Chapter 5


Jessica watched them go. She ran through the house and watched them until they got to the gates. She ran through the house and watched him get into a car.


“My only love sprung from my only hate, to early to known to wait. It is that I should love a beloved enemy.” She repeated Juliet’s famous words. It seemed that she and Nick had known what to say by the play. Nick watched her as they drove away. He sat back in his seat and thought. He sat up on the edge of the car and jumped off.


“Nick!” Brian yelled after him. Nick ignored him and ran back to the house. Brian stayed and screamed at him. Nick stepped into the garden walls and removed his armor from his arms. He climbed the walls and made his way through the back yard. He looked up,


“Light through out the window breaks. It is the east and Juliet is the sun.” He replied climbing lattice on the wall. The curtains opened and Kelly appeared. Nick made a disgusted face and climbed back down.


“Ding.” The elevator doors opened and Jessica walked out. Nick smiled when he saw her. Jessica stopped and thought to herself.


“Nick…why, why do you have to be my enemy?” She asked out loud. Nick froze,


“Should I hear more or should I speak at this?” He asked him self. He walked forward and stood behind her.


“Because I’m am your enemy.” He whispered in her ear. She flung around and screamed. They fell into the pool. When they surfaced Jessica looked at him,


“Nick?” She asked. Nick smiled,


“Startle you?” He asked. Jessica nodded and smiled. Nick kissed her. Jessica kissed him back. Jessica swam around the side and he followed,


“Nick you know what they would do to you if they caught you here?” She asked referring to the guards. Nick shrugged,


“Guards can not kill love.” He replied kissing her again. Jessica smiled.







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