Chapter 16


2 weeks later


“So out of all your tattoo’s which one is more special to you?” she had so many personal questions to ask him. She had gotten the whole story by his point of view and it was like a movie to her. He was funny and spontaneous man nothing like her mother. She was having a great time with him and her grandmother Denise, who had arrived only a week ago. She was very different to her grandma Victoria, she was more sweet to her and she felt very comfortable around her something that didn’t happen often with her other grandma.


“I guess I don’t have a special one, I have them to remind me of my whole life trajectory I guess. My mom never was very happy about my rebellious style she had gotten really mad when I got my first tattoo. Then I think she figured she had no choice than to accept it.” She looked so full of life and her eyes were mesmerizing to him. She was hungry for all the information he gave her about him and his life. He couldn’t help to admit that Pamela had done a great job on raising her. He figured that out when they had their first heart to heart conversation, she knew how to express herself yet she kept her humbleness. She was very intriguing to him she just knew what to say at the right time. It made him feel proud of her yet unworthy of her he was not like her at all she had everything he lacked of; she was just like Pamela knowledge hungry.


“Yeah, I know what you mean…my mom got really mad when she discovered I had gotten a tattoo and a body piercing. She was very protective of me and she always made me see the good things in everyone. I…really miss her…” she couldn’t help but feel a sharp tug in her heart as she remembered about her mother. She was still lying in a hospital bed unaware of her surroundings. She suddenly felt the urge to go see her. She had been so excited about finally being with her father she had not been in to see her for the past three days. That was not normal for her; she loved her mother with all heart. She stood up and walked out of the restaurant unaware of her father following her. “I need to see her…take me to her please.” 


He felt a lump rise to his throat as he saw the quirky and happy Amber turn sad and uncomfortable. He had not hugged her yet since the first time they met there was still this awkwardness that they both felt. But at this moment he felt worried for her, the urge to protect her and without notice held her in his arms in an embrace. 


All of a sudden Amber felt two strong arms around her, holding her, making her feel better. The smell of his cologne lingered in her nostrils as she held to him now crying. She would never forget this hug or his smell; the smell of her FATHER. She had longed for a moment like this where she would be in her father’s embrace, which was stronger than her mothers. She let go of him and he did the same. She looked deep into his eyes and gave him a weak smile to thank him for his concern on her. She wanted to call him Dad, but she just couldn’t get it further up her throat to say it; she still felt it was to early to call him father. She smiled one more time asked him to drive her to see her mother.




“Like I was saying Gracie your sister is showing some brain activity so that is a good sign.”

Gracie was excited at the words coming out Dr. Calloway’s mouth. Her sister was showing brain activity. Did that mean she might wake up soon? “Oh, that’s a great news doctor!”


“Well, I think you should thank Mr. McLean he’s been coming here during the day and spends time with her. He’s been talking to her and what not and I think that my have caused her brain to start showing activity.”


“Dr. Calloway please report to ICU immediately you assistance is needed.”


“Well they are calling me I have to go, so I’ll come back later and check on her again.”


Gracie nodded to Dr. Calloway and turned around walking back toward her sister’s room. She did not know what to think. Could it be true Alex was helping her come out of her coma? Why was he giving her visits when no one was around? She was trying to be doubtful about the feelings she got when she saw Alex see Pamela for the first time two weeks ago. But now there was no denying that Alex still had feelings Pamela. She couldn’t help the tears threatening to come out; she was feeling like that day many years ago when Alex told her he did not like her. She sighed and walked into the room to find her mother sitting next to Pamela.







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