Chapter 12

Howie sat there stunned. he hadn't expected that to be their captors' motive. And dying certianly wasn't helping calm his mind enough to let him think. He wondered if that group NSYNC knew what their father's were doing.

"Do your sons know what you are doing?" He asked in a shaky voice.

Randy burst out laughing. It bounced off the walls of the small room and echoed ruthlessly in Howie's ears. He cringed.

"Of course they don't!" he shouted. "They would have been against the whole damn thing. Last thing we need is them blabbing to the police and ruinging our fortunes."

Howie felt like crying. They had no where to turn. he could hear Brian's quiet sniffles rom across the room. Take it easy Brian ,he pleaded silently.

"After we kill you we'll leave a note for your friends." Randy continued. "They'll find you dead."

Howie saw Greg's face pale. He glanced at Randu and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Umm, did you say after they're dead?" He pipped up.

Randy's eyes widened and his gaze shot to Greg's white features. Howie shuddered for him. he knew what it was like to be stuck under those eyes.

"What are you saying?" Randy hissed.

"Theyalreadygotthenote." Greg spoke quickly and Howie couldn't make out what he said.

But it was obvious the others had. Their eyes' bludged out and their jaws dropped. Howie thought Randy might explode.

"You what!? Where!? When!?" He screamed.

"I taped the note to their door right after we grabbed blue eyes." Greg sputtered. "They must have found it by now."

Suddenly he realized what Greg had done. He had let the others know where they were. Howies heart soared. Someone knew where they were. Someone could get help.

"Shit." Randy growled. "Well we'll have to get right to the killing. Greg, Roy, you grab Blue eyes. James, Joey, you take the Latino." He pulled a gun from his waist. "I'll take them both."

Howie let them grab him without a struggle. He heard Brian let out a strangled cry of pain as he was yanked up the ground. Randy must have broken some ribs when he punched him. Howie cringed when he thought of the pain Brian must be going through.

"Who we knocking off first?" Ray asked almost gleefully.

Randy stopped to think about the question. Howie's whole body was tense. he didn't want to die, but he sure as hell didn't want to see one of his best friends die.

"Well, let's see." Randy pondered the answer. "Latino's been here the longest so it'd only be fair if we killed him first. But Blue eyes here been so damn annoying that I'd enjoy killing him."

Howie's nerves were in knots as Randy argued his point out loud. He could see Brian trembling in his captors' hands. Howie's heart went out to him.

"Aww hell!" Randy suddenly shouted. "I'd get more joy out of seeing Blue eyes die first!"

"NO!" Howie screamed, pulling against James and Joey's hold. "Don't kill him!"

All Howie could do was struggle as Randy aimed his pistol at Brian's chest. Brian's eyes were wide with fear as he tried to pull his arms away from Roy and Greg. Randy let out a frustrated groan.

"Will you hold him still!" He snarled.

Roy nodded and drove his knee hard into Brian's stomach. Brian howled in pain and stopped his fruitless struggles. Randy smiled evilly as he slowly raised his pistol again.

"Goodbye Backstreet." He laughed as he pulled back the hammer.

Suddenly the gun went off with a loud explosion. Howie watched in horror as Roy and Greg let Brian crumple to the floor. He wrenched himself away from his captors and ran over to his fallen friend. As soon as he reached Brian's side the gun went off with another deafening bang.

A firey pain shot through Howie's chest. He collasped beside Brian, biting his lip to stop the cry pain. Maybe if he layed still they would think he was dead. He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth against the pain.

"The jobs done." Randy announced proudly. "We better go before anybody else shows up."

Howie heard the feet shuffle away. The door shut with a loud clang. His heart fell when he heard the unmistakable sound of a dead-bolt being locked. But then only silence greeted him.

Cracking an eye open, Howie glanced around the empty room. Nobody was there except him and Brian. That thought brought Howie back to reality.

"Brian!" He cried, struggling to push himself up.

Pain engulfed his shoulder and forced a scream from his lips. Stars danced in front of his eyes. He sat still trying stop the burning that was now spreading through his veins. When it began to fade he eased himself up over Brian.

"Brian?" He called softly.

"I-it hurts." Brian croaked, making no move to look at Howie.

Howie gently rolled Brian onto his back. He cringed when Brian let out a pained cry. When Howie finally got him rolled over, he let out a gasp.

Brian's whole front was covered in blood. His chest rose and fell with irregular breaths. A small tear in his shirt showed the bullet had torn through his stomach. Brian's bright eyes were a dull blue and fading. Howie felt tears burn his eyes.

"No," He rasped. "Brian no. You stay with me."

Brian looked at Howie concerned face. He opened his mouth to speak but instead a gurgling sound came out. He coughed and felt a warm liquid roll up the back of his throat.

Howie watched in horror as a blood trickled down the side of Brian's face. His eyes started to drift shut. Howie yelped and lightly slapped Brian's cheek.

"Wake up Brian!" He choked on his words. "Don't you leave me now!"

But Brian's eyes stayed shut. Howie slumped back in defeat. Tears filled his eyes and slipped down his cheeks. Suddenly he realized how tired he was himself. His eyelids grew heavy and began to drift shut. The last thing he remembered was hearing Brian's raspy breaths fill the room. After that there was only black.






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