Chapter 14


Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder and lightning flickered across the sky.  Morgan opened her eyes.  Brian could see the fright in them. 


"Brian?" she whimpered. 


"It's okay," Brian said, "I'm here."  He pulled her close to him and held her on his lap.  Morgan lay against his chest for a few minutes.  Then she jerked upright suddenly.


"What's the matter?" Brian asked, concerned.  Morgan was breathing hard.       


"My chest hurts," she said in a tiny, scared, voice.  Brian's eyes went wide. 


"Just lie back," he instructed her, settling her head back down on his lap.  "We'll be home soon."  Morgan lay back, but she was still breathing hard.  She started to relax, but flinched in pain a few minutes later. 


"It still hurts, Brian," she said, her blue eyes filling with tears.  Brian was terrified.  He knew there was nothing he could do for her while they were out in the ocean.


"Faster, Nick," Brian called to Nick.  Nick looked back.  "Drive faster.  We have to Morgan home," Brian said.  Nick nodded and sped the boat up. 


Brian looked back down at Morgan.  Her eyes showed clearly the pain she was in.  Brian ran his fingers through her strawberry-blonde curls, trying to comfort her.  He was trying to stay calm himself.  He knew he could never forgive himself if something happened to her. 


Suddenly, Morgan jerked again.  She sat up, gasping for breath, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.


"I-I can't breath," she panted, her voice sounding terrified.


"Relax, Morgan.  Take deep breaths," Brian told her, trying to hide the panic in his voice.  Morgan put her hand on her chest and struggled to catch her breath.  She clutched Brian's hand tightly. 


Suddenly, Morgan collapsed back onto Brian's lap.  Brian watched in horror as her eyes rolled back into her head and her grip on his hand relaxed.  Her chest stopped heaving.


"Morgan!" Brian screamed.  Nick whipped around at the sound of Brian's agonizing scream.  He watched in horror as Brian jumped up and begin to give Morgan artificial respiration.   He forced himself to turn away from the sight and concentrate on getting them back.  He could see the shore from where they were.  They were almost home. 


Brian gave Morgan two breaths and then grabbed her wrist, trying to feel for a pulse.  He found none.  He cupped his hands and began to give Morgan CPR. 


Within a few minutes, they reached the marina.  Brian scooped up Morgan and leapt out of the boat.  He left Nick to shut it off and tie it up and ran to the nearest building, a small café.  He ran inside.  


"Call 911!" he yelled to a waitress inside.  She took one look at the limp child in his arms and ran to the back of the restaurant to call 911.  Brian lay Morgan down on the phone and continued CPR.  An ambulance arrived only a few minutes later, but to Brian, it seemed like an eternity.  He stood back in relief as the paramedics took over.  They worked on Morgan for a few minutes and then loaded her onto a stretcher and took her out to the ambulance.  Nick was waiting outside. 


"Come on," Brian called to him, as he started to climb into the ambulance.


"Sorry, sir, there's not room for both of you," a paramedic said, stopping him. 


"Come with me, Brian.  I'll drive you," Nick said. 


"Alright, let's go," Brian said.  They ran as fast as they could to Nick's car and headed for the hospital.







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