Chapter 38




AJ turned around to see Elyssa standing on the other side of the room where the meet and greet had just ended. 


“Hey, babe,” he said, sauntering over to her, his hand coming around her waist.  “You okay?  I thought you were sitting this one out.”


“I decided not to after all,” she replied sullenly, glaring at him.


“What’s wrong?” AJ asked, suddenly noticing her steely gaze.


“Tell me, AJ, is this what you always do when I’m not around?” Elyssa demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.




“You think I didn’t see you flirting with that chick in the corner?” Elyssa asked.


AJ’s face turned red.  “I wasn’t flirting, babe.  She was just a fan, and I was-“


“I don’t want to hear it.  You were too flirting.  I saw it!” she cried, her voice rising.


“So what?  Is it against the law to flirt?  It’s not like I’ll ever see her again anyway.  She was just a fan, and anyway, she lives in Kansas.  That’s thousands of miles away!”


“You know where she lives!?” Elyssa cried angrily.


“Lyss, come on, you’re over reacting!” AJ exclaimed.   “It was harmless.  Really!”


Elyssa just shook her head, and, turning on her heel, stormed out of the room.


“Fine, just walk out!  Have a nice night!” AJ called after her angrily.  He waited until she had disappeared into her dressing room and then stomped down the hall to his as well, slamming the door loudly behind him.




“So, AJ, what exactly happened?” Howie asked, later that night, on the tour bus. 


AJ rolled his eyes.  “Elyssa came into the meet and greet and found me supposedly flirting with some fan.”


Howie arched an eyebrow.  “And were you flirting?” he asked.


“Well, yeah, I guess so,” AJ confessed.  “But it didn’t mean anything!  I mean, yeah, she was pretty hot, and she had nice tits, but come on, I wouldn’t cheat on Lyssa!”


Howie just shook his head.  “Aje, you can’t expect her not to care.  I know you didn’t mean anything by it, but what would you do if you caught her flirting with some good-looking guy?  Wouldn’t you be a little upset by that too?”


AJ shrugged.  “I would understand,” he said.


Howie looked at him skeptically.  “Look, Bone, Elyssa’s having a rough time.  She’s sick, and she really doesn’t need to put up with your crap on top of that.”


AJ sighed and got up from his chair.  “I’m going to bed,” he announced, flouncing back towards his bunk.


Howie just shook his head in exasperation and turned back to the magazine he had been reading earlier.




The whole next day, Elyssa was in a bad mood and barely even looked at AJ, let alone speak to him.  


AJ ignored her as well, all the while hoping she’d come around.   He knew he should probably apologize to her, but he wasn’t ready yet.   He wanted to make her wait.


Before the concert that night, things were tense.   Elyssa’s moodiness had gotten AJ into a bad mood, and so none of the other four guys were very happy about him.


Meanwhile, in the girls’ dressing room, Elyssa lay sprawled across the couch.


“Lyss, are you sure you can perform?” Jenna asked.  “I mean, if you can’t, you can’t.  It’s okay.”


“No, Jen, I’m performing,” Elyssa insisted.


Jenna sighed and strode over to Elyssa, pressing her hand against Elyssa’s forehead.  “Lyssa, I think you have a fever again,” she said.


“No, I don’t.  Your hands are just cold,” Elyssa replied.   “I’m fine.”


Jenna shrugged.  “Okay…” she said reluctantly.  “You better start getting dressed then.”


Elyssa nodded, forcing herself up from the sofa.   She slowly took off her jeans and grabbed the black leather pants she was supposed to be wearing.   As she started to pull them on, Serena gasped.


“Elyssa!” she cried.


“What?” Elyssa asked, looking up in alarm.


“Your legs!” Serena gasped.


Elyssa looked down at her legs, then back up at Serena.  “What about them?” she asked.


“What did you do to them?  Where did all those bruises come from?” Serena asked, studying Elyssa’s bruised knees.


Elyssa shrugged.  “It’s probably just from all that dancing we do.  Either that, or crashing around in the tour bus.  You know what a klutz I can be.”


“No, I’m the klutz of the group,” Serena laughed.  Elyssa laughed too.  That was certainly true.


“But anyway, don’t you guys have bruises too from going down on our knees on stage everynight?” Elyssa asked.


“Yeah, my knees are pretty banged up too,” Jenna said.


“Yeah, I guess mine probably are too,” Ashalyn said with a shrug.  “I never really noticed.  Do yours hurt?”

“Nope, not really,” Elyssa said.  “They just look ugly.”


“Be glad you’re wearing pants then,” Jenna said.


“Yeah,” Elyssa said, smiling.


They finished getting dressed in silence and left the room, forgetting all about Elyssa’s fever and bruised knees.







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