Chapter 90:


Before the Storm

Nick yawned, then stretched with difficulty, annoyed at being unable to find enough room for his long legs. Damn hotel beds! Sighing, Nick blinked a few times to clear his vision and saw Brian lying next to him, already awake, watching him with curious fascination.

"Do you know that you still drool in your sleep?" Brian informed him solemnly.

Nick scrunched up his face. "Do you know that you have like, the worst morning breath, ever?"

They looked at each other for a moment in silence.

"Marry me," swooned Brian.

"Show me the ring first," countered Nick.

They cracked up simultaneously.

"Ow, ow, shit!"

Nick sat quickly up in bed, watching Brian painfully hold onto his right side. "Pain pills?"

"Yeah," breathed Brian heavily.

Nick shot out of bed and in an instant was back with some water. "Here."

Grateful, Brian took the glass and hurriedly swallowed the medication. Closing his eyes, he could feel Nick hover over him anxiously. "Jeez, Nick, take it easy. Just give me a sec, all right?" Brian felt the bed lower under his body as Nick sat back down again.

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything."

Keeping his eyes closed, Brian kept himself as still as possible, waiting for the dull throb to lessen. It didn't help that Nick couldn't keep himself from moving around, jiggling the bed with his nervous agitation.

"That's it, the marriage's off," stated Brian. "I can't live with you. Your bedside manner is horrible."

Nick stopped squirming. "Well, that was the shortest engagement ever," he grumbled.

"Glad I found out before we got married," scoffed Brian.


"Starving," admitted Brian.

"Me too." Nick bounded off the bed in one leap, heading for the phone.

"Ow! Watch it, will ya?"

"Oh God, sorry Frick. I didn't mean to kick you."

Brian opened his eyes, glad that the pain was finally lessening. "Eggs, toast. Juice too."

Nick punched the button. "Okay."

"Oh, and some cereal."

Nick nodded and started to give the order.


Nick raised an eyebrow slightly.

"And sausage, don't forget the sausage!"

Nick sighed dramatically as he continued giving the order. "Anything else?"

Brian thought. "Biscuits and gravy?"

* * * * * * * * * *

Xavier tossed his keys angrily on the dresser, easing himself out of his grimy clothes. He glanced at the softly-glowing clock next to his bed. Nine-thirty am. Shit! Eric's stupid emergency had taken the whole night and part of the morning to complete. He still wasn't sure if it had been necessary in the first place and Xavier's mouth tightened in frustration. Still, there was no way of getting out of it without looking suspicious and the other bodyguards had seemed as unhappy as he when the unexpected call came through.

Shedding the last of his clothes, he hopped into the steaming shower, trying to ease the tension and soreness out of his shoulders. The warmth of the water began to soothe his frayed nerves and he relaxed, his thoughts drifting to Brian. He wondered how well the young Backstreet Boy had slept, wondered if the pain medication was keeping everything under control. He felt himself tense a little when he thought of Kevin and how he had managed to take over control of the painkillers. Well, nothing could be done about it now. He just hoped Kevin was smart enough to know when to give Brian the pills to keep him from being incapacitated by the pain. He needed Brian alert and awake for the next few days. Needed. Brian. Xavier glanced down at his growing hard-on. He smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying both the heat of the water and the heat between his legs.

* * * * * * * * * *

"You forgot the cinnamon rolls!" accused Brian as Nick watched in amazement at the amount of food Brian was downing.

"You never asked for them!" Nick shot back, swiping a biscuit off the overloaded breakfast tray. "You managed to order everything else under the sun, but not that."

Brian mumbled a reply, his mouth too full to be understandable.

"What are you, eating for two?" Nick asked in disbelief.

Brian gave him a coy smirk. "None of your business," he mocked primly.

Nick laughed. "Okay, now who would ever want to fuck you?"

Brian's smile faded and Nick swore at his own stupidity.

"Shit, Brian, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking…" Nick's voice faded off, embarrassed. They ate the rest of the meal in silence.

* * * * * * * * * *

Xavier climbed wearily into the soft comfort of his bed, enjoying the crisp freshness of the cool sheets. He had forgotten how hot Tucson could be, even at nighttime, and it hadn't helped his temper or disposition any to be stuck outside for the whole night, checking on security backups that he had deemed totally useless the very first hour he was there.

His eye caught the soft blinking glow of his telephone, indicating recent messages and with a grunt leaned over to snatch his pager off the end table. More incoming messages. He made a mental note to check them all later, too tired to take the time right now. In just a few short hours he needed to be up and about, preparing for tonight's concert. His thoughts drifted back to Brian, wondering if he would be able to perform. Probably not, if yesterday was any indication. He was slightly surprised at his disappointment. Even after countless performances, he still looked forward to seeing him on stage, hearing him sing.

He winced a little as he lay on his back, trying to find a comfortable position, propping a pillow against his side to support his sore ribs. He knew it would take awhile before his broken ribs would start to knit and it frustrated him that he had to constantly pamper the aching tenderness. He gave a feral grin in the darkened room. Well, a few more days wouldn't kill him; he'd survive, and then he could treat himself to a different kind of pampering.

* * * * * * * * * *

Through out the morning and into early afternoon, the guys had taken turns keeping Brian company, either letting him sleep, which he did mostly, or quietly sitting together watching television. Kevin had cancelled all interviews except for one, a radio gig that only took a half hour to complete. He spoke with the local DJ's regarding the second half of their tour; how great it was to be back on the road; and as a precautionary measure talked about Brian's little encounter with some over-eager fans and his physical appearance. Explaining that Brian was still iffy in making tonight's performance, he warned an on-line listener that if his cousin was able to perform not to expect him to do anything much more than sing. The fan "oohed" in disappointment and Kevin smiled, gently joking that his cousin couldn't dance anyway, so it wouldn't be that big of a loss. Kevin finished the interview and hurried back to the hotel, anxious to see how Brian was.

Nick opened the door, shrugging at Kevin's questioning look. "Come see for yourself," was his cryptic reply, ushering him inside. Kevin found Brian sitting up in bed, surfing the channels with a bored expression.

Throwing down the remote, Brian looked up from the TV screen. "How'd it go?"

Kevin sat down next to him. "Okay. I warned the listeners that you wouldn't be able to make it tonight."

Brian sat up a little straighter. "What?" he asked sharply.

Nick smothered a groan. Uh-oh.

"I said, you're not going on…"

"I heard you. Who said I'm not?"


"You and who else?" challenged Brian.

Nick picked up a magazine and buried his nose in it.

Kevin sighed and leaned forward in his chair, his hands folded. "Brian, I'm not gonna argue about this with you…"

"I know, cause I'm going on tonight. End of argument."



Kevin glanced over to Nick for help. Nick stared raptly at the magazine. "Nick?"


"A little help here?"

Nick rolled his eyes and tossed the magazine away. "Can't. Brian's mind is made up. I've been fighting with him for the last two hours about the same damn thing."

Kevin turned back to Brian. "No." And he meant it.

"Yes." Brian did too.

Before Kevin could speak again, Brian continued. "Look, I'll be fine, really. Really! AJ's pain medication has helped." Seeing the doubt in Kevin's eyes, Brian hurried on. "Kevin, if I don't go on, what will I do? Just watch? With Xavier?"

Brian had a point. A very good point. Too good. "You sure you're feeling well enough?" Kevin saw a quick hesitation in Brian's face before he nodded.

Frowning, Kevin pointed a finger warningly at him. "Okay. You're on. But you gotta promise me this, no dancing, no running around. Just singing. And if you're feeling bad, you pull out, even if it's in the middle of a song." Kevin watched skeptically as his cousin agreed too readily. "Oh yeah, one more thing. You gotta swear on the Holy Bible that you will."

Brian's mouth opened then snapped shut in frustration. Nick snickered. Kevin hadn't used that trick in a long time, but it always got the results he wanted.

Glancing sourly at Nick, Brian sighed. "All right."

Kevin wasn’t going to let him get off that easy. "All right, what?"

Brian glared. "All right, I swear on the Holy Bible. There, satisfied?"

Kevin nodded and rose to leave. "Good, get some rest. We'll be leaving soon enough."

Brian watched as Kevin left then turned to see Nick leaning over, studying his back.

"What are you doing?" he asked, irritated.

"Just checking to see if you were crossing your fingers," smirked Nick.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Xaiver rapidly shaved, then hurried out of the bathroom, glancing at the time. Throwing on the first available clean clothes he could find, he finished tying his shoes, peeking once more at the clock. He nodded. Good. He had managed to wake up before the alarm, so he had a few extra minutes to spare. Deciding to check his pager first, he scanned it quickly, ignoring most of the numbers. Stopping at the last one, he frowned, staring thoughtfully at his pager for a moment before reaching over to snag the phone off its hook. Drumming his fingers, he waited impatiently for someone to answer and started to hang up when he heard a click and a confident "This is Terri Hamilton, may I help you?" in his ear.

Xavier switched into his respectful tone. "Ms. Hamilton, this is Xavier Delgado. You paged me?" He held the phone to his ear with his shoulder, going over to his dresser to pocket his wallet, keys, and change.

"Oh, Mr. Delgado, I’m so glad you called," she gushed and Xavier rolled his eyes in disgust. "I just wanted to thank you for everything." Xavier grimaced. He really didn’t have time to listen to this bitch.

"You’re welcome," he said bluntly, dropping his polite tone as he scanned the room one last time before he left.

"I was so surprised when all the guys visited me, it came out of the blue! But I knew you sent them. I just knew it."

Xavier sat down slowly.

"All of them visited you?" he asked softly. "When?"

"Why just a few days ago! They were so sweet, so concerned about you."


"Yes, wanted to know all about you. Asked if they could see your personal file."


"Naturally, I said no, that as much as I wanted to help, it was confidential information."

"How considerate of you."

"However, I must warn you. I think my secretary wasn’t as professional as me. I’m sure she accessed her computer to give information to Mr. Carter. I fired her, of course."

"Of course." Xavier’s eyes glittered. "Ms. Hamilton, do you have a second? If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a few more questions."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Les was a nervous little shit, shifty, untrustworthy. Xavier liked that. Towering over him, Xavier smiled down at him, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

"Okay, Les, once again. What exactly did Nick Carter want you to do?"




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