Death #40:


Consequences of Tweeting Promises

By Diana


So we all know Nick said he was gonna start following fans on twitter and he even started stupid twitter contests to see who will be the lucky fan who earned a follow back from Nick... after a while, a group of angry fans spotted Nick coming out of an interview promoting his latest solo album and started to confront him and asking him when he will actually follow his fans, not base his decisions on lame games!!! and not only that, some even accused him of not actually tweeting but of linking his twitter account with other pages that only update on events... After trying to give excuses he got surrounded and the number of fans kept growing, so in the end all the fans kept pushing and pushing untill he was left without any oxygen and even some fans fell on him.... and that is how sadly Nick Carter died, leaving a valuable lesson: do not promise to do something you will not end up doing properly.







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