Original Ending

AN: Whenever I begin a story, I always make sure I have some idea of how it is going to end (though it normally changes about half way through the story) When I’m about half way through writng the story, I begin to draft out endings to make sure I don’t get stuck when I reach the end.

Below is the original ending I had planned for ‘Sammy’. I began to doubt it about a third of the way through and as I neared the end I realised that this ending would be too depressing. I actually prefer the happy ending I decided to use for the story and I think that this ending would probably have spoilt it.

Anyway, this is the first ending I wrote for ‘Sammy’ and it seems a shame to just let it sit in my folder so I thought I’d let you all have a look at it (don’t kill me…)

Okay, originally Sammy was going to run away from his new parents (the Geralds) and Brian goes out to look for him. Sammy is completely lost and by dark he decided to just curl up on a bench…


Sammy curled himself up into a tight ball on the bench and shivered as the icy wind tugged at his hair and clothes. He could hear the chattering of his teeth as he squeezed his legs closer for more warmth. He could not walk any further, he was too tired. His legs felt heavy and clumsy when he walked.

He could faintly hear the cars on the road as they sped by, ignoring him completely.


Sammy looked up and his tears of despair were transformed into tears of joy as he recognised the one who was climbing out of a black, sleek car.

“Brian! Daddy!” he squealed in delight, as he clumsily toppled from the bench and dashed over to greet him.

“Brian! Daddy! Daddy!” he shouted happily as he bounded out of the park and into the road. He could feel the huge smile that had taken possession of his face and he forgot his tiredness completely as he ran to greet the one he loved.

Then the car came.



Brian stumbled out into the road just as the car stopped. His face was pale with horror and he could feel a huge, icy block of sickness welling up in his throat.

Crying he ran to the blond lump lying in the road and scooped his fragile baby up into his arms.

He barely heard the slamming of a door as the driver, white with shock, climbed out of the car.

“Get an ambulance!” Brian screamed, pulling his own mobile phone from his pocket with trembling fingers and throwing it to the man.

He turned his wet eyes back to Sammy and stroked the boy’s pale and mud-streaked face. Sammy’s beautiful blue eyes flickered open and Brian gave a sob as he saw that the twinkle that radiated his

“D – d – daddy?” he croaked.

“It’s okay, baby, I’m here,” Brian whispered.

Sammy placed his tiny, shaking hands into Brian’s and held then weakly. “It – it hurts,” he said.

“You’ll be okay,” Brian said, tears running down his cheeks as he rubbed Sammy’s hands.

A shiver ran through Sammy’s body and he whimpered in pain. “Will I go to hopital like you did?” he murmured, his eyes beginning to cloud over. “Everything fuzzy…”

Brian stroked his face and held him tighter in his arms. “They’ll look after you, you’ll be fine. I’ll take care of you. I’m always going to take care of you,” Brian said, feeling his body trying to vomit up his heart to prevent the pain that was cruelly ripping it apart.

“Y – you’ll always look after me?” Sammy asked hopefully. “You always be my daddy?”

“Sure I will. No matter what,” Brian whispered. “I love you, Sammy. I love you more than anything.” He lent down and placed a gentle kiss on Sammy’s damp forehead to emphasise the words that came straight from his breaking heart.

“Love you too, d – daddy…” Sammy closed his rapidly dulling eyes and nuzzled closer to Brian.

Brian kissed him again as his tears fell onto Sammy’s cheeks. Sammy whimpered and pressed closer to him and Brian lent his face down until it was touching Sammy’s. He felt Sammy squeeze his hand one last time and Brian listened as his shallow breathing grew weaker.

The sirens wailed in the background and Brian cried knowing that it was too late.


The End




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