Chapter 8


Pamela walked out the hotel and down the street, she had just spoke to Alex and made plans to meet in a Starbucks. He sounded preoccupied on the phone like what they needed to talk about was urgent. She stepped into the coffee place and lined up to order her favorite when she noticed Alex coming in as well. She couldn’t help to stare as he walked in he was older, yeah but he was still attractive and his voice didn’t help the situation. She shivered when she heard him say hi, yeah his voice was her weakness years ago and apparently it still was. She returned the hello and ordered herself a frappucino, “what are you going to get?” she asked him as she turned around to face him.


“Water” he said, “I’m not in the mood for coffee.” Did he really see her shiver when he greeted her a few minutes ago? He shrugged it off, paid the total, and walked toward and empty table to wait for her.


A few minutes later she took a seat in front of him; looking at him questioningly she asked, “So what’s bothering you Alex?”


“Well, I know you want me to give you a few weeks to get Amber prepared for my arrival, but we have another problem. I am famous as you know and if you haven’t noticed I am making news right now about my divorce. I know the press keeps a good eye on my every move lately so if they follow me to Dallas and see me with Amber a minor at that….well what do you think they will say about her and me?” he asked before he swallowed  some water down. 


“Oh, my god that’s right what are we going to do about that? I don’t want my daughter being bombarded by some freaks who don’t understand anything about privacy!” said Pamela as she took in the seriousness of this situation. It had totally gone out of her mind that Amber’s dad was not an ordinary person or more like she tried to ignore that part of his life.


“I have an idea I just want to see if you’re ok with it. After my rehab dilemma many years ago I got an interview with Oprah, I’m sure you remember that. Well I can go on Oprah for an interview with her about my divorce and work in that I have a daughter that I knew about but never mentioned to anyone about except close friends and family. Maybe an interview with People magazine also; I could also talk to Christine about it and she will help me cover up any questions about that. I know she will. I just don’t know if Amber would be up for it, I would be lying about knowing about her….” said Alex as he rubbed the back of his neck.


“That’s a good idea Alex but your right we do need Amber’s opinion about it. Give me two weeks to get to her and if she doesn’t like the idea. We can always come up with something else right? With out jeopardizing your career?” asked Pamela as she took a zip of her coffee.


“I don’t know…” said Alex as he got up ready to go. Followed by Pamela they exited the Starbucks and walked down the side walk……







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