Chapter 29


One week later


The past week had been one of the best of Olivia’s life.   Although there was always the nagging remembrance that she was dying in the back of her mind, she did her best to ignore it and focus on right then and now. 


Olivia had never had a boyfriend before or even a guy that had liked her, as far as she knew.   And she had never like a guy that much either.   Nick was the first. 


They had spent the whole week together.  They didn’t go out many places, instead choosing to stay at home and go for walks on the beach and out on Nick’s boat, things that Olivia felt comfortable doing. 


One night, Olivia lay in bed, listening to the radio and thinking.   Her thoughts drifted to Nick, as they always did, and then she remembered something.   Reaching into her night table drawer, she pulled out a small book with a lavender cover. 


Her diary.   She had had it for many years, ever since she was a little girl.   As a child, she had written in it often, but over the years, she lost interest and never updated it.  Now, she had the sudden childlike urge to write in it, to pour her heart out about her feelings for Nick and about everything that was going on in her life.


And so she did.   For an hour, Olivia wrote in the small book, filling up several pages with her thoughts.   When she was done, she went back and read it over.



September 15, 2001


Dear Diary,


I know I haven’t written in you for years.  In fact, my last entry was from when I was just thirteen.   That seems so long ago now.   I’m twenty now; just had my birthday a few weeks ago.  And I’m dying. 


It seems so unfair to die at only twenty.  There’s so many things I’ll never be able to do.  I’ll never get married.  Never have children.  Heck, I’ll never even be able to drink legally.  I won’t even live to see adulthood.  Not literally, anyway.  But I already feel like an adult.  I’ve been through so much this past year, I feel older than only twenty. 


And still, there’s so much I haven’t experienced.  Many things I’m going through for the first time right now.  Like being in love.  I’ve never been in love before, but I am now.  At least I think I am.  It’s hard to say the L-word with Nick because I’ve only known him about three months.  But they say that when you fall in love, you just know it, and that’s how I feel about Nick.  


I don’t know if he loves me back or not.  I know he likes me.  We’re best friends, and now we’re a couple too.  But does he love me?  I’m not sure.  I wish he did, but that would be hoping for a lot.  After all, we’ve only known each other a summer, and I’m dying.  It doesn’t seem like grounds for a good relationship.  But if there’s one thing I would like before I die, it is to be in love with a man and have him love me back.  I already know I love Nick.  Now it’s up to him to decide if he loves me back or not. 


I wonder if anyone will read this after I’m gone.  Surely they’ll go through my things.  But will they read stuff like this?  Or will they respect my privacy?  It doesn’t matter to me.  Once I’m dead, privacy’s not an issue.  Maybe reading this will help people feel closer to me. 

If anyone is reading this right now, I’ll leave a few quick shout-outs:


Mom and Daddy – I love you so much!  I’m so sorry I had to leave you.  If I could change it, I would.  But you know I can’t.  Just know that I’ll be up in Heaven, waiting for you, and I’ll be fine.  I’m sure it’s a wonderful place, and in a way, I’m looking forward to getting there.  I have so many questions for God, and now maybe I’ll finally get some answers to them.  Please don’t cry too much when I die.  I’ll be watching down on you, and it’ll break my heart to see you so upset.  Mama, you know I hate it when you cry.  Try to be strong and remember that I’m in a better place.  I know that’s the generic line they say at funerals, but I’m sure it’s true.  Until we meet again, goodbye, and I love you.


To all my friends back home – you guys are the best.  I know we haven’t seen each other much lately.  You’re all in college, and I’m here in Tampa.  I hope you’re having the time of your lives.  I know things may not have turned out so great for me, but while I was living down here, I was having the time of my life too.  Keep me in your hearts and in your memories.  Love ya!


Nick –  You’re my first love, and I will always cherish our short time together.  Fate brought us together, and it will bring us back together someday.  I’ll be waiting for you in Heaven.  Please take care of yourself, Nick.  I love you.  Always, Liv.


That’s it for now.  And to anyone who was not mentioned, you know I love you and care about you.  I’m pretty tired now, so I think I’ll go to bed.  Goodnight, and God bless.




Olivia Marie Caisson



Olivia signed the entry with her full name, written in fancy cursive, as she always had as a child.   Then she closed the diary and put it gently back into her night table drawer.   With a contented sigh, she turned off her light and went to bed.




Over the next few weeks, Olivia’s body grew weaker and weaker, as her tumor got bigger and bigger.   Soon, she was bedridden, too weak to get up.   Nick came by every day and stayed by her side for hours, just holding her hand and talking to her.   He had gotten the rest of his tour postponed so that he could stay with her for the rest of her short life. 


The symptoms Dr. Avery had mentioned were progressing.  Olivia got bad headaches, which she took high dosages of painkillers for.   She was too weak to walk or barely even sit up.   Sometimes when she talked, her words sounded slurred, like they had that time on the phone with Nick.   Her vision had began to get blurry.   She forgot things, like phone numbers or conversations she had just had with people. 


And still, throughout all of this, Nick was there for her.  He was so patient, staying with her and talking to her, even when she was foggy and disoriented.   Sometimes he even stayed beside her while she slept.   Even though she was dying, Olivia felt lucky to have such a wonderful guy there with her.   If only they had longer together.







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