Chapter 20


“This is so relaxing, isn’t it?” Brian asked.


“Yeah,” Ashalyn agreed, sinking lower into the hot tub.  “I’m glad I didn’t go dancing with them tonight.  I hope they don’t think I’m some kind of party pooper, but I really didn’t feel like it.”


“I know,” Brian said.  “I didn’t want to go either.  I’m not much of the clubbing type anyway, but still…”  He let his sentence trail off.


Ashalyn nodded.  “Mike and I used to go dancing together,” she murmured.  She glanced up to see him studying her intently, his eyes fixed on her.  She gazed up into their blue depths for a moment, realizing what beautiful eyes he had.  And then, suddenly, she tore her gaze away in shame.  What am I thinking? she wondered.  Her eyes filled with tears.


“Ash?” Brian asked.  “What’s wrong?”


Ashalyn’s whole body began to tremble, as she cried.  “I… I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said, her voice thick with tears. 


Brian rested his hand on her back.  “Ash, I understand,” he said softly.  “You haven’t gotten over Mike yet, and that’s perfectly normal.  It’s only been a month since it happened.  You think I’m over Leigh yet?  I’m not.”


Ashalyn nodded, but that was only part of the reason she was crying.  It was true, she was still mourning for Mike, but there was something else.   Looking into those blue eyes of Brian, she had felt things that she hadn’t felt since the last time she looked into Mike’s hazel ones.  And it scared her.  How could she be having feelings for another guy when her true love had been killed only a month before?  That was why she was crying, but of course, she could never tell Brian that. 


Luckily, he didn’t press.  He rubbed the back of her neck with tender, soothing hands and comforted her without words at all. 


Lost in her thoughts, Ashalyn didn’t see two people enter the pool room.  In fact, she didn’t even realize anyone was there until Brian jerked his hands off her neck abruptly. 


Startled, she whirled around in the hot tub to see AJ and Elyssa standing there, their eyes wide. 


“Hey, sorry, guys, we didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” Elyssa said, stepping back.


AJ just stood there, smirking devilishly.  “Having fun, kiddies?” he asked.


Brian shot him a dirty look.  “We’re just hanging out together,” he said, but his face had turned bright red.


“Uh-huh, sure, Rok,” AJ said, grinning wider.


Brian just rolled his eyes.  “Come on, Ash,” he said, climbing out of the hot tub.  He offered her his hand and helped her out.  They walked around to get their towels and sandals.  As Ashalyn wrapped her towel around her waist, she watched AJ and Elyssa walk off side by side, his hand around her waist.


She elbowed Brian lightly.  “Hey, look at that,” she whispered, motioning to them.  “You think there’s something going on between those two?”


Brian looked amused.  “Looks like it to me,” he said.  “Of course, I’m sure they think that about us too.”  He rolled his eyes.  “Geesh, there’s nothing wrong with just being friends.”


“Yeah,” Ashalyn said, but in her heart, she was a little disappointed.  If only we could be more than that, she thought.  Mentally, she scolded herself for thinking that.  Brian was a friend, and that was all.  He could never be more to her… could he?



“So, Bri, tell us what you and Ash did tonight,” AJ said, later that night.  The guys were in the hotel room that Brian and Nick shared, having a Playstation marathon. 


“Yeah, Brian, I hear you and Ashalyn were havin’ some fun in the hot tub,” Nick said, grinning playfully at his best friend.


Brian rolled his eyes, but his face grew red once again.  “Aw, shut up, guys,” he said.  “Ash and I are only friends.  There something wrong with that?”


AJ scoffed.  “Oh yeah?  Well if you’re only ‘friends’, then how come you had your hands all over her?”  He exchanged a mischievous glance with Nick and snickered.


“I did not have my hands ‘all over her’!” Brian protested.  “Look, she got upset about Mike again, and I was just trying to comfort her!”


That shut them up for then, but later that night, as Nick and Brian lay in the darkness, trying to sleep, Nick’s voice cut through the silence of the night.  “Brian?”


“Yeah?” Brian asked groggily.


“Do you like her?”




“You know.  Ashalyn?” Nick asked.


Brian was silent for a moment, trying to sort out the thoughts and emotions that jumbled his mind.  Finally he spoke.


“Nick, I dunno,” he said.  “I mean, I like her as a friend, but…”  He trailed off.


“Brian, you sound like a twelve year old.  ‘I like her as a friend’,” Nick mimicked, chuckling softly in the darkness.  But then his tone turned serious.  “Really though, Bri, do you like her?  In that way?”


Brian sighed.  “Look, Nick, you can’t tell AJ any of this cause he’ll never let it go, but I think I might.”  Nick was silent, letting Brian continue.  “But I’m scared to, ya know?  It’s not her, really.  I mean, she’s a great girl.  But it doesn’t feel right, liking another girl only a month after my own wife is killed.  And it’s even worse because her boyfriend just died.   It’s not like we could ever hook up anyway.  I would never be able to replace Mike, and I would be afraid she would think I was using her to replace Leigh.  But that’s not true!  No one could ever replace Leigh!”


“I understand, Bri,” Nick said.  “Just give it awhile.  Maybe she feels the same way about you, but she’s too afraid to pursue it too.” 


Nick had no idea how right he was.







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