Chapter 23


Kevin’s point of view


“Hold him down!” the largest of the three creatures bellowed, irritated.

I snapped and kicked out at my assailants, but it was of little use: they were stronger than I was.

“Be still!” one of them whispered to me urgently.

I gave no reply, but continued to struggle. The two creatures trying with effort to hold me still had me pinned to the stone floor. Rain and forks of lighting snaking across the navy blue sky blinded me.

The next flash of icy blue light gave me a momentary glance at them. My eyes widened as darkness enveloped us again. The two holding me down were far different from anything I had beheld before.

One was an insect, but taller than me!

The other……. The other was only a shadow: morphing darkness with two yellow, piercing eyes staring out of the shifting form.

I began to weaken, from shock, exhaustion and from the gaping gash on my arm that bled freely.

The third figure came into clear view as my vain struggles ceased.

Tall and imposing, covered in scars and scales, the lizard stood proud and authoritatively over me. It was more than a lizard: it was a dragon.

“You’re in a bit of a situation aren’t you, boy?” his deep growling voice stated. “Got an Armband, I see. Those Valedrons nabbed you too?”

I gave no reply, looking in awe and breathing heavily in exhaustion.

“Pick him up, Figaro.”

The insectoid nodded, clicking obediently and twitching his antennae. He hurled me upright with intended gentleness. Both the shadow and the insect, Figaro, stood by my side.

Before I could do or say anything, the dragon grabbed my wrist and dug his claws deep into the gold metal of the Armband, twisting and contorting the device.

I gaped in puzzlement as the Armband snapped and came clean off, and my physical body slowly diffused into a soul in the spirit realm. My arm no longer hurt, the rain passed through me, and the familiar sense of detachment from the world returned.

I was free from the Armband’s influence: I never thought it possible.

Emotional relief overwhelmed me, and I found I couldn’t speak from awe.

The dragon patted my shoulder, smiling at me in a welcoming manner: “Let’s take our pilot friend where it’s safe, companions.”


The three strangers led me into an underground cave system. The thunder became quieter, eventually dying to a low murmur in the ancient stone maze. I was still slightly unnerved by these creatures. I had no idea who they were, or why they seemed to be helping me. At least I wasn’t alone anymore.

“C’mere!” the dragon signalled to me to walk alongside him.

I hesitated, but silently obeyed. I don’t think I’d ever trusted someone so easily since my resurrection as a Soul Creature. I was even suspicious of Flyer at first! I inwardly chided myself. What was I getting myself into now?

I caught up to the tall dragon, and slowed to his pace. Nervously, I avoided eye contact.

“We haven’t had any visitors is a good half a century. What were you doing out there?” the dragon pointed to the roof, gesturing to space.

“What are you doing here?” I asked carefully.

The dragon chuckled, his laugh sounding rough and deep. “We live here; what else?”

“Oh,” I replied, feeling rude suddenly. “I’m … just travelling.”

“On your own?” he raised his brow amused. “In a fighter craft?”

I dejectedly remained silent at his response.

“I see you’re a very unique individual indeed!” he suddenly appeared impressed. “I’m Fotuf. Who do we have the pleasure of meeting?”

“Kevin.” I stated more calmly. “Kevin Richardson.”

“Well, Kevin, this is Figaro,” he gestured to the tall imposing insect, and then to the shadowy creature with yellow piercing eyes, “and this is Solin.”

I bowed my head to each of them respectfully, in the Gecko and Valedron way to which I had become so accustomed. They made similar responses.

Solin seemed to consider me suddenly with curiosity. The shadow creature’s ears twitched as it spoke up:

“A human Soul Creature on this side of the universe? With an Armband too? How did you manage to escape your captors, I wonder? I sense you have been scarred more than just physically, Kevin. I bet you have an interesting story to tell.” Solin’s voice was clearly female.

I bet you guys do too, I thought inwardly. I just nodded to them.

“Let’s not talk about it here.” Fotuf stated. “Head for the central chamber. I’ll meet you there. I have duties to attend to.”

Fotuf seems to just vanish as he swirled around and headed down a different stone passageway, speedily outdistancing us in a flicker of movement.

That looked handy.

I let Figaro and Solin lead me toward the central chamber again.

Maybe they can teach me that….

“I don’t know why he bothers to do that, Solin.” Figaro moaned depressingly.

“Aw cheer up, Figgy!” Solin chided cheerfully.

“Sorry if I’m getting you down, by the way.”


The central chamber was huge, like a room the size of a small town dug into the interior of this vast mountain. Soul Creatures, all with different sizes and forms, littered the chamber like people in a shopping mall during a weekend. I recognised a few races: Giant Geckos, Small Geckos, Valedrons and a few insect like being similar to Figaro. But there were countless others: bird-like beings, creatures that looked aquatic, other reptiles, large mammals that looked like human sized cats, rodents and even a Platypus or two dotted around.

The entryway that we had come into was basically a ledge high up on the stone cavern wall. For any none flying or climbing creatures, reaching it or getting down from it without injury seemed impossible, but……..

I almost forgot my Soul Creature ability to take on any form. All faces turned towards Figaro, Solin and, mainly, me when we appeared on that ledge. The nearest three creatures were a Valedron Soul Creature, a Small Gecko Soul Creature and an Insectoid Soul Creature (like Figaro). Instantly, all but the Valedron transformed into a flying creature of some sort and joined us on the ledge, then transformed back into their normal forms.

“Welcome; how are you, companions?” the Valedron asked in warm greeting.

Figaro stirred, and made a few insect-like clicks before answering:

“I think you ought to know I’m feeling very depressed.”

“Ignore him, Kevin.” Solin whispered to me. “He’s always like that.”

Solin proceeded to step forward and speak.

“Friends, this is a fellow Soul Creature we found. His name is Kevin Richardson.”

I bowed my head in greeting. They did likewise.

“We’ve not had visitors in ages!” The youngish sounding Valedron creature chirped. “Where do you come from?”

“Yeah, and how long have ya been a Soul Creature?” the Small Gecko joined in.

“Why were you…..”

“Don’t bother him with questions!” Solin chided. “Let him tell us of his journey, then ask questions.”

It seemed from the attitudes between Solin and these other Soul Creatures that Solin held an authoritative position among them.

“That is, if your willing to tell us?” Solin asked shyly.

I nodded casually. “Sure. Why not?”

The others changed again then fluttered down to the floor of the main chamber. I hesitated, and Solin flew back up to me, in eagle-form.

“Is there a problem?”

I had never really been afraid of heights, but I suddenly felt what Brian must have felt every time he was up high. It was like a sudden repelling force that held me away from the edge of the ledge.

“How do I get down from here?” I asked nervously.

Solin looked amused: “You’re joking, right?”

“Well…….. I’m not really into…… throwing myself off high ledges.” I peered over the edge worriedly.

“Change into something; a bird; a Valedron!” she urged.

“I….. erm… I can’t.” I admitted, embarrassed. “Never learned.”

“You never learned how to change form?”

“It’s a long story.”

Solin looked at the stone floor far below, then back at me, several times.

“Sorry, Kevin, but it looks like you’ll have to jump down.”

“Jump!!” I stared at her in surprise. “You want me to jump from way up here? I’ll kill myself…. or at least break a leg or something!”

Solin rolled her eyes impatiently. I’m missing something again, I thought, as she landed on the ledge next to me. I peered over to the ground far below again trying to make some judge of distance.

Yet, I was suddenly jerked upright as I felt Solin pushing me off the ledge from behind, her paws resting heavily on my shoulders.

“Hey! Woah, what are you-? Hey, don’t! Stop, I-!” I was cut off as I ran out of ledge to stand on, and I plunged downwards. I cried out in terror as I plummeted towards the stone floor.


I felt the impact….. a lot.

My muscles shook with lasting tremors from hitting the floor at such high velocity. I groaned, shakily standing up.

I remember what I forgot back on the ledge: Soul Creatures in spirit form don’t feel pain.

I became suddenly aware of the multitude of faces watching me with curiosity, and intrigue at my unorthodox entrance.

Solin joined the crowd, and I spotted Figaro among them too.

“So, are you going to tell us about how you got here? Or shall I go sit in a corner and gather dust?” Figaro’s monotone, depressed voice asked, almost with sarcasm.

“Shurrup an’ listen, Fig!” a distinct Giant Gecko voice snapped.

I sat down among the listening crowd.

Should I tell them this? I wondered. I’ve only just met them.

At quick glance, the keen faces showed little sign of distrust.

Well, they don’t seem to mind!

I took a deep breath: “It all began about 13 years ago………………………




“……. So then I left the Dragon Empire, as well as Flyer, Monsoon, Skyir….. well you get the idea! Anyway, after I left, I just travelled through space on my own for three months. At least I think it was three months. When I flew by this planet, I sorta got dragged down by its gravity and crashed. And here I am.”

There were a few moments of silence as the last words were digested.

A small insectoid creature blubbered piteously: “Oi thinks it’s a gurt sad yarn! Poor Kevin, an’ yon poor Brian too!”

“D’aint forget Kristin, young lad!” a Giant Gecko pointed out.

“Well that explains a lot – why you couldn’t change form, for one.” Solin stated.

The crowd murmured about my story as creatures exchanged views and opinions, relating similar points of their own.

“Come this way. You must be tired after travelling alone for so long.”

I followed behind Solin as she showed me to the caves allocated for resting and recovering energy. I quickly fell asleep, drained from my recount due to the pains of some memories.

As I began to slip into deep slumber, I thought about my options.

Maybe they can teach me about being a Soul Creature? Then I can travel by myself safely………….. One step at a time…one step closer to home……







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