Chapter 1


I’ll never understand why bad things happen to good people, or just how people are suppose to handle death, but I figure it’s different for each person.


Two months ago Brian had died, and left me practically all alone in this world.  I love the other guys and all, but it was Brian who stayed and played video games with me, while the other went clubbing, when I was too young to go, and he was the one who even cancelled a date on this girl he was going steady with, because the other guys were going clubbing, and I didn’t want to stay home alone, and be bored… Brian taught me most of life’s lessons, over all, lessons my dad never really had time to teach me.


We’d been to press conferences, and meetings of all kinds, had aired on TRL, and explained what had happened to Brian, and witnessed many fans turn all teary eyed at the prospect of it all, but the only tear that could be shed and fix this whole mess, was the simple tear of God… it’s amazing, how in eight years, you realize just what really matters, and just how much a person can change you in ways only the people around you would notice.  We also took the time to explain to the fans that we would have one more concert, in memory of Brian, before the backstreet boys were completely over.


As we finished our part on TRL, I fled the place fast as lightning, I could feel the tears well in my eyes, we were scheduled for another meeting after we got off TRL, and I wasn’t sure I could hold up for that, but I knew we had a decision to make…what song would we sing in memory of Brian?


Brian was only 25 years old and had a full live ahead of him to lead, but now he would never finish it.  Should the song be based upon that fact?, or about what a great life he did indeed lead in such a short time?  Or maybe about how great he was, and how he seemed to make the world a better place, simply because he lived.  But whatever we chose I needed a shower, and wanted to be home desperately.


I stood in the shower, letting the water wash away all my troubles,  at least for the time being. And that’s when it hit me “Movin On” , that was the perfect song to sing, it didn’t really say much about Brian except that we would all move on with our lives, and that in one way things change but at the same time everything stays the same.  I would discuss this with the rest of the guys tomorrow morning, but for now the feeling of cold water started to rain down on me, and I longed to be buried under the covers in my bed.







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