Chapter 6

Luckily, the ambulances arrived a few minutes later. There were three of them. Kevin left Angel and Brian when he heard the sirens approaching and ran out into the road to signal them. The ambulances pulled to a stop on the side of the road and the paramedics hurried out. There were three from each ambulance. Kevin remembered Nick and sent three of them into the bus. He began to get worried. He hoped Howie had gotten him breathing again.

Kevin showed two more paramedics over to where AJ was still lying. Then he led the four remaining paramedics over to where Brian and Angel were. Two of them went over to Angel and began working on her. The others went over to Brian. Kevin knelt on one side of Brian and squeezed his hand.

"I'm here Bri," he said, hoping to comfort him.

"Is Angel okay?" he asked.

"I don't know," Kevin said.

"Go over to her," Brian said. "I know she's scared." Kevin was touched. Only Brian would be thinking about someone else when he had a pole jammed into his body.

"Okay," Kevin said. He squeezed Brian's hand one more time and then headed over to Angel.

"You're gonna have to stay back," one of the paramedics said to Kevin. Kevin stood back and watched as one of the paramedics attached Angel to an IV and strapped an oxygen mask on her face. The other was bandaging her stomach. Angel was now unconscious. Soon, they loaded Angel onto a stretcher and carried her to one of the ambulances.

Moments later, two more paramedics came wheeling AJ on a stretcher. He was in a neck brace, but other than that, he looked to be okay. Kevin watched as the paramedics loaded AJ into the same ambulance with Angel. Three of them climbed into the ambulance. The other one headed back towards Brian. Kevin started towards the bus, but stopped when he saw the three paramedics hurry out of the bus with Nick on a stretcher. Kevin noticed they were hurrying a lot more than with AJ and Angel. Howie hurried out of the bus behind them. His eyes were filled with worry.

"How is he?" Kevin asked.

"I gotta go," Howie said. "I'm gonna ride with him. I'll see you at the hospital." Then he hurried over to the ambulance where the paramedics were loading Nick. Howie climbed in with them, and the ambulance sped off, lights flashing and sirens wailing. Kevin had a bad feeling deep down inside of him that something was seriously wrong with Nick.






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