Chapter 11

Brian kept his word and called Morgan the next day when he got back to Orlando.

After that, the Boys were busy again, working on their new album. Plus, Brian had to help plan his and Leighanne's wedding, which was to be held on September 2nd.

Brian didn't think of Morgan until he and Leighanne were sitting down together planning who was to be in the wedding. Brian's brother Harold was going to be the best man. Kevin, Nick, AJ, and Howie would be groomsman and ushers. Leighanne had asked six of her friends to be bridesmaids. She had a nephew to be the ring bearer. But they were still in need of a flower girl.

That's when a picture of Morgan, all dressed up, scattering a basket of flower petals down the aisle, came into Brian's head. "She would make a wonderful flower girl," he thought. He knew that she might be well enough to be his flower girl, but he wanted her to be in the wedding. And he knew she would love to be the flower girl. So, he decided to give it a shot.

"Hey, Leigh, what about Morgan?" Brian suggested.

"Morgan? Oh, I don't know. Do you think she would be able to do it?" Leighanne asked, a little hesitant.

"I'm not sure. But I know she'd love to. She'd make a great flower girl. You've never seen her, Leigh, but she's absolutely adorable. She'd be perfect."

"Well, all right. You know I'd love to have her be our flower girl if she's able to do it," Leighanne said, smiling.

"Great!" said Brian. "I'll go call her now." He jumped up and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" someone said after a few rings.

"Hi, Lisa! This is Brian," Brian said.

"Oh hi, Brian! How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Pretty busy right now," he said.

"I bet you are, with a new album and a wedding coming up."

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. The wedding," Brian said.

"What about it?" Lisa asked.

"Well, I was wondering if Morgan would like to be my flower girl," Brian said.

"Well, gosh, Brian, that's very sweet of you. But I don't know how her health will be by then."

"I know. But if she's able to do it, I'd really love to have her in the wedding."

"I know she'd love to do it. When the time comes around, if she's able to do it, she will," Lisa said. "That's the most I can promise you."

"Thanks, Lisa. That's great. We'll try and find someone else to do it, just in case Morgan can't. But if she can, I want her to be the flower girl."

"You're a sweetie, Brian. You've helped so much to make Morgan happy."

"It's no problem. I care about Morgan. She's kind of like a little sister to me," Brian said. There was a pause. Brian thought he heard muffled crying. "Uh, is Morgan around?" Brian asked.

"She's asleep right now," Lisa said.

"Ok. Well, I'll let you go now. Talk to her about being the flower girl and tell her I said hi, ok?"

"All right, Brian. I'll do that. Thank you for calling," Lisa said.

"No problem. Take care," Brian said.

"You too," Lisa replied. Then they hung up, and Brian went back to where Leighanne was sitting.






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