Chapter 4

Kevin, AJ, Howie, and Nick arrived an hour after Dr. Simms had given Brian his grim diagnosis.

"Hey, Rok! Sorry we're here so late. We couldn't get Nick up," AJ told him. Brian said nothing. He had been lying listlessly in bed and sobbing ever since the doctor had gone, but now his eyes were dry, for he had no more tears left.

"What's the matter, Bri?" Kevin asked, noticing Brian's lifeless state.

"Ask Dr. Simms," Brian mumbled. "He'll tell you." Kevin exchanged glances with the other three guys.

"AJ, Howie, come with me," he said. "Nick, you stay here with Brian. We'll be right back." He and AJ and Howie left the room.

Once they were out in the hall, Kevin turned to the others. "We've got to find Dr. Simms," he said. "and ask him what's up with Brian." The others nodded. They followed Kevin down the hall to the nurses station.

"Excuse me, miss," Kevin asked a young nurse. "I was just wondering where Dr. Simms is."

"Well," she said, "he's seeing a patient right now."

"Do you think you could page him or something?" AJ asked. "We need to talk to him."

"I suppose I could do that," she said, "but it might be awhile before he gets down here. I can't call him away from a patient unless it's an emergency. Is it an emergency?"

"No," Howie said, "but we do need to talk to him as soon as he gets a chance."

"Ok," the nurse said. "I'll let him know that. Where will you be?"

"Well," Kevin started. Suddenly, Dr. Simms appeared at the desk.

"Dr. Simms," AJ cried. "You're just the person we needed to talk to."

"Are you available now," Kevin asked.

Dr. Simms nodded. "You're all Brian Littrell's friends, right?"

"That's right," Howie said. "We want to know what's wrong with him. He's just not himself today."

"All right," the doctor said, "Come with me." He led them down the hall to an empty conference room. "Have a seat, guys," he said.


"Yo, B-Rok, I brought my Nintendo '64 with me," Nick said. He was still in the room with Brian. "You wanna play?"

"No," Brian said.

"How come? Afraid I'll whoop you at Mario Kart again?" he taunted.

Brian said nothing.

"Well, what do you wanna do then?" Nick asked.

"Nick, just leave me alone! Can't you see that I don't want to do anything right now!" Brian yelled.

"Jeez, Brian! What the heck's up your butt today?" Nick whined.

"Shut up, Nick!"

"Fuck you, Brian!" Nick yelled in his face. "I'm leaving!" With that, he stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He stormed down the hall, just as the others were leaving the conference room. Nick, not watching where he was going, ran right into Kevin.

"Why don't you fucking watch where you're going, Kevin," Nick exploded, shoving Kevin out of his way.

Kevin grabbed Nick by the collar and yanked him back. "Don't you have any respect?" he asked, glaring at Nick. It was then that Nick saw the tears streaming down Kevin's face.

"What'sa matter," he asked, seeing the tears in Howie's eyes too. He looked at AJ, but AJ had his sunglasses on, so it was impossible to tell if he had been crying too.

Dr. Simms looked at Nick. Then he turned to AJ. "You guys better tell him," he said. "I'm sorry, but I have to get going."

"Thank you for your time," AJ said appreciatively, shaking the doctor's hand. He sniffed loudly as Dr. Simms disappeared down the hall. He turned to Nick. "Come on, Nick," he said. "We have to tell you something." He led Nick into the conference room, followed by the others.






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