Chapter 5

Brian's parents, Jackie and Harold Jr., flew to Florida that very day, as soon as Dr. Simms had called them and explained Brian's condition. His mother sobbed when she saw him, and held onto him for most of the day, as if she was afraid to let him go. His father was calmer, but Brian knew he was also upset.

The next day, Dr. Simms released Brian. Brian's parents had decided to fly him back to Kentucky and have him stay at the house there instead of his house in Orlando, since St. Joseph's hospital in Lexington had a better transplant team then there in Florida. Plus his parents still had to work, but they refused to go back to Lexington and leave their son in Orlando.

They drove Brian back to his apartment long enough to pack up some of his things: clothes and books, mostly. Then they went to the airport and booked a flight back to Lexington. Brian barely said a word most of the way home. He was scared and very upset still. Dr. Simms had forbidden him from touring with the Backstreet Boys any more, so all the concerts were cancelled. The Backstreet Boys scheduled a press conference, where they told everyone that the tour would be cancelled due to "medical problems," for they didn't want to reveal the whole truth yet. Kevin flew back to Lexington also, to stay at his mother's house, so he could visit Brian whenever he wanted. The other boys flew up on weekends sometimes and stayed at Kevin's house so they could see Brian too.

At first, Brian did fine. He was able to walk around the house and do lots of things. But weeks passed and as he grew sicker and weaker, he was able to do less and less. Everyday, he prayed that he would get a new heart soon.






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