Chapter 2


Jessica Phillips walked out of her bedroom and ran down the stairs. She stopped when she saw her cousin. Justin Timberlake stood up and greeted her,


“Hey cuz…who are you today?” he asked. Jessica shrugged and embraced him,


“Are you coming to the party tonight?” She asked. He nodded and sat down on the couch and she sat next to him. She smiled at him,


“So how have you been?” She asked. Justin nodded,


“I’m fine.” Jessica looked around the room not finding anything else to say. Justin and her and drifted apart since he had gone on tour. She thought back to when they used to be inseparable.


“Are you and the Backstreet Boys still going at it?” She asked. Justin sighed and nodded.


Jessica rolled her eyes,  “I’ve never watched them on T.V, I only know one of their names…I think its Brian…yeah that’s him.” She replied. Justin nodded,


“Of course we’re way better right?” He asked looking at her. Jessica laughed and nodded,


“Of course!” She replied. Justin smiled,


“That’s what I thought.” Jessica smiled. Justin left and Jessica retreated to her room.


“Jessica!” Her mother screamed. Jessica sank lower into the bathtub.


“Jessica!” She heard her nurse Kelly scream. She sighed and got out of the bathtub. She wrapped a robe around herself and opened the door and walked out.


“Madam I am here.” She replied seeing her mother on the stairs. Her mother nodded and pulled her back to her room. Her nurse came in shortly after. He mother had tons of makeup on. The party after all was going to be a costume party. Her mother stood in front of Jessica’s mirror while 2 maids came in.


The zipped up her mothers Cleopatra long skirt and pulled over the tight fitting top. Her mother turned towards her. She held up one of the magazines that was on the dresser.


“ Seth Johnson wants to make you his wife…think about it…the governors son!” She exclaimed. Jessica stared at her mother. Her mother carried on and on about Seth. Jessica could really care less. Kelly turned towards her,


“Just think madam…” She replied closing her eyes. Jessica rolled her eyes. Her mother sighed and through down the magazine next to her.


“Jessica…never mind.” She replied walking out of the room and closing the door.    







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