Chapter 88:


In the Hotel

Howie, Nick and AJ entered the hallway, stopping dead in their tracks as they watched Brian, with Kevin trailing closely behind, walk slowly towards them. Head bent low, glancing at the card in hand, Brian almost bumped into them. Startled, he took a few steps back and an awkward moment of silence fell as Brian stared blankly at them, the exhaustion evident in his blue eyes. Nick tore his gaze away from Brian just long enough to give Kevin a desperate, inquiring look. Pursing his lips together tightly, Kevin shook his head in a quiet warning. Nick swung back to his best friend and shuffled uneasily, at a loss of what to say or do.


It was a stupid, stupid thing to say and Nick kicked himself mentally, angered at his childish acknowledgment.

Brian blinked a few times. "Hey, … Frack."

Nick's heart soared in relief, glad that Brian had spoken his nickname. It was an opening, an opportunity, the beginning he needed to ….

"Stay the hell away from me."

Brian brushed by hurriedly, not noticing the stunned look on Nick's face. Grimacing a little, he swiped his entry card, pushed open the door, letting it close with a soft click.

* * * * * * * * * *

Nick stared at the closed door, his mouth dropped open in astonishment. Snapping it shut a second later, Nick threw his arms up in the air, shaking his head. He turned to Kevin, frustrated.

"What's going on?"

Glancing once more at Brian's closed door, Nick's eyes narrowed. "Okay, that's it, I've had it! I'm gonna…."

Kevin reached out and placed a solid hand on Nick's shoulder, preventing him from taking another step. "Nick, don't. Stop. Let Brian sleep. He needs it." Kevin faced the others. "I saw Xavier giving Brian some pills at the arena. Looked like painkillers."

AJ , Howie, and Nick glanced at each other and Kevin gave a concerned frown. "What? You guys know about that?"

"No, but we're not surprised," explained AJ. "Xavier hurt Brian pretty bad." Noticing the sudden alarm in Kevin's face, AJ rubbed his forehead tiredly, nodding at Howie to continue.

Kevin turned to Howie. "I'll fill you in," Howie said quietly, glancing up and down the hallway, "but not here. In fact, we all need to talk about this. Let's get settled, then meet in Kevin's room, say, in about 30 minutes?" Howie glanced up from his watch to see everyone nod in agreement. "Okay? Good."

* * * * * * * * * *

Brian didn't even notice the duffel bag slipping from his fingers as he crawled exhaustedly onto his bed, grabbing the closest pillow into a tight embrace. He buried his face into its soft depths and willed himself to relax, to breathe normally. He could do neither. His body ached, a raw and constant burning, his chest rising erratically in short and shallow gasps. Brian turned over on his side and squeezed his eyes shut, praying for the constant throbbing in his lower back to go away. He knew without a doubt that if Xavier were here right now, he would rip those pills out of Xavier's hand and pour every last one of them into his mouth. Brian sighed, angered at his weak self-control. He hated the way the painkillers made him feel; queasy, disoriented, scared by the crazy thoughts that raced through his head. Forcing himself off the bed, he stood up, determined to endure the pain, no matter what. Just another mind game, he thought bitterly, only now it's between me and myself. He headed for the bathroom and turned the shower on as hot as he dared, hoping the water's warmth would provide some temporary relief.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kevin swore, quickly drying his hair and then wrapped the towel around his waist, hurrying to stop the pounding on his door. Irritated by the incessant knocking, he ripped the door wide open, pissed at the guys' early arrival.

"Shit, can't you wait just a…." Kevin's voice trailed off as he stared directly at Xavier.

Not sure who was more startled, Kevin regained his composure first. "Xavier? What's up?" He tried to give the large bodyguard an annoyed look, feeling a small thrill of fear course through his spine. Xavier was looking for Brian! Thankful that he had the insight to swap entry cards at the last moment, Kevin leaned casually against the doorframe, his eyes coolly examining Xavier. "Something so important that you couldn't wait until tomorrow?" Kevin tried to tinge the sentence with a small taunt, hoping it took the bodyguard off balance. It did. Kevin saw the confusion, the embarrassment spread across the broad man's face.

"Sorry. I thought this was Brian's room."

"Obviously it's not."

Xavier shifted his large frame uncomfortably. "Mind letting me know which room Brian is in? I've got something for him."

Kevin waved his hand vaguely down the hall. "I don't remember, Xavier. Sorry. By the way he looked, I'm guessing Brian is probably asleep right now, so I wouldn't recommend knocking on his door." A sudden idea came to mind and trying not to show his eagerness, Kevin stuck out his hand casually, hoping Xavier was still flustered by his mistake. "Here, you can give me Brian's pills … I'll give them to him when I see him." He wiggled his fingers impatiently. "That is what you came to see him about, isn't it?"

Kevin watched as Xavier slowly dug out the container from his pocket, knowing that the bodyguard was unable to come up with another suitable excuse. Kevin plucked the pills from Xavier's hand and gave him a quick nod. "I'll make sure he gets them. Thanks." Kevin managed to stare evenly into Xavier's eyes, elated by his success. He watched as Xavier turned and lumbered down the hallway, not being able to resist one last jab.

"Your'e doing a great job, thanks Xavier." He smiled wickedly when he noticed a slight twitch in Xavier's neck and shoulders as the bodyguard headed towards the elevator.

* * * * * * * * * *

Brian tolerated the near-scalding heat for as long as long as possible then finally gave up, too tired to stand any more under the steaming warmth. He gingerly eased himself out of the enclosure, toweling himself off lightly, trying not to stare at the various colorful bruises that stained his body. Wiping a small circle of steam away from the mirror, he gently touch his cut brow with a curious finger, wondering what kind of a scar the deep cut was going to leave. He knew he needed to change the bandage, but upon noticing the angry rawness of the wound, decided he wasn't brave enough to attempt peeling away the dressing. Being careful not to move suddenly, he eased into the most comfortable clothes he could find and slowly lowered himself onto the edge of the bed, somewhat amazed at how much better he felt. Laying his head down on the pillow, Brian curled up slightly in the fetal position and relaxed for the first time, hoping he could get some sleep. Not bad, not bad at all… then cringed as a sharp pain lanced right through him. Not good…

* * * * * * * * * * *

Kevin watched as Xavier stepped into the elevator then quickly closed his door, scrambled into a pair of pants and raced out of his room, running barefoot to locate AJ.

It took a moment before AJ answered Kevin's frantic knock, opening the door with a toothbrush his mouth.

Kevin pushed by AJ, running a hand nervously through his dark, damp hair. AJ peeked out into the hallway, curious, then held up a hand, went into the bathroom, spat and rinsed his mouth. Walking out of the bathroom, AJ wiped his mouth quickly with a small hand towel.

"Okay, what happened?"

Kevin uncurled his fist to show the small bottle of pills.

"Shit!" breathed AJ, coming over to look. "Are those Brian's?" Kevin nodded.

"How? What? I mean, where did you get them?"

Kevin sat down on the edge of AJ's bed. "Xavier gave them to me."

"Huh? Xavier just gave them to you?"

Kevin grinned devilishly at AJ. "No, I asked for them. Xavier was at my door a few minutes ago, knocking on it, thinking it was Brian's room. Only I had switched rooms with Brian. Intentionally."

AJ smiled at Kevin, impressed. "Go on."

"Well, I knew X was startled, embarrassed. He mumbled about needing to give Brian something. I knew he was lying so I took advantage of the situation and asked X for the pills."

"Damn." AJ looked admiringly at Kevin. "Not bad."

"Yep." Kevin leaned back on AJ's bed, tossing the bottle gleefully up and down with one hand.

"Hey, I thought we were suppose to meet in Kevin's room."

AJ and Kevin both looked up to see Nick and Howie entering through the still open door, Nick coming over to swipe at the air-borne container. He eyed the bottle suspiciously. "What are these?"

"Brian's pain pills. Xavier made a surprise visit." AJ watched their shocked faces before continuing. "Only X visited the wrong room, courtesy of Kevin's neat little trick of swapping rooms with Brian."

Howie whistled and Nick nodded in appreciation. "Nice going." Howie grabbed the pills from Nick's hand and studied the label, a slight frown on his face. "Should we give these to Brian? He looked like he could use them."

"Not now," advised Nick. "I had my ear pressed to his door just a moment ago and it sounded like he was in the shower." Nick opened his eyes wide in defense. "What? What? He's my best friend and I'll eavesdrop any damn time I feel like it!"

Kevin stood up, slapping a hand on Nick's shoulder. "Chill, Nick. It’s okay. We were surprised, that's all. I'm just glad Xavier didn't see you." He turned to the others. "You know what this means, don't you?"

AJ nodded grimly, reaching over to snag the phone of its hook.

* * * * * * * * * *

Xavier reached over to rip a heavy boot off his foot and threw it in disgust across the room. It had been a while since he had made such a stupid mistake, mixing up something as simple as a room number. He would have been immediately suspicious except that Kevin had seemed genuinely annoyed at being disturbed. Caught off guard, not being able to think of a quick enough excuse, he had chastised himself all the way back to his room for handing over the painkillers. Xavier rubbed his hand thoughtfully over his chin, staring off into space. The chances were slim to none that Brian would still be awake; his grogginess getting out of the car just a while ago testified to that. It would be unwise to try to locate him now, now that he had made such a blatant error in front of Kevin.

Tearing off the other boot, Xavier walked over and grabbed a drink from his small but well-stocked fridge. Settling down into a chair, he flicked on the TV, more for illumination than entertainment. He forced himself to relax, to think clearly, not to let his temper get the best of him. Only a few more days, just two and he could kiss this lifestyle goodbye. Kiss. He took a sip, his thoughts turning towards the young blonde singer. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, wondering that if maybe he had had more time, things might have been different. Hmm. Time. He took another sip, really a gulp, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Maybe I don't need more time. I'll have the money soon. I'll be rich. With a quick tilt of his head, he finished the bottle. Money. Brian. Money and Brian. He smiled and folded his hands behind his head. Yeah. It was possible. He could have both.

* * * * * * * * * * *

AJ hung up the phone with a flourish and turned to the other guys, a fiendish smile on his lips.


Howie nodded in approval. "So you think Eric can keep Xavier away?"

AJ gave Howie a mock look of hurt then shoved Nick over so he could hop on top of his bed. "He's the best, D. If there's one bodyguard I trust, it's Eric. Besides, I warned him it's his job if he doesn't."

Nick rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. "Nothing like the threat of losing your job to get results, huh?"

AJ grinned.

* * * * * * * * * *

Pissed, Xavier slammed down the receiver, picking up his wallet and keys as he headed out the door. He hated late night emergencies, especially when he knew Eric could handle it easily enough by himself. Now, by the sound of it, he'd be up all night working on the so-called problem. Relax, relax, he chanted mentally, punching the button as he waited for the elevator to come and bring him down to the main floor where Eric was impatiently waiting for him.

* * * * * * * * * *

So much for sleep.

Brian stared up at the ceiling, biting his lip, waiting for the next onslaught of pain.

* * * * * * * * *

Nick came running back into the room, his bare feet padding silently on the carpeting.

"Shit, O shit!"

AJ stopped in mid-conversation with Kevin and Howie, confused; he hadn't noticed that Nick had left the room in the first place. "What? What's happening?"

"Brian. I listened again. I can hear him moaning. He's in pain! We gotta do something, guys!"

Kevin rose from his seat, throwing AJ and Howie a grim look. "You sure X is gone?"

AJ nodded, rising up from his bed. "Positive."

"Good, come on then."

All three hurried after Kevin, Nick's eyes wide. "What are we going to do?"

Kevin reached Brian's door then turned to Nick. "Make Brian open the door."

"What if he won't?"

"Then we're gonna break the goddamn door down."




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