunk. With a tentative hand he reached over and gently shook Brian on the shoulder.

"Brian, Brian, wake up." He shook a little harder. "Wake up. We're here." No response. With his heart beating a little faster, Kevin hopped out and yanked open the front passenger door, reaching in to catch Brian before he slumped over. "Brian! Jesus! Wake up!" He hoped Xavier couldn't hear the panic in his voice, glancing worriedly at Xavier who was talking to a bellhop. Brian moaned and tried to swat Kevin's hand away, mumbling an incoherent reply. Relieved that his cousin was stirring, Kevin grabbed him by the arm, forcing Brian to look up at him. "Brian, come on, man. Get out of the car." Helping him out, Kevin held him steady as Brian blinked several times, his hand shielding his eyes against the bright sun.

"Okay… all right. Jeez, wait a sec," Brian grumbled, trying to shrug off Kevin's supportive grip but gave up when he felt Kevin's fingers wrapping tighter around him.

Clutching Brian securely, Kevin noticed Xavier's shadow looming over them. He turned to gaze at the bodyguard, setting his face into an exasperated expression. "X, looks like Brian is having some trouble here. Go and get our rooms confirmed and we'll meet you at the elevators." Kevin almost backed down when he saw the frown forming on the large man's face. Gritting his teeth, Kevin held firm, trying his best to look annoyed. "Go on. I can manage this." With an inner sigh of relief, Kevin watched Xavier pushed the heavy glass doors open, entering the lobby.

Brian sagged in his arms and Kevin struggled to keep him upright. "Brian!" Kevin switched his grip. "Shit! Brian, stand up. That's it. Come on." He helped him over to the covered breezeway, eying the surrounding area, glad that they had arrived earlier than expected. Except for a few curious glances, nobody had recognized them. Brian looked up at Kevin, rubbing his red-rimmed eyes with the heel of his hand.

"What is God's name did you take?" Kevin asked worriedly, his voice harsher than he intended.

"None of your business. In fact, do me a favor and leave me the hell alone."

Kevin dropped his hand away from Brian, shocked by the bitterness in his voice. Huh? What the …didn't Nick and AJ explain things to him?

"Brian, listen. I don't think you understand. Me, the guys, we know what's been going on! We all know about Xavier. We're gonna help you."

Brian gave him a furious glare, then struggled over to the hotel entry wall to lean against it for support. "No, you don't understand. I don't need your help. I don't want your help. I've had more than enough of your help already."

Kevin walked over, his green eyes filled with a mixture of exasperation and concern. "Brian, why are you acting this way? What's the matter?"

Brian cocked his head to one side, his blue eyes flashing with resentment. "What's the matter?" he mimicked sarcastically. "What's the matter? What makes you think anything is wrong?" His voice began to rise. "And why the sudden interest now, Kevin? You never cared before."

Brian pushed agitatedly away from the wall and they both winced simultaneously; Brian from the sudden movement, Kevin from the fury in his cousin's voice. Glancing for a second into the lobby, Kevin saw that Xavier was almost finished signing some papers at the reception desk. He turned to see the exhaustion on his cousin's face and realized now was not the time to argue. Reaching in for Brian's arm again, Kevin gave him a no-nonsense look.

"Come on. Let's go inside."

He ushered Brian in, letting go when he felt Brian yank angrily away from him. They stood by the elevators in silence, neither willing to look at one another. With a deep sigh, Kevin watched as Xavier came towards them, noticing that the bodyguard was glancing down at one of the room's entry cards. A slight shock ran through him. He's memorizing Brian's room number! During the meeting, Sam had given specific instructions that everyone was responsible for their own entry cards; that from now on no master cards were to be given out, even to security. Kevin remembered the tight look on Xavier's face as the bodyguard objected but Sam had cut him off, stating that room safety wasn't an issue and that there were more pressing security problems to address.

Startled into action, Kevin reached out with a bored hand, faking impatience as he waited for Xavier to hand over the cards. "Say Xavier, I can't seem to find my pager. I think I might have left it the car. Go have a look, okay?" He saw Xavier stiffen, knowing that the bodyguard wanted to accompany them to their rooms. Sam, in his infinite wisdom, had situated the bodyguards on a different floor, citing that he was unable to find adjoining rooms.

Kevin hurried on, not waiting for Xavier's reply. "Thanks. And, oh, if you find it, you can just give it to me tomorrow." Hearing the chime of the elevator door, he scooped up his small duffel bag, then Brian's and steered Brian into the steel enclosure. Just before the doors closed, Kevin nodded curtly, enjoying the frustration on Xavier's face. "See ya."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Howie ran a nervous hand through his hair as he strode down the hallway, impatient to find out what was happening. He had been late getting back to the hotel, making a few stops around town with his bodyguard before returning. Pleasantly surprised at Tucson’s laid back attitude, he was quickly able to find what he needed and with little hassle. It didn't hurt that he also spoke Spanish, noticing a large majority of the population were Spanish-speaking.

He rapped on AJ's door then shook his head in exasperation when he realized it was ajar. Pushing the door open he saw AJ reclining on his bed, finishing what looked like the remains of dinner.

"Save some for me?" Howie quipped, coming over to inspect.

AJ snorted. "Don't I always?" He pointed with his knife at a covered serving dish then sat up straighter, criss-crossing his legs. "Where the hell were you? I've been searching all over!"

Howie shrugged, his mouth full. "Had to do a few things," he mumbled.

"You and Nick," groused AJ.

Howie looked up. "He's not here?"

AJ rubbed his face tiredly and glanced at his watch. "Nope. And neither is Kev or Brian. At least, I don't think they're here."

Grabbing a napkin, Howie wiped his hands. "So, how did it go? What happened after I left?"

"You want the bad news or the bad news?"

"AJ, quit joking around. What's going on?"

AJ jumped up and began to restlessly pace the room. "I'm not joking. Everything is totally fucked up, D. After you left, Nick and I confronted Bri about what we knew. He was furious at us."

Howie paused, his fork suspended in mid air. "What? Furious?"

"Yeah, told us to butt out. Said he didn't need our help, that we had only screwed things up for him." AJ sighed heavily. "And we did."

Not liking the tone in his friend's voice, Howie put his fork down on his plate and looked up questioningly.

"That brilliant idea of closing Brian's bank account backfired, big time. X was trying to make a withdrawal and it rejected." AJ turned away from Howie for a moment then turned to face him again, his face bitter. "Seems like Xavier was going to make one last withdrawal and then leave, disappear for good. When the bank refused the request X totally lost it. He beat the crap outta Brian."

Howie was too shocked to notice that his plate had slid from his lap, falling to the floor. His eyes met AJ's in horror and AJ nodded grimly.

'I saw it, D. I saw it. Brian pulled up his shirt. God, there were bruises everywhere! I don't know how he managed to survive a beating like that! It was horrible."

Howie sucked his breath in with a sharp hiss, glad he hadn't been there to witness it. "You should of taken him to a hospital, AJ!"

"I wanted to! Nick wanted to! Brian refused. Pleaded with us to give him a few more days and then Xavier would be gone."

Howie snorted in sarcasm. "Right, and you believe that?"

AJ stopped his pacing to turn and face Howie. "Yeah, I do. Xavier didn't have to come back. He could of left after he beat up Brian, but he came back. Remember what Nick said? That X isn't done with Brian? Xavier wants to try and get his money one more time."

Howie sagged in his seat and closed his eyes for a moment. "And do we let him?"

"Damn straight we do. I want that fucker outta of here once and for all. If it takes more money, so be it. I'm not willing to risk Brian's life again, are you?"

Howie shook his head and looked up at AJ, a mixture of resignation, defeat and anger framed in his brown eyes. "No, I'm not."

* * * * * * * * * *

If the silence between them at the elevators was painful, the ride up the elevators was downright unbearable. Kevin desperately wanted the chance to talk, to help, to make amends; hell, anything if only Brian would let him. But, by the way he was slumped against the side of the elevator, avoiding direct eye contact, Kevin knew that Brian was not going to give him that chance.

He fingered his room entry card, glancing down to read the number. 2481. Tilting his head slightly, Kevin examined the card Brian held. 2441. 2441. Brian's room number, the one Xavier had memorized. Kevin stared thoughtfully at Brian's number for a moment, then at his. The soft chime of the elevator announced its opening and Kevin grabbed a hold of Brian's shoulder, stopping him from exiting. "Here, this is yours." Kevin held out 2481. Reaching for Brian's, he quickly swapped cards.

Brian frowned then gave in when he saw the look on Kevin's face, too tired to argue. Taking the card he slowly tread down the hallway, looking for his hotel door, wondering if he had the strength to even open it.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Hearing a couple of sharp taps, AJ strode over to the door and let Nick in, giving him a curious stare.

"About time," he grumbled. "What the hell was so important that you had to stay and talk to that little piss ant instead of coming with me?"

Nick shrugged nonchalantly, studiously ignoring AJ's heated question as he viewed the room service cart before him.

"Hey, didn't you order anything for me?"

"No, I didn't order anything for you," AJ replied, mimicking Nick's hurt tone. He reached over and plucked a menu from the cart and tossed it impatiently to him. "Here. Order yourself, you big baby."

Nick raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly at AJ. "Whoa, what crawled up your ass and died?"

"You mean besides your irritating whining?"

Nick glared at him. "Yeah! And I'm sure there's been more interesting things than that stuck up there."

AJ threw him a sneer. "Fuck you, Nick."

"Really?" Nick glanced down pointedly at AJ's crotch. "With what?"

Howie quickly jumped in between them. "Okay, stop!" he barked, holding his hands out in either direction, amazed at their sudden hostility. "Just stop. What's the matter with you two?"

AJ was the first to break eye contact with Nick, embarrassed by his sudden anger. "I…I don't know," he muttered, turning away. "Sorry Nick. I'm sorry." He waved a hand miserably. "Things. Things are bothering me, ya know?"

Nick relaxed, understanding all too well AJ's vague explanation. Things. Some things. Everything. They were all beginning to crack under the pressure, a small but significant break that was causing them to snap at each other at the smallest of incidents.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too." In a hurry to change the subject, Nick looked at Howie. "Did AJ fill you in about Brian?"


"All right. Good. So you know. Has anybody seen Brian? Is he here?" Nick looked back and forth between AJ and Howie. "We still gotta talk to him, see how he's doing."

Howie frowned, shaking his head. "I haven't seen him. Neither has AJ. Lets go track Kevin down, see what he knows." Picking his fallen dinner plate up off the ground, Howie tossed it away and then opened the door for the other two, all three exiting in a hurry, eager to locate the oldest Backstreet Boy.




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