Chapter 18


By Julie


AJ watched in horror as the car neared Brian.  He knew there was no time for it to stop or swerve out of the way.  But then, something happened.  A man appeared in the road next to Brian.  As the car was about to hit him, the man pushed Brian out of the way.  Brian tumbled back and landed on the pavement on the side of the road.


“Watch out!” AJ screamed to the man in the road, but he knew it was too late.  The car was already there.  AJ gasped as he watched the car not hit the man, but pass right through him, as if he were made of air.  AJ stared in astonishment at the man, who still stood there, unharmed.  No one else even seemed to notice him there.  Then AJ realized the man was nearly transparent.  “He’s a ghost,” AJ whispered.  “They weren’t lying, there really are ghosts.”  He blinked, and when he opened his eyes, the man was gone.  AJ stared at the spot in the road where he had stood only second ago.  Then he remembered Brian.  Snapping back to his senses, he hurried over to his friend, who was sitting in the grass on the side of the road. 


“Bri, are you okay?” he asked.  Brian was staring straight ahead, his hand holding onto his head.  “Bri?” AJ asked again, but received no answer.  “Brian, look at me!” he said, snapping his fingers in front of Brian’s eyes.  Finally, Brian slowly turned his head to look at AJ.  “Are you okay?” AJ asked again.  


“My head,” Brian said, his voice soft.  AJ saw that his hand was still on the side of his head.  He gently pulled Brian’s hand away and gasped.  Blood was dripping from a deep looking gash in the side of Brian’s head. 


“We need to have this looked at,” AJ said gently.  “You might need stitches.  Can you stand up?”  Brian nodded slowly and climbed to his feet.  As soon as he was standing, however, his knees gave out on him, and he nearly collapsed. AJ grabbed onto him and steadied him.  He could feel Brian’s whole body trembling.  “Come on, Bri, lean on me,” AJ said, putting Brian’s arm around his shoulder.  The two of them walked slowly back to the hospital, Brian leaning heavily on AJ to keep from falling again.



Nick found himself sitting in the grass under a tree on a hot summer day.  He looked around, confused as to where he was.  He saw a huge Victorian mansion sitting across the lawn in front of him.  Just a few yards away from where was sitting, a little girl was playing fetch with her puppy. 


"Come on, Jack, get the stick!" called the little girl, who looked about seven, as she threw a stick to her small black Scottish terrier puppy.  Jack raced over to the stick eagerly, but didn't pick it up.  The girl sighed and wiped her hand across her forehead.  "Goodness, it's hot today," she said.  "Come on, Jack, let's go inside."  She whistled to the dog, and he followed her across the yard to the large Victorian style house that lay before them.  Nick tagged along after them, very confused.  Everything looked so old fashioned, the girl, the house, everything.  He felt as if he had gone back in time.


Once inside the house, the girl lit a lamp and walked carefully down to the basement of the house, the only place that stayed cool in the summer.  Nick followed after her, eager to get out of the heat as well.   The child picked up something out of a basket and sat down in a rather dusty old chair.  Nick realized it was some kind of needlepoint picture as the girl began to sew on it. 


A few minutes later, Nick heard the dog barking from upstairs.  He looked over at the little girl, but she didn’t seem to hear the barking.  As the minutes went by, the dog’s barks grew more frantic sounding.  Wondering what the dog could be barking at, Nick went upstairs.  As he flung open the basement door, he gasped.  The entire kitchen was filled with flames!   There was no way out through the kitchen.  Terrified, Nick slammed the door closed and ran back downstairs.


“The house is on fire!” he yelled to the little girl, but she didn’t even look up.  “Hello?  I said the house is on fire!” Nick screamed again, louder this time.  The girl still didn’t hear him. Nick kept yelling at her, but finally gave up.  He didn’t know where he was or what was happening, but he knew the little girl couldn’t hear him. 


A few minutes later, he saw her nose twitch as she smelled the smoke.  Confused, she got up and walked to the steps.  She screamed when she saw the flames, already spreading down the stairs.  The fire was spreading quickly. 


“Get out of the way!” Nick cried, forgetting that she couldn’t hear him.  Just then, the flames leapt up onto the girl’s dress.  She shrieked and screamed, twisting around, trying to put out the fire.  It was no use, for the flames spread across her dress.  Nick squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to watch the child burn to death, but he could still hear her agonizing screams, even with his hands pressed over his ears.


Only a few minutes later, the screaming stopped.  Nick opened his eyes, but he could no longer see the girl.  The flames had enveloped her and were still spreading towards him.  Then, Nick heard a creaking, splintering sound coming from above. 


He screamed in horror as the ceiling caved in, the whole house falling down on top of him.








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