Chapter 15

Brian and Nick arrived at the hospital in record time. Nick dropped Brian off at the emergency entrance and went to park the car. Brian ran inside.

He tried to stay calm as he walked over to the receptionist's desk.

"Excuse me, ma'am," he said quickly. "Did some paramedics just bring a little girl in here?"

"Yes, they did," the receptionist replied.

"Where did they take her?" Brian asked.

"They took her to one of the rooms down the hall, but you can't go back there now. You need to go take a seat in the waiting room," the receptionist told him. Brian sighed.

"Okay, thanks," Brian said. He wandered into the waiting room and took a seat. He shifted nervously and glanced at the clock every few seconds.

Nick came in a few minutes later. He had his cell phone with him.

"Do you think we should call Morgan's parents?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," Brian said. "I forgot about that."

Nick could see that Brian was worried sick. "I'll do it," he told Brian. "Just give me the number." Brian dug around in his pocket, looking for the piece of paper Dave had written his cell phone number on. He finally found it and handed it to Nick.

Nick dialed the number and waited. Finally, a man answered.

"Hello?" the man said.

"Uh…hi, Dave?" Nick asked.

"This is he," Dave said.

"Hi, Dave, this is Nick Carter," Nick said.

"Well, I've got all the Backstreet Boys calling me now," Dave said, chuckling.

Nick didn't laugh. "Dave, I've got some bad news," he said, swallowing hard. Dave stopped laughing when he heard the serious tone of Nick's voice.

"What's wrong?" he asked, an icy feeling forming in the bottom of his stomach.

"Morgan got sick on the boat. We took her to the hospital, but we don't know what's wrong with her yet," Nick explained.

"Which hospital?" Dave asked.

"Tampa General," Nick replied.

"All right, we'll be there as soon as we can," Dave said. "Thanks for calling."

"No problem. See you soon," Nick said, hitting the end button on his cell phone. He turned to Brian. "Dave said they'll be here as soon as they can," he told him.

Brian nodded absently. He was busy biting his nails and glancing up at the clock.






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