Chapter 1


Baby's just a little bit tired of the city,

Billboards and bullshit got her down.

You seem like you need a little hell country,

a little back roads drivin', a little bit of that old top down.

Yeah everybody's gotta getaway sometime,

Forget about life for awhile...


I danced through my kitchen swinging the mop back and forth along the tiled floor as I sang along to Pat Green at the top of my lungs. I felt good today and it felt really good to dance and sing and be "Crazy" for a few minutes of my jam packed day. I held the mop like a microphone and sang into the end of it. I was having a blast.


"Well, well!" I heard a voice from behind me cackle as I spun around quickly to find my cousin Kevin standing in the doorway holding a huge box and laughing hysterically at me, "Now I guess we know what you do when you're home alone! If my arms weren't full I'd applaud."


I slid in my socked feet across the freshly mopped floor and hit the pause button on the CD player before grabbing the dish towel from the sink and chucking it across the room at Kevin's head. He ducked quickly out of the way and went to set the box on the dining room table.


"Kel and Joey should be here in a few minutes with the last load of boxes," he said stooping down to retrieve the towel from the floor where it had landed. He looked over at me with a grin before using it to wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Well then, that came in handy."




"I try." He winked and then looked around the room with a puzzled expression, "By the way, where's my wife?"


"She's putting Mason down in the guest room and if she's smart she'll stay in there with him and take a nap herself... I may go join him here shortly. Lemonade?" I asked handing him a glass and stifling a yawn.


He gladly accepted and pulled a chair up to the counter to sit down beside me.


"How are you feeling today? You look really good." He said after studying me for a few moments.


That was a question I'd grown used to answering. It was asked at least 15 times a day and though I grew tired of it, I knew it was asked out of genuine concern and so I mostly tried to answer it honestly.


"I'm feeling pretty good today actually, a little bit tired, but good on the whole. Only two more rounds of chemo left to go and then at least that will be one less thing to deal with." I was excited and it showed.


"That's awesome darling! We're going to have to throw you a huge party you know... a house warming, wedding showering, congratulations you're free of those damned meds party!" Kevin put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he grabbed both of our empty glasses and placed them into the sink.


"That would definitely be fun," I replied. "I would love to spend some time with everyone... you know... just in case."


The killjoy. Kevin looked at me and nodded knowingly. I hated to be the killjoy and so I changed the subject quickly.


"Nick's so gonna want to strangle me when he gets home. He has so much waiting for him to do." I said motioning around the house at all of the unpacked boxes stacked in various corners. "God knows I'm not unpacking any of his things until he gets back."


"I don't blame you. He can be picky as hell when it comes to his personal belongings. When are they getting back anyway?"


I pointed over to the calender hanging on the fridge. It was completely marked with red X's, one on each day that Nick had been gone and a huge circle on the day he'd be coming home.


"Two more weeks," I said with a smile... "Just two more weeks."







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