Chapter 22


A.J. was in midair when three uniformed officers burst through the backdoors that Brian was fixing to break for.  The sight of them filled his vision, and he gasped.  All he could see was what seemed like a never-ending wall of guns, and they were all aimed in his direction.  After being terrorized for so long by his captors, his first reaction was to get as far away from them as possible.  It didn’t even occur to him until after he had moved that they were there to help.


Eyes wide in shock, Brian hurled himself off to the right to avoid them, dragging Lila with him.  Thief number two made a grab for him, and knocked him heavily to the ground.  He twisted desperately to the side, still holding Lila, trying to protect her from the brunt of the impact.  He succeeded, but his hip and his head collided painfully with the floor, and he cried out as he saw stars.  He still held on tightly to the girl in his arms.


A.J. slammed into the thief number one with a vengeance, bowling him over.  His fury was almost getting the better of him.  He tried to channel it, and use it to fuel his attack.  Unfortunately, it was so intense that he almost couldn’t see straight.  The blood he had spotted dripping off of Brian’s back had made him snap, and he was almost out of control.


The source of his hatred lost his weapon in the assault, and it skidded away from him across the floor.  He hadn’t been expecting the attack.  Despite this advantage, A.J. was much smaller than he was, and knew he wouldn’t stand a chance to fight him as soon as he regained his senses.  He struggled to bury his anger for a moment to be able to think his way out of the situation.  He partially succeeded, and his observant eyes spied the fallen gun several feet away.


A.J. had always been quick on his feet.  He was agile and swift, and he put his skills to use.  He used the fallen man as a springboard and pushed off of him as he went for the gun.


Brian was unable to struggle, and as a result, allowed his assailant to get a firmer grip on him.  He also took the opportunity get a shot off at the intruders, who were taken by surprise at the chaos that greeted them.  One of the officers fell, clutching his neck.  Another screamed into his radio to halt the attack.


One monstrous arm encircled Brian’s throat, while the other jammed the barrel of his gun against his flesh.  Even now, Brian fought to keep the girl he had promised he would protect out of harm’s way.  He was rapidly losing his grip on the situation.  The “plan” had failed, unless he could find a way free, and the only thing he could think to do was to make sure that Lila remained alive.  He tried not to focus on A.J.  He was in no place to help him, and he would drive himself to insanity if he worried about him.  He could have to take care of himself.


The gun seemed so close.  A.J. could reach it.  He swore he could.  He could almost get it…  He howled out loud in a panicked rage as he felt a hand clamp on to his ankle.  He kicked out savagely.


“No!” he screeched.  With all of the adrenaline fueling his body, it took him a moment to feel the pain, but all of the sudden, there it was.  The torn skin around his lower leg oozed with fresh blood.  A.J. stared back at it in horror, and then found the source of his hurt.  He cursed himself.  How could he have been so stupid as not to assume that the man had a knife?  The cut wasn’t very deep, thankfully.  He knew it wouldn’t necessarily stay that way.  He’d gotten off with a warning, nothing more.


His pause was just enough to give his adversary the upper hand.  He threw himself over A.J., and then rolled backwards, pulling A.J. up with him, using him as a shield.  A.J. yelled in protest, but dared not fight it.


The two remaining cops halted in their tracks.  One knelt down by their fallen comrade.  Moments later, a dark look passed his face as he stood up from the corpse.


“One step and I gut him,” the thief hissed.


A small noise escaped Brian’s lips as his eyes took in the sight before him.  Still on the floor, A.J. was on his side facing him, blocking all access to the man behind him.  The tip of the knife glinted from its position by A.J.’s throat as it caught a ray of sunlight streaming through a window.


“You realize every window and every entrance to this place is swarming with cops, don’t you?” one of the policemen said.


“That may be, but he’ll be dead before I am, I guarantee you that.”



“I want to know what’s happening.  Goddamn it, I want to know what’s happening,” Nick muttered, pacing the floor.


“Me too,” Howie said through gritted teeth.  Have they moved in yet?”


“Just did,” Daniels reported grimly, lowering his radio.


“And?” Becca yelped.


He held up his hand signaling her to wait as he listened to the mad chatter coming through the tiny speaker.  He moved away so he could listen.


“Does anyone have anything to throw?” Marie seethed.  “How can he do that?  Christ.”


“Settle down, he’ll tell us in a second,” Kevin murmured.


“Oh, right.  You say that now.  A second ago you were the one yelling and screaming and throwing a fit.”  She glared at him.


“Pardon her,” Ellie said dryly.


“It’s true!” Marie yelped.


“She’s right, she’s right,” Kevin admitted.  “I’m sorry.”


“You don’t need to be sorry.  I’m just being a bitch because I’m scared shitless.”


“I understand,” Kevin said, looking slightly amused.


A loud shout from the direction of Lt. Daniels caused them all to snap their heads around.




“Oh, God,” Nick whispered, his face draining of color.


“What happened?” Howie cried.


“Stevens is dead.  They shot hi.  He’s dead.”


“Fuck!” Nick and Marie shouted at the same time.


“What about tthers?”


“We’ve got a problem.”


“No shit we’ve got a fucking problem!” Becca shrieked.  “What is going on in there?”


“We’re working on it.”


“Work faster!” Kevin sp.  He looked around, and saw the fear and worry implanted on each of their faces.


“I’m going out there,” he said suddenly.


“No you’re not,” Daniels replied.


“This is going to end soon, which means they are going to come out of there, whether they’re dead or alive.”


“For goodness sakes, don’t say that Kevin,” Howie murmured, looking physically ill.


“Either way, I’m going to be out there when they get out.”  It was suddenly the most important thing in his life.  He had to be there when they came out, and it was as simple as that.  He would feel like a failure if he wasn’t.  He was supposed to be there for them, offer them his support, and be their guide.  It was the role he had unofficially taken on when the group was formed, and it was now his job.  He was going to do his job.


“You need to stay here for your own safety,” Daniels begged.


“You can’t tell me the crowds aren’t under control, because you’ve got SWAT teams everywhere and guns going off!”  He was gesturing wildly with his hands to add emphasis.


“Yes,” he said quietly.  “The crowds have been pushed back.”


“Then I’m going outside.”


“And I’m coming with you,” Howie said firmly.


“Me too,” Nick added.


“We’re all going,” Ellie said.


“God almighty,” Daniels muttered under his breath.  “Just promise me you’ll stay back and keep out of the way.”





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