Chapter 2


I walked down the stairs and heard the guys talking.


"We’re gonna end BSB?" AJ asked, as I looked at all them in surprise.


"Were not gonna break BSB up, were just gonna take a little vacation to get our minds straight" Kevin said as he looked over at Brian.


"What?" Brian asked as Kevin looked over at him.


"Nothing" Kevin said as he looked away. Brian looked over towards the stairs and his jaw dropped. He saw a pale reflection of nick like he had before.


"Bri, what's wrong?" Howie asked looking at him.


"It's… it's nick" Brian said as my eyes grew wide. But how could it be? I'm dead right? Why could Brian see me anyway.


"Where's nick?" AJ asked as he looked where Brian was looking but didn't see nothing.


"Bri, are you ok?" Kevin asked as I saw the color drain from Brian's face. I saw Brian clutch onto his heart in pain and fell over on the ground. Kevin jumped out of his seat and ran over to where Brian was on the ground. Kevin kneeled down as he checked for a pulse, but didn't get one.


“Some one call an ambulance"! Kevin yelled as I walked over to where Brian's body was. I kneeled down on the opposite side Kevin was on. I looked down at Brian, so worried for him that I could cry, but the tears didn't come. I saw AJ run into the room as Kevin's eyes started to flood with tears.


"I already lost Nick, I cant lose you Brian" Kevin said as a tear fell down his cheek and onto Brian's hand. I heard the siren of the ambulance, it was only about a block away. Flash backs came to me from Brian's heart surgery two years ago, hopefully he wouldn't have to go through that, it was just too painful for all of us. I came back to reality when the paramedic put Brian into the ambulance. I climbed in quickly before the doors were shut. I wanted to be by Brian's side just so he knew I was there for him. I saw Kevin get into the ambulance with the paramedic and they ambulance sped down the street towards the hospital.


In the ambulance, the paramedic brought Brian back to life. I saw his eyes flutter open and he looked at me. My eyes filled with tears, just to see Brian like that was just painful.


"Nick" I heard say as he looked into my eyes. I saw Kevin look at Brian.


"Brian, you’re gonna be alright" I said as his eyes closed again. I put my hand out to touch his but brought it back to my side knowing it would go right through his. The ambulance pulled up in front of the hospital and the paramedic opened the doors. I got out first then Kevin and then the paramedic took Brian out and started to wheel him into the hospital. He was still breathing, but his face was pale and cold.


“Brian I'm here for you" I whispered as they wheeled him into a room and closed the door. I sighed as I started to walk around in the hospital halls searching for answers to my questions.







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