Chapter 14

By Julie

“Let him go,” said Howie, as Kevin disappeared down the hall.  “He needs some time alone.”  Brian nodded and slumped back down in his chair.  

“Can we go see Nicky now?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.  Howie nodded.  “You two go ahead, I need some coffee.”

“Ok,” AJ replied solemnly and walked down the hall to Nick’s room.  Brian followed behind him.  AJ stopped at the door and punched in the code.  When the door opened, he and Brian hurried in.   They both walked up to Nick’s bed and took seats on either side of him. 


Ten minutes later, AJ could not stand sitting there any longer.  It was all getting to him too much.  He hated seeing one of his best friends lying there so still and lifelessly.  He stood up.

“I need to get out of here,” he told Brian.  Brian nodded.

“Yeah, me too,” he said.  He stood up and wiped the tears from his face.  “I’ll see you later, buddy,” he said to Nick, giving his hand a final squeeze before setting it down on the bed.  Then he and AJ left the room.  When they walked back out into the waiting room, neither Howie, nor Kevin was there.  “I hope Kev’s alright,” Brian said. 

“I’m sure he is,” said AJ.

“I don’t know.  He was pretty upset,” Brian said.

“Yeah, I know,” AJ replied.  “Where do you think he went?” 

“I have no clue,” Brian said.  “Do you think he left the hospital?”

“I don’t know.  Maybe he’s down in the cafeteria with Howie,” AJ suggested. 

“Ok, let’s go look,” said Brian.  They headed for the elevator and took it down to the main floor, where the cafeteria was located.  They walked in and looked around, finally spotting Howie sipping coffee at a table in the corner. 

“Hey, D.  Have you seen Kev anywhere?” AJ asked.

Howie shook his head.  “No,” he replied.  “Hasn’t he come back yet?”

“No,” Brian said sadly.  “I’m kind of worried about him.  He looked really upset.”

“Come on, Rok, let’s go look for him some more,” AJ said.  “See you later, D.”

“Ok, bye,” Howie said.  Brian and AJ hurried out of the cafeteria. 

“Let’s go down to the parking lot and see if he took the car anywhere,” suggested AJ.  “That way, we’ll know if he’s still here at the hospital or not.”

“Ok, good idea,” Brian replied.  They went to the parking lot, and sure enough, the blue Taurus was nowhere to be found.  “Where do you think he went?” Brian asked, his voice wavering with fear.

“Probably home,” AJ said.  “Let’s go there first and check.”

“Ok,” Brian said.  “But how will we get home?”

“Taxi,” AJ said with a grin.  They walked to the front of the hospital and hailed a taxi.  They climbed in and gave the driver their address.  Then they headed for home, hoping that Kevin would be there, safe and sound.


Meanwhile, Kevin stood in the dining room, tears streaming down his face, a bottle of Brian’s heart medication in his shaking hand.   “It’s all my fault,” he said out loud.  “I shouldn’t have yelled at him.  It’s all my fault.  I can’t go on living this way.”  He opened the bottle and started to shake out the pills into his hand.  But suddenly, he stopped.  A chill ran down his spine and the hairs on his neck stood up.  It was suddenly freezing in the room.  Kevin sensed someone behind him.  He quickly turned around, but no one was there.  He shrugged and turned back to the bottle of pills.  But when he looked up, he found himself face to face with a man.  It was not an ordinary man.  This man was see through, like a… “Ghost,” Kevin thought, his eyes wide.  “A ghost!”  Suddenly, the ghost reached out and knocked the bottle out of Kevin’s hand, spilling the pills all over the floor.  Kevin gasped, and stumbled back, suddenly dizzy.  The room spun wildly, and then, everything went black.


When the taxi pulled up in front of their house, AJ dug into his wallet to pay the driver, while Brian leaped out and hurried inside.  He had a bad feeling inside.  He hurried in the front door.  “Kevin!” he called, but there was no answer.  He hurried into the dining room and stopped dead in his tracks.  His cousin lay sprawled on the floor, a bottle of Brian’s pills scattered across the floor next to him.  “No!” Brian screamed.  “Kev!!”  Crying hysterically, he knelt beside Kevin and shook him roughly.  Just then, AJ entered the room and gasped at the scene that lay before him. 

“Oh my God!” he screamed.  “Is he… is he?” He could not get the words to come out. 

Brian said nothing, just continued shaking Kevin’s still form.  Suddenly, he gasped and pulled back.  Kevin slowly sat up and looked around, confused.  He saw Brian sitting next to him, his whole body shaking, tears pouring down his cheeks.  AJ stood next to Brian, his eyes wide with fright. 

“What’s wrong?” Kevin asked them.  AJ sighed with relief. 

“Oh, God, Kev, are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” Kevin replied.  Suddenly, the events of before came pouring back to him.  He looked at Brian.  “I saw the ghost,” he said.

Brian’s blue eyes widened.  “You did?” he asked.

Kevin nodded.  “I… I was going to take your pills,” he said, sounding ashamed.  “But he knocked them out of my hand.”

“What?!” AJ gasped.  “Kev, you were going to commit suicide?!?!”

Kevin nodded slowly.  “It’s all my fault,” he said, beginning to cry.  “Nicky’s dying, and it’s because of me!”

AJ knelt down and wrapped his arms around Kevin.  “Kevin, why do you think it’s your fault?” he asked gently.  “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“He kept talking about a ghost, and I yelled at him.  I thought he was the one who took Brian’s meds, since I found them in his bedroom, but I think it was the ghost all along.  He was right, and I didn’t believe him.  I just kept yelling at him.  He must have been so upset that I didn’t believe him, that he jumped off the balcony,” Kevin sobbed.

“Kevin, maybe he didn’t jump off the balcony,” Brian put in, speaking for the first time.  “I mean, the railing was broken.  Maybe it broke while he was leaning on it or something, and he fell.”

“You think so?” Kevin asked, looking hopeful.

“I don’t know.  It’s possible,” Brian said.  “Kev, I really don’t think Nicky would try to commit suicide.  I mean, I know he was upset, but you and him have been in fights a lot of times before.  He always gets over it eventually.”

“Yeah, I guess so.  I still feel horrible though.  I mean, he’s dying, and the last time I got to talk to him before it happened, I yelled at him,” Kevin said, sounding miserable. 

“Look Kev, let’s get back to the hospital now.  You can go talk to him.  They say people in comas can hear you,” AJ said. 

“Ok,” Kevin said, wiping tears from his eyes.  They stood up and walked out the door to the car, ready to go back to the hospital to be with their young friend.







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